unit 7 Flashcards
where behavioral methods are used in biomedical research
Drug development
Therapeutic testing
Animal models of disease
Behavioral phenotyping
As tools for analyzing behavior
tools for analyzing behavior
behaviors that rely on learning, memory, and cognition are all examples of areas where behavioral studies have provided important insights.
drug development and therapeutic testing
new pharmaceutical compounds must be tested for effects on animals first to determine if further development is likely to be worthwhile. This testing involves the effects of the drugs on animal behavior. This includes behavioral testing of offspring of mothers dosed with drugs during pregnancy.
behavioral phenotyping
a behavioral phenotype is the pattern of behavior that is associated with biological disorders. For example, you might ask if an animal exhibits the kind of behavior you expect to see in a human with schizophrenia. Perceptual, motor, cognitive and social behaviors are included. Manipulating genes, gene expression to give different phenotypes.
animal models of disease
behavioral studies can be useful for studying the mechanisms of disease and determining the origins and progression of diseases.
the uses of behavioral studies in pharmacology
What behavioral changes are induced by a drug?
Does a drug have therapeutic potential?
Does a drug have toxic or teratological effects?
What psychological processes are affected by a drug?
simple classes of behavior
Reflexes and Locomotor Responses
Stereotyped pattern
Lack spontaneity (stimulus bound)
Instinctive and Motivated Behaviors
More complex in form than reflexes and sequenced
Fixed action patterns
Appetitive and consumatory phases
Do not require prior experience
complex classes of behavior
Learned Behavioral Changes
Classical conditioning
Instrumental conditioning
Tests of cognitive function
reflexes and locomotor responses
are behaviors that the animals are born capable of doing, i.e., they are innate. They are very stereotypical meaning the behavioral response looks very much the same each time the animal does it. We also say the responses are stimulus bound– the animal doesn’t spontaneously make the behavior, rather, the behavior is made in response to the presence of a stimulus.
instinctive and motivated behaviors are more complex than reflexes and involve
sequences of actions, sometimes put together in fixed action patterns: A fixed action pattern is basically a sequence of behavior that cannot be changed and that once started, is carried to completion. These behaviors often have appetitive and consummatory phases in which the appetitive phase is the searching out of some stimulus and the consummatory phase is doing a characteristic pattern of behavior after acquiring the stimulus to achieve the satisfaction of a specific drive.
complex behaviors require
training involving kinds of conditioning, either classical or instrumental (i.e., Pavlovian vs Skinnerian). Tests of cognitive function are placed in this category.
involuntary and uncontrollable shaking of the body or body parts
sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain which can cause changes in behavior, including tremors
a drooping of the eyelids can be a symptom of nerve/muscle problems
can be an indivator of parasympathetic nervous system effects, excess salivation means the PNS activity is increased
harderian secretion
involves secretions from glands in the eyes
- in rats it is an excellent indicator that the animal is subjected to one or more stressors including an illness
can be used as indices of fear and anxiety
- the more fecal boli a rodent deficates, the more afaid he is
a healthy, happy animal will groom itself, a sick, moribund animal will not
placing response
a test assessing proprioceptive abilities. the first test is to lift an animal and bring the surface of a paw up to a table edge. the normal animal will position its paw onto the surface properly, if an animal cannot do this it implies that there is either a motor deficit or damage to the sensory pathway for propriception
righting response
the righting reflex, is a reflex that corrects the orientation of the body when it is taken out of normal position
a sudden and transient episode of muscle weakness
withdrawal reflex
nociceptive or flexor withdrawal reflex, is a spinal reflex intended to protect the body from damaging stimuli
-This withdrawal reflex, i.e., the “tail-flick” is an example of a response, to a painful thermal stimulus. There is a heat source under the tail. As the heat increases to painful levels, the rat or mouse flicks its tail to escape the heat. An increase in the latency of the tail-flick response is a measure of the analgesic effects of a drug. The apparatus is programmed in a way that the heat turns off automatically before there is any tissue damage or harm to the animal.
