unit 4: physiology, neurochemistry, and pharmacology of neurons Flashcards
inside and outside axon
more K+ concentrated inside the cell than outside and there is more Na+ concentration outside the cell than inside
electrostatic forces and diffusion potential
Hodgkins and Huxley found that the basis of the action potentials they measured was the movement of sodium and potassium ions across the cell membrane.
Because of the differences in concentrations of different ions inside the nerve cell vs outside the nerve cell, there are two forces on the ions to make the ions want to move.
The two main forces that drive movement of ions across cell membranes are electrostatic forces and diffusion.
– electrical charges want to equilibrate!
– chemicals want to equilibrate!
relative concentration of ions and contribution to resting membrane potential
The electrical difference between the outside and inside of the cell is called a “potential” it is the difference
The difference is across the membrane, so it is called the “membrane potential”
When the neuron is at rest – not communicating, this difference is called the “resting membrane potential”
ion pump is coupled
it pumps sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions in. It used considerable biological energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) because it must pump both ions against their concentration gradients. Since it is a protein, its activity is determined by the concentration of its “substrate,” which is sodium ions inside and potassium ions outside. The more sodium inside the cell, the more active the pump becomes—a perfect example of a self-regulating system. adenosine diphosphate = ADP
factors that establish the resting membrane potential
The distribution of charged ions difference between the inside (intracellular) and outside (extracellular) space of neurons
Sodium-potassium pump keeps neurons in the resting state
Electrostatic forces and diffusion potential are the forces that will ultimately determine ion movement across the cell membrane
“injecting” current into cells
Changes in neuron membrane potential can be induced artificially by “injecting” current into the cell. By injecting negative vs. positive current into the cell, you can make the potential difference across the membrane either more or less respectively, manipulate the cell membrane
excitatory potential (EP)
cells start to become depolarized (inside is increasingly positive)
inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IP)
cell becomes hyperpolarized (inside is increasingly negative)
decrease in potential; membrane less negative
return to resting potential after depolarization
increase in potential; membrane more negative
increasing positive current into the cell
makes the difference between inside and outside the cell less, so the cell is less polarized = depolarization
the cell returns to resting level
making the inside more negative again and thus more polarized = repolarization
decremental conduction of membrane potential change down an axon
The voltage response in a passive neuronal process decays with distance due to electronic conduction. Current injected into a neuronal process by a microelectrode follows the path of least resistance to the return electrode in the extracellular fluid (A). The thickness of the arrows represents membrane current density at any point along the process. Under these conditions the change in Vm decays exponentially with distance from the site of current injection (B). The distance at which Vm has decayed to 37% of its value at the point of current injection defines the length constant, .
Decremental conduction. When a subthreshold depolarization is applied to the axon, the disturbance in the membrane potential is largest near the stimulating electrode and gets progressively smaller at distances farther along the axon.
The further you get away from the stimulus the lower the amplitude gets, this can be measured up and down the axon, the current depolarizes as it moves further away
neurons are sensitive to stimuli
- For example, to mechanical and chemical stimuli and to voltage changes across the cell membrane
- Stimuli can cause the opening or closing of ion channels
- Ions cant diffuse across membranes. They use channels or “pores” so we need to know what can cause ion channels to open and close
voltage-gated ion channels
Voltage dependent channels change their shape when the potential difference becomes sufficiently positive. The figure shows a channel protein molecule with voltage sensing dominas and a pore domain. You can just see aspects of the pore domain move in response to the change in electrical potential of the membrane
Some ion channels are sensitive to the electrical potential difference across the cell membrane
Voltage-gated sodium and potassium channels open when the PD becomes sufficiently positive
opening and closing of voltage gated channels
Left: Voltage-gated ion channels are responsive to changes in the membrane potential itself. If the electrical potential across the cell membrane changes enough (depolarizes enough) the pore opens and the ion can move. Note: there is a brief refractory period during which the channel will not open. Note the “ball and chain” component of the channel that is involved in plugging the channel during the refractory period.
Right: The movements of ions during the action potential. The shaded box at the top shows the opening of sodium channels at the threshold of excitation, their refractory condition at the peak of the action potential, and their resetting when the membrane potential returns to normal.
conduction of an action potential
When an action potential is triggered, its size remains undiminished as it travels down the axon. The speed of conduction can be calculated from the delay between the stimulus and the action potential
The action potential is conducted away from the origin via a series of local depolarizations of membrane tissue. The entry of sodium via sodium channels at one segment of membrane quickly is sufficient to depolarize the adjacent piece of tissue so that sodium channels open there. This perpetuates down the length of the axon.
