unit 4 Flashcards
n. The chest is the front part of a body between the neck and stomach. The water in the lake was as high as my chest.
n. Confidence is a feeling of certainty or ability. I have confidence that I did well on the test.
n. A consequence is a result of a choice or action. As a consequence of missing my bus I had to find another way to work.
n. A disaster is a really bad thing that happens. When the car crashed it was a disaster.
v. To disturb someone means to upset that person. The loud noise disturbed me while I was working.
v. To estimate something means to make a guess about it. The boy estimated that he was one meter tall.
v. To honor is to show respect for someone or something. Each year we honor those who died fighting for their country.
V. To impress someone means to make that person proud or amazed. He was able to impress the girls with his new dance.
adj. A narrow object or space is thin not wide. The bridge is too narrow for a car to drive across it.
adj. Pale means that a color or thing is not bright. The girl’s skin was very pale.
adj. A rough thing is not even or smooth. The rough ground hurt my feet.
v. To satisfy someone means to make that person happy. It will satisfy my teacher if I finish all my homework.
v. To scream means to make a loud noise with your mouth. The girl saw a spider and screamed.
adj. A sensitive person or thing is easily hurt. My teeth are sensitive to cold things.
n. Shade is a dark area that something makes when it blocks the sun. It was hot outside so the boy sat in the shade of a tree.
n. Strength is the ability to do hard work or exercise. Eating good food builds up your strength.
V. To supplement something is to add something else to it in a good way. He supplements his diet with fresh fruits.
n. Terror is a feeling of very strong fear. I felt a sense of terror when the tiger chased me.
n. A threat is something bad that might happen. Due to the dark clouds there was a threat of a bad storm.
n. A victim is a person who is hurt by a bad action. I was a victim of a robbery.