unit 30 Flashcards
n. An appliance is a piece of equipment used for jobs in the home. Many homes have appliances like ovens toasters and refrigerators.
n. A basin is large bowl for washing things. A sink is sometimes called a basin. She filled the basin with water and washed her face.
n. A broom is a brush with a long handle used for cleaning floors. My father usually uses a broom to sweep away dust in the basement.
n. A caterpillar is a small insect that looks like a worm and eats plants. After eating a lot of leaves caterpillars change into butterflies.
n. A cupboard is a piece of furniture that is used to store food or household items. We put all of our dishes and food in the cupboards.
adj. Delicate things are easy to break or harm. You should hold the baby carefully because she’s very delicate.
v. To emerge from something means to come out of it. A groundhog emerged from a snow covered hole.
n. A handicap is a condition that limits someone’s mental or physical abilities. Joe has a slight handicap so he uses a walker to get around.
n. A hole is a hollow space in something solid. They made a big hole in the wall.
n. A hook is a sharp curved piece of metal used for catching or holding things. The fish went after the sharp hook.
V. To hop means to jump a short distance. The kangaroo quickly hopped away from danger.
n. Laundry is clothes that have been or need to be washed. He folded the clean laundry and put the dirty laundry in a basket.
V. To pursue is to chase or follow someone or something. The mother pursued her young child down the hill.
adj. Reluctant means not wanting to do something. She was reluctant to say that she saw the robbery.
n. Sleeves are the part of a shirt in which arms go. Ryan bought a new shirt with long sleeves to keep his arms warm.
n. The spine is the group of bones that run up and down the middle of the back. Our spine helps us to stand up nice and straight.
n. A stain is a dirty mark that is difficult to clean. He had a red stain on the collar of his shirt.
n. A strip is a long narrow piece of material or land. He had long strips of film that held images of his trip abroad.
V. To swear means to promise to do something. I will put my hand on the Bible and swear to do my best for the country.
v. To swing something means to move it back and forth or from side to side. He can swing a golf club very powerfully.