There is a catch: it takes time for each segment to depolarize enough to open channels in the segment next to it. This makes propagation of an electrical signal down the length of the neuron a relatively slow process. Note: 100 ms to go 1 meter.
saltatory conduction
In neurons with a myelin sheath, the action potential appears to jump down the length of the axon at a much faster rate. This is saltatory conduction. The trick is that myelinated axons use basic electrical “cable properties” for quick propagation of the signal under the myelinated lengths and rejuvenation of the action potential signal at the intervening nodes of Ranvier.
Recall that current injected into a passive neuronal process decays with distance. However, it is quick. The tissue under the myelin is passive. Therefore, current injected by the action potential travels quickly under the myelin via cable properties and also decays quickly. However, just before the current dies away, it encounters a node of Ranvier with sufficient remaining voltage to cause depolarization. Thus, the signal is renewed and the process is repeated down the entire length of axon. Note: 7 ms to go 1 meter!
multiple sclerosis
Neurological disease
Degeneration of myelin sheath
Autoimmune disease
Myelin basic protein
It is unknown what specifically about myelin is being attacked, but speculation is that the “myelin basic protein” (MBP) is under attack. The MBP maintains the correct structure of myelin by interacting with lipids in the myelin membrane.
spatial summation
A neuron might receive stimulatory input simultaneously from three different sources, i.e., the three tiny crosses.
Each stimulatory graded potential from the three individual sources is too small to be effective. But if their small depolarizations arrive at the axonal hillock at the same time, they activity may summate sufficiently to trigger ann action potential.
Trigger zone = axon hillock = initial segment
temporal summation
A single source may be able to initiate a response if it sends enough signals in a short-enough time
Individual excitatory graded potentials rapidly decay. However, if multiple graded excitatory potentials happen quickly enough, the effect summates as the next one causes additional depolarization before the previous one can decay
If you don’t have voltage gated channels that allow salt into the cell then an action potential cannot occur
movement of negatively charged ions into the cells or positively charged ions out of cells causes hyperpolarization
Neurons are not affected only by stimuli that excite them. There is inhibitory input as well. There is inhibitory input as well. The generation of an IPSP can be caused by inward flow of negatively charged chloride ion or outflow of K+. recall from the earlier table; there is much more chloride ion outside the cell, so opening a channel permits chloride to flow in and also that there is more K+ inside that opening a K+ channel allows more K+ to flow out
spatial and temporal summation
The decision by a neuron to fire is a consequence of simultaneous integration of information from multiple excitatory and inhibitory inputs. Note the electron microscopic picture of a neuron with attached terminal buttons
neural integration
If several excitatory synapses are active at the same time, the IPSPs they produce (shown in red) summate as they travel toward the axon, and the neuron fires. (b) If several inhibitory synapses are active at the same time, the IPSPs they produce (shown in blue) diminish the size of the EPSPs and prevent the axon from firing.
if the momentary membrane potential ever surpasses the threshold for excitation
an action potential is generated
communication between neurons
- Occurs at the level of the synapse, or the junction between presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons
- Neurotransmission involves the release of endogenous ligands known as neurotransmitters and neuromodulators
- Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators bind to receptors to alter neuron function
final pathways of a somatic motor neuron and ANS motor neuron
Chemical transmission at a nerve muscle synapse. In this famous experiment performed in 1921, otto loewi placed an innervated and non-innervated heart in two separate chambers connected by a bridge of physiological saline. At the bottom is shown the rate of beating of both hearts before and after stimulation of the vagus nerve connected to the first heart
Vagusstoff = acetylcholine
receptors interaction conceptualized as a “key in lock” or better as “hand in glove”
events at the synapse
The action potential traveling along the axon. It begins at the point where the axon leaves the cell body and travels at a constant speed out the axon (determined by the diameter of the axon and whether or not it has a myelin sheath; speeds range from a few miles to kilometer/hr) when the action potential reaches the terminal it disappears, but it first triggers the release of chemical transmitter molecules from the terminal
(middle) Photomicrograph of a synapse in action taken with the electron microscope, vesicles are releasing their transmitter chemical into the synaptic cleft.