- Very accurate way to measure analgesics
locomotor responses
open field, running wheel, activity cages, swimming, running wheel, rotarod
these are other simple behaviors used to assess locomotor responses
These tests could tell you something about:
1) motor systems and dopaminergic systems that control motor behavior in the basal ganglia
2) Psychological processes like anxiety and motivation.
3) cholinergic systems that directly affect the neuromuscular junction
open field test
The open field test is a common measure of exploratory behavior, general motor activity and anxiety (i.e., fear).
Animals with low levels of anxiety are more likely to explore the central area of the open arena (far right) than animals with high levels of anxiety. Animals with high levels of anxiety will display reduced locomotion and exploration, with a preference to stay close to the walls of the open field arena (far left). It can be used to test the efficacy of anxiolytics (a medication that inhibits anxiety) and even anxiogenics (drugs that increase anxiety).
recording the wheel-running activity of a hamster
The rodent Activity Wheel is a simple way to register animal physical activity in its home cage environment.
This tool is particularly relevant for research involving circadian rhythms, phenotyping and drug testing. Typically, the time and distance run on a voluntary running wheel are monitored over several days or weeks to determine whether a substance or experimental manipulation affects exercise behavior. The running wheel is commonly used in studies of obesity and energy balance as a surrogate for general activity.
rotarod apparatus
-measures coordinated motor activity.
In order to stay on the rod, the mouse must walk in a direction opposite the direction of rotation.
The test measures parameters such as riding time (typically in seconds) or endurance. Because of concern for impairment in human motor behavior from the use of prescription medications, the rotarod test is frequently used in early stages of drug development to screen out drugs that might later cause subtle impairments, which might not be detected epidemiologically in a human population for a very long time.
instinctive and motivated behaviors
ingestive, courtship, reproductive, parental care, social, aggression, flight (escape)
-A wide variety of motivated behaviors are used to study drug effects. These behaviors are no longer simple motor skills but are behaviors performed to satisfy physiological and reproductive needs of the animal and involve social aspects.
recording patterns of food and water intake
If you are interested in obesity and weight control, you may intensely study drug effects on eating behavior itself, for example.
- Prandial drinking – taking a drink or lick of water right after eating, seen in conditioned desalivated rats (desalivated means take the salivary glands out)
These are examples of discrete aggressive behaviors that can be measured. Aggressive grooming, sideways threat, boxing, attack biting and aggressive-submission. Amphetamines and anabolic steroids tend to increase this behavior.
- Resident becomes the dominant animal and the intruder becomes the submissive animal –> go through aggression rituals
learning and memory
have long been studied using procedures based on both classical and operant conditioning. However, these conditioning procedures also have a long history of usefulness in evaluating drug effects on analgesia, anxiety, addiction potential, and drug discrimination.
non-associative learning
sensitization and habituation
associative learning
classical conditions (pavlov) and instrumental learning (skinner box)
an increase in response magnitude to a repeated stimulus
a reduction in response magnitude to a repeated stimulus
classical conditioning
theory involves learning a new behavior via the process of association.
- In simple terms, two stimuli are linked together to produce a newly learned response. An innate response to a potent stimulus comes to be elicited in response to a previously neutral stimulus; this is achieved by repeated pairings of the neutral stimulus with the potent stimulus.
learning, memory and cognition
instrumental learning and cognitive tests
- mazes
- simple
- complex
- complex problem solving
instrumental learning: thorndike’s puzzle box
Through instrumental conditioning, an individual makes an association between a behavior and a consequence.
More than 100 years ago, Thorndike first studied the relationship and a consequence using cats as his research subjects. He timed how long it took the cats to make the appropriate response to escape a “puzzle box”. This might be by pressing a lever inside the box or pulling on some string to open the door. Over time, the cats made the response more quickly, showing that they had learned that a particular behavior was associated with getting out of the box.
instrumental learning: operant conditioning chamber (skinner box) and a cumulative recorder
Instrumental learning has been extensively studied using rats (and pigeons) in “Skinner boxes”. The rat typically presses a lever in the cage to receive a reward, often a small pellet of food. Once the animal has learned the connection between pressing the lever and delivery of reward, the contingencies can be altered according to changes in the schedule of reinforcement for receiving reward.
instrumental learning: continuous and intermittent reinforcement
This figure shows a few different rates and patterns of lever pressing behavior produced by rewarding animals on different schedules.
