unit 19 Flashcards
A ball is a round object that is thrown kicked or hit in a game or sport. Seth bought a new soccer ball.
The bottom is the lowest part point or level of something. Sarah is so tall that her feet can touch the bottom of the swimming pool.
A company is a business or organization that makes or sells goods or services I want to work for a small software company.
To drink is to take liquid into the body through the mouth. The woman likes to drink water after she exercises.
ad A few things is a small number of them. I have only a few coins.
A line is a row of people or things. This is the longest line I have ever seen.
A pet is an animal such as a cat or dog that people keep and care for. Tyler likes to spend time with his pet dog.
A product is something grown or made in a factory in order to be sold. There’s no room for even one more product in Melissa’s bag.
adj A responsible person is in charge of someone or something. Peter is responsible for leading his department.
To sell is to give something to someone in exchange for money. This man’s job is to sell houses.
n. A snake is an animal with a long thin body and no legs. Be careful of the snake in the tree.
To stand is to use the legs and feet to hold the body upright Allan prefers to stand and work at his desk.
adj. A strange thing is unusual or surprising. They are wearing strange masks.
n. Tea is a drink made by pouring boiling water onto dried leaves Many people drink green tea because it has many health benefits.
v. To test is to examine something to see if its quality is good. His job is to test the electricity to make sure it works correctly.
n. A tongue is the movable muscle inside the mouth that is used to speak eat and drink. The cat uses its tongue to drink water.
pron. They refers to two or more people or things. They are playing a fun game.
n. A type is a particular kind or group of things or people. Tulips are a type of flower.
adv. Very is used to emphasize an adjective or adverb. An elephant is a very big animal.
v. To wait is to stay in a place until an expected event happens. She has to wait for the airplane to arrive.