(right) there is a relatively large time delay involved in synaptic transmission as compared to axonal conduction
classical neurotransmitter
monoamines that are single, modified amino acids
- they were first discovered and studied extensively. neuropeptides are chains of amino acids from 3-40 usually, so they are much bigger molecules than the classical neurotransmitters
- mostly made in the axon terminal and released, there are re-uptake mechanisms that take the transmitter back into the cell for repackaging and re-use
peptides require
bigger, precursor molecules that are packaged together with the converting enzymes into vesicles in the soma. then, both the precursormolecule and enzymes are transported to the terminal in large vesicles for release. The peptides can be synthesized only in the soma, and there are no re-uptake mechanisms for them, so replenishing peptide neurotransmitter is a much slower process.
tiny spherical packets located in the presynaptic terminal where NTs are held for release
refers to the release of NT from the presynaptic terminal
into the synaptic cleft
the release is dependent on calcium
transmitter release
Transmission across the synaptic cleft by a neurotransmitter takes fewer than 10 nanoseconds
Most individual neurons release at least two or more different kinds of substances (coexistence principle)
Neurons respond to many more types of neurotransmitter than they release
types of synapses
The terminal button of the sending neuron usually synapses with the dendrite or cell body (soma) of the receiving neuron.
The terminal button may connect directly with the dendrite, to a “spine” on the dendrite, or to the cell body.
In the case of an “axoaxonic” connection, the sending cell can alter the membrane potential of the receiving cell right at the level of the terminal button. This allows for “presynaptic inhibition” of the receiving neuron (or sometimes, “presynaptic facilitation”).
terminating neurotransmission
There are two ways neurotransmitters are removed from the synapse:
Transporters (reuptake)
Much like a vacuum cleaner, transporters “suck up” neurotransmitters from the synapse
enzymes metabolize neurotransmitters, effectively removing them from the synapse
metabolizes acetylcholine
monoamine oxidase
metabolizes monamaines (serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine)
metabolizes catecholamines
made from choline and acetyl coA
in the synaptic cleft, ACh is rapidly broken down by
criteria to define a chemical as a neurotransmitter
1) The neurotransmitter is present in the presynaptic neuron
2) The neurotransmitter is released in response to depolarization
3) There are receptors specific for the neurotransmitter located on the postsynaptic cell
4)The neurotransmitter must be either metabolized or removed from the synapse (there must be a physiological mechanism to stop the ligand from being available to bind the receptor)
5) Application of exogenous transmitter to the post synaptic cell mimics the effect of endogenous neurotransmitter
receptors detect _____ and transmit a signal
endogenous ligands
first messengers
agents derived from a source external to a cell that act on receptors of a cell are called
different types of first messengers
neurotransmitters/neuromodulators, drugs, hormone, cytokines, growth factors
broad category of small proteins secreted by cells that are important in cell signaling and immune response
-Their release has an effect on the behavior of cells around them. Cytokines are produced by a broad range of cells, including immune cells. This makes them different from hormones, for example, which tend to be made by cells in distinct organs.
growth factor
naturally occuring substance capable of stimulating cellular growth,proliferation, healing, and cellular differentiation. Usually it is a protein or a steroid hormone. We will be discussing all of these to one degree or another as the course progresses.
ionotropic receptors
usually made of 4 or 5 protein subunits that form an ion channel pore. Binding of the neurotransmitter to the receptor triggers channel opening and the flow of ions across the membrane. Ionotropic receptors work quickly and play a role in fast neurotransmission.
metabotropic receptors
G protein coupled receptors -> indirectly linked with ion channels on the plasma membrane of the cell through signal transduction mechanisms, often G proteins. Hence, G protein-coupled receptors are inherently metabotropic. These receptors are made of a single protein that winds through the cell membrane 7 times (seven transmembrane domains). They also can alter the opening of ion channels.
important roles of G-protein coupled receptros
- Can alter membrane potential (cause an EPSP or IPSP through opening or closing ion channels
- Can trigger second messenger signaling pathways to phosphorylate or dephosphorylate enzymes
- Can alter gene activity (instruct DNA to create more receptor or neurotransmitter)
GCPRs and cascading effect of second messengers
The diagram on the left illustrates the effects of GCPRs to both open a channel and to affect protein synthesis through 2nd messenger actions. The diagram on the right is to serve as an example indicating the vast number of second messenger and higher order intracellular messengers are in cells. There is nothing specific to be memorized from this diagram.
