unit 23 Flashcards
adj. The best person or thing is better than all the others. I got the best score on the math test.
n. A card is a small piece of plastic or paper used to buy or use things. Adam used his library card to borrow a book.
n. A crowd is a large group of people who are together in one place. The crowd waved to the camera.
n. A day is a period of twenty-four hours beginning at midnight. There are two more days until the weekend.
n. A dish is a type of food that is cooked in a particular way. My favorite dish at the restaurant is chicken curry.
adj. An easy action is not difficult to do. Karen is happy because her English homework is easy.
v. To experience is to do or see something or have something happen to you. Going to the concert was the best thing I’ve ever experienced.
n. A hotel is a place where people stay overnight when they are traveling. This family is staying at their favorite hotel.
n. An hour is sixty minutes. The man waited for the train for over an hour.
n. Light is a form of energy or brightness that makes it possible to see something. I will turn on the light so that you can see.
n. A market is a place where people buy and sell products or food. I go to the market every weekend to buy vegetables.
v. To plan is to think about and arrange the details of something you want to do. It’s Sam’s turn to plan the company party.
n. The price is the amount of money needed to pay for something. Julie is checking the price of a sweater.
adj. A short thing is not long or not tall. The days are short in the winter.
v. To shop is to visit places where goods are sold in order to look at and buy things. Tom decided to shop for groceries on his way home.
n. A station is a place where buses and trains stop for passengers. This man is waiting at the train station.
v. To surprise is to cause something that is unexpected. His parents decided to surprise him with a puppy.
n. A system is a group of related parts that move or work together. This device controls the building’s heating system.
n. A taxi is a car and driver that you pay to take you somewhere. Gary drives a taxi so he knows the roads very well.
adj. Two is the word for the number 2. Two friends study together at the coffee shop.