unit 1 Flashcards
conj. Because introduces a reason for something. We need to study because we have a test tomorrow.
n. East is the direction the sun rises from. My window looks to the eastt so I can watch the sunrise every morning.
adj. Expensive things cost a lot of money. My friend drives an expensive sports car.
n. A flower is the colored part of a plant. She gave pink flowers to her grandmother.
n. A garden is an area where people grow plants. The garden is very bright and colorful in the spring.
n. A holiday is a special day of celebration. Monday was a holiday so there was no school or work..
adj. Many shows that there is a large number of something. There are many people on the street.
n. A million is another way to write the number 1 000 000. Almost 19 million people live in Delhi India.
n. A mountain is a very high hill. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
n. A place is a space or area. A library is a place where people can read books.
adj. A popular thing is liked by many people. These people are listening to a popular man speak.
ski [ski:]
v. To ski is to glide on long pieces of wood or metal over snow. The man likes to ski and goes every weekend.
adj. Such means “like this”. I have never seen such a beautiful sunset before.
n. Total shows that everyone or everything has been counted. The total cost of the items she bought was $52.
n. A tower is a tall narrow building. This is a very famous tower in Italy.