Note the high rates of responding on the ratio schedules and comparably lower rates of responding on the interval schedules. This is because animals on interval schedules learn that responding immediately after reward will likely not be rewarded—so they pause their behavior producing the characteristic “fixed interval scallops”. However, if the interval is variable, then fairly constant rates of responding follow (because sometimes they might be rewarded right after receiving reward!).
(or the variant Y-maze) is a simple maze used in animal cognition experiments to study how rodents function with memory and spatial learning. It is shaped like the letter T (or Y), providing the subject, typically a rodent, with a straightforward choice. The different tasks, such as left-right discrimination and forced alternation, are mainly used with rodents to test reference and working memory. More complex mazes add degrees of difficulty to the task.
spontaneous alteration
Reference memory is a kind of long-term memory while working memory is temporary memory used for immediate responses.
morris water maze
is widely used to study spatial learning and memory.
There is a submerged escape platform that the rats must first blindly find by swimming throughout the tank and then re-find it again in future trials by remembering the position of the platform in relation to cues from the room. It can also be used to assess damage to particular cortical regions of the brain. It is used to measure the effect of neurocognitive disorders and drugs on spatial learning and possible neural treatments.
complex maze: the radial arm maze
also used to measure spatial learning and memory in rats.
It typically has eight equidistantly spaced arms, all radiating from a small circular central platform, with food placed at the ends. The design ensures that, after checking for food at the end of each arm, the rat is always forced to return to the central platform before making another choice. As a result, the rat always has eight possible options.
(Reference memory is assessed when the rats only visit the arms of the maze which contains the reward. The failure to do so will result in reference memory error. Working memory is assessed when the rats enter each arm a single time. Re-entry into the arms would result in a working memory error.)
test of cognitive function
the delayed response task
-task is a test of working memory.
The subject responds on the basis of stored internal representations (i.e., memory) rather than information currently present. Typically, the subject receives a brief visual stimulus, like a piece of food, that is then withdrawn and, after a delay of several seconds, attempts to identify the location where the stimulus appeared. They are rewarded if correct.
post-mortem examination
A classic procedure is old-fashioned postmortem examination which involves looking at the brain on a gross anatomical level. This figure shows the shrunken brain and enlarged ventricles associated with Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia involving progressive loss of psychological functions as a result of widespread loss of cortical and subcortical neurons. Upon autopsy, the brain is clearly shrunken, and the ventricles typically enlarged, showing massive loss of tissue from dying neurons.
- Loss of cells
- Several techniques have been developed to determine where in the brain a drug molecule distributes and binds to receptors.
An autoradiograph is an image on an x-ray film or nuclear emulsion produced by the pattern of decay emissions (e.g., beta particles or gamma rays) from a distribution of a radioactive substance. The film or emulsion is apposed to the labeled tissue section to obtain the autoradiograph (also called an autoradiogram). The auto- prefix indicates that the radioactive substance is within the sample, - Orange areas on the brain show where the administered cocaine bound to the receptors
a common laboratory technique that is used to anatomically visualize the localization of a specific protein or antigen in cells by use of a specific primary antibody that binds to it. The primary antibody allows visualization of the protein under a fluorescence microscope.
This is done by injecting animals with the protein of interest, or a peptide fragment and, after a secondary immune response is stimulated, isolating antibodies from whole serum. The brain tissue is treated with a bath containing the antibodies for staining purposes.
- Immune system discussed last unit – think of how they connect to each other
in situ hydridization
is a technique that allows for precise localization of a specific segment of nucleic acid within a histologic section. The underlying basis of ISH is that nucleic acids can be detected through the application of a complementary strand of nucleic acid.
encephalogram showing ventricles of the brain
taken after replacing some of the cerebrospinal fluid with air or oxygen so that the brain cavities show clearly.
- The brain is fairly homogenous as well as its structure is concerned besides the ventricles so it can be hard to visualize on an x-ray
internal carotid arteriogram
Arteriography or angiography is an imaging technique used to visualize the inside of blood vessels and organs of the body. This is traditionally done by injecting a radio-opaque contrast medium and X-rays to observe the flow of blood through arteries (figure) to note any blockages. The technique was developed by the Portuguese physician and neurologist Egas Moniz.
In CT scanning the transmission of x-rays through tissue is read at each point of beam intersection. Multiple narrow beams of x-rays are rotated 180º around one side of the skull while the x-ray detectors are rotated around the opposite side in an identical path. At each degree of rotation, tube and detectors, now moving linearly, make a series of transmission readings (up to several hundred, depending on the model). The transmission characteristics, or radiodensity, of a single region of tissue are calculated by summing the transmission readings of all beams passing through that region. The spatial resolution of CT scans is limited to the distance between these intersection points. The result for each “slice” of brain is a matrix computed from thousands of intersecting radiation intensity measurements, translated into numbers (attenuation coefficients) and visually displayed as areas that are relatively dark or light.
in-vivo imaging of the brain PET method
A. The nucleus of an unstable radionuclide emits a positron, which travels a certain distance before it collides with an electron and is annihilated emitting two gamma rays, which then travel in precisely opposite directions. The site of positron annihilation that is imaged may be a few millimeters from the site of origin. For example, the distance between sites of origin and annihilation is 2 mm for 18F and 3 mm for 15O. The distance between the emitting nucleus and site where the positron is annihilated is an absolute limit on the spatial resolution of PET scan images.
B. Gamma rays are detected by an array of crystals and photomultipliers that surround the head. Only signals that are detected simultaneously by diagonally photomultipliers are recorded.
- Areas of the brain that are more active are more likely to have more glucose present in a scan
PET scans assess
functional brain activity of people as they undertake different sorts of tasks, such as speaking, reading, and writing. PET entails injecting radioactive substances that decay rapidly into the bloodstream to reach the brain. As the radioactivity decays, it gives off photons, allowing a computer to draw their location on a 2- or 3-dimensional reconstruction of the brain. For example, if a form of radioactive oxygen is administered, more active parts of the brain that use more oxygen can be identified and correlated with the behavior. Damaged brain areas use less oxygen. PET can image many chemicals, thus diseases characterized by chemical changes can be imaged.
use strong magnetic fields, magnetic field gradients, and radio waves acting on spinning atoms to generate images of the organs in the body. MRI calculates the location of spinning atoms by detecting the electrical charge their movement generates. Because brain tissue varies in its concentration of molecules (for example, in nerve fibers versus cell bodies), MRI can use regional differences to reveal excellent brain images.
the principle of magnetic resonance imaging
A radiofrequency pulse will excite atomic nuclei, flipping them from the parallel state into the higher energy antiparallel state. Relaxation of the nuclei back into the low energy state generates the MRI signal.
functional magnetic resonance imaging
MRI can also determine the relative concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood passing through the brain and so can be used to determine regional differences in brain activity. When neural tissue is more active, it consumes more oxygen. Increased oxygen consumption increases local blood flow. This exaggerates the local difference in proportion of blood that has oxygen and blood that doesn’t. This difference can be measured and used by computer to plot where the increased neural activity is happening. Thus, brain function (functional MRI, fMRI) can be imaged and superimposed on brain anatomy (MRI).
- Blood flow increases
stereotaxic surgery
There are brain maps of many species of animal, including humans, in which brain areas are located by a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. For the surgery, a landmark on the skull is identified and its coordinates determined using the stereotactic instrument. Then, the difference between the landmark on the skull and the targeted brain area is computed in all 3 directions to determine where to drill a hole in the skull to access the target site.
deep brain stimulation
Apply to areas that are under excited in order to balance brain activity
manipulating the brain: ablation and lesions
Cortical Aspiration
Electrolytic Lesions
Radiofrequency Lesions
Excitotoxic Lesions
- For cortical ablation, a small pipette with a tube attached to provide suction can be used to remove small areas of the brain, usually on the surface of the brain, such as cortex.
- Suction off a portion of the cortex
electrolytic lesions are caused by
passing substantial electrolytic current through the tip of an electrode to destroy surrounding tissue.
-These are examples of lesions to the subfornical organ, a circumventricular organ (Fig A, B) and to control tissue (Fig C, D), i.e., not the SFO. This type of lesion will include cell bodies, of course, but also any “fibers of passage” that may traverse the area. The control lesions help determine specificity of effects that may be observed to destruction of the target, i.e., SFO, tissue.
- Blood brain barrier deficient areas
excitotoxic lesions are made by
injecting small volumes of excitatory substances into an area that causes the cells to become overactive and die. This destroys cell bodies but leaves fibers of passage intact. Note that the dark cells in figure A (control) are not present in figure B (excitotoxic lesion).
- Apply chemicals that excite neurons
effect of antisense on protein synthesis
Antisense RNA can prevent the translation of RNA into product proteins. Antisense RNA, also referred to antisense oligonucleotide, is a single stranded RNA that is complementary to a protein coding messenger RNA with which it hybridizes, and thereby blocks its translation into protein
brain stimulation
electrical stimulation of discrete brain areas or chemical stimulation of discrete brain areas. The top right figure depicts an electrode placed deep within rat brain tissue that can be used to emit small amounts of electricity continuously or in small bursts to stimulate surrounding tissue. The figure in lower left depicts one way to infuse solutions with drug. The bottom right shows how the electrodes or cannula are secured to the skull using tiny screws and dentil cement.
If you think a structure is involved, remove it and see what happens as a result
Counter experiment = excite
the portion of the brain that you want to know more about
Depend on stereotaxis surgery in order to get to specific areas of the brain
Administer cytotoxins (will discuss more in a later unit)
Chemicals that would mimic the action of neurotransmitters or other neurotransmitters
Screws put into the skull
In chemical stimulation, insert a hypodermic needle
Dialysis probe – having a membrane that allows certain substances out into circulation and the membranes are chosen for specific size and molecular weight
electrophysiological monitoring
method to record electrical activity of the brain. It is typically noninvasive, with the electrodes placed along the scalp, although invasive electrodes implanted deep within tissue are sometimes used. The EEG measures the net sum of the electrical activity of billions of cortical neurons at any moment. These electrical measures are voltage fluctuations resulting from ionic current within the neurons of the brain.
- Electrodes embedded in the hat and line up along the scalp
In order to examine what is happening deep inside the brain, animals are typically used. The cartoon depicts a recording electrode placed deep into the animal’s brain (e.g., perhaps hypothalamus). The lower graph is the actual recording of neural activity from the cells surrounding the tip of an electrode in an animal study.
sampling brain chemicals
- The amounts of chemicals in the entire brain, or in discrete brain areas, can be measured. In the technique shown here, small amounts of brain tissue are “punched” out of the brain and assayed for neurotransmitter content (or whatever else is desired to look at).
- microdialysis is used for continuous measurement of the concentration of chemicals, e.g., neurotransmitters, in the extracellular fluid of brain tissue. A small amount of fluid is pushed into the microdialysis tube while simultaneously a small amount of fluid is pulled out. The fluid that is pulled out will have fluid from the extracellular space (containing neurotransmitter) mixed in it.
involves the response of biological tissue to determine the amount of a substance
chemical assay
involves a physical detection method to the amount of substance
involves the use of a radiolabeled ligand to determine the amount of a substance
measuring chemicals in the brain
After getting the sample from the tissue or from the micro-dialysis
Dependent on the nature of the tissue and how much activity
Bioassay – otto loewi’s determine whether it was a chemical or electro transmission involved in the beating of the heart
assays and the standard curve
Bioassay = Involves the response of biological tissue to determine the amount of a substance. In the figure, the rate of plant growth is used to determine the amount of a chemical in the soil.
Chemical Assay = Involves a physical detection method to the amount of a substance. In the example here, the change in color is used to determine the effectiveness of a drug/chemical.
A standard curve is a type of graph used as a quantitative research technique. Multiple samples with known properties are measured and graphed, which then allows the same properties to be determined for unknown samples by interpolation on the graph. The samples with known properties are the standards, and the graph is the standard curve. Making a scale based off of different doses and their response, dependent on the level of the chemical present.