When a receptor is occupied by its hormonal ligand, a cascade of changes occurs that greatly amplifies the original signal. An activated receptor induces an adjacent G protein molecule, consisting of -, -, and -subunits, to activate the enzyme adenylate cyclase (AC). AC, in turn, stimulates the production of many cAMP molecules, which activate many protein kinase molecules. At each step, there is a many-fold increase in the number of molecules activated, until finally, there is a significant change in the cell evoked by a single hormone binding to the membrane-bound receptor.
receptor agonist and receptor antagonist interactions
The agonist molecule has an excellent fit for the receptor (high affinity) and produces a significant biological response (high efficacy). The antagonist in this case fits less well and also has very low efficacy. Note that if both the agonist and antagonist are present simultaneously, they will compete to fit into the same receptor, producing a partial drug effect.
principles of behavioral neuropharmacology
Most drugs that affect behavior do so by changing actions of neurotransmission at the synapse
Can do this by:
Mimicking the action of the normal neurotransmitter (an agonist)
Competing with the action the neurotransmitter (an antagonist or receptor blocker)
Increasing (agonist) or decreasing (antagonist) the amount or duration a neurotransmitter is available in the synapse
On presynaptic neuron
Monitor and control levels of neurotransmitter released
Negative feedback
Autoreceptors are located on the presynaptic neuron, i.e., the neuron affects itself by releasing the neurotransmitter. This is a form of negative feedback inhibition. Autoreceptors are a built-in brake for the system. Once the neurotransmitter is released it will diffuse and activate the postsynaptic cell, but also bind to the autoreceptors and turn off further release from the presynaptic cell. Don’t worry about part A, that’s for presynaptic inhibition.
- Neuromodulators generally are slower acting than neurotransmitters
- Neuromodulators havent been found to fit all the criteria for neurotransmitters
varicosities of sympathetic neurons
Varicosities are swellings along an axonal process containing neurotransmitter molecule that is released into the extracellular space
Ubiquitous neurotransmitter - almost all cells of the body have receptors for it
Involved in essentially every function controlled by the brain
Excitatory neurotransmitter - causes EPSPs
NMDA - ionotropic - opens a channel → omit calcium
AMPA - ionotropic - opens a channel
Kainate - ionotropic - opens a channel
Metabotropic glutamate receptors - G-protein coupled receptors (AKA metabotropic receptors; there are 8 subtypes)
metabotropic glutamate receptors
G protein coupled receptors
Ubiquitous inhibitory neurotransmitter - make ipsp
Involved in every behavior
GABA - ionotropic (chloride ion influx) - mostly located postsynaptically
GABAB - metabotropic - mostly located presynaptically
GABA essentially acts as a “brake” for the central nervous system
Drugs that promote GABA activity have been used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders
Roles in sleep and arousal, aggression, and mood
Primarily act on metabotropic receptors
Drugs that promote serotonin activity are the most widely used antidepressants
The serotonin cell bodies are localized to the raphe nuclei, which extends from the midbrain to the hindbrain
Only a few hundred serotonin neurons in the brain
These serotonin neurons project to most of the brain
Dopamine receptors are all metabotropic
Primary 2 types: D1 and D2 like
Dopamine neurons are localized to three brain areas: the ventral tegmental area (VTA), substantia nigra, and the arcuate nucleus
The ventral tegmental area (VTA) is the origin of the dopaminergic cell bodies widely implicated in the drug and natural reward circuitry of the brain. The VTA plays an important role in a number of processes, including cognition, motivation, orgasm, and intense emotions relating to love,
The substantia nigra is located in the midbrain that plays an important role in reward and movement. Its name means “black substance”, reflecting the fact that parts of the substantia nigra appear darker than neighboring areas due to high levels of neuromelanin in dopaminergic neurons. Parkinson’s disease is characterized by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra.
The arcuate nucleus releases dopamine into the hypophyseal portal system to influence the secretion of certain hormones, including prolactin, from the pituitary gland.
synthesis of dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine
You should know the metabolic cascade of the following 4 substances (what comes from what) tyrosine → L-dopa → dopamine → norepinephrine
Norepinephrine = noradrenaline
Epinephrine = adrenalin
Primarily involved in stress and arousal
NE is made in the locus coeruleus and other structures
Projections to forebrain, hindbrain, and limbic areas
Contributes to anxiety disorders and PTSD - too much arousal
Role in learning and memory, cognition, and arousal
Cell bodies in the nucleus basalis and brainstem nuclei
ACh neurons degenerate in alzheimer’s disease
Two classes of ACh receptors
Muscarinic - which are GPCRs
Nicotinic - which are ionotropic receptors - opening up a channel for admission of positively charged ions
synthesis and degradation of acetylcholine
You should know the substrate, products and enzymes involved in the synthesis and degradation of Ach. Acetylcholine is synthesized by the enzyme choline acetyltransferase from the compounds choline and acetyl-CoA. Cholinergic neurons are capable of producing ACh. The enzyme acetylcholinesterase converts acetylcholine into the inactive metabolites choline and acetate.
The synthesis takes place in the nerve terminal while the degradation takes place in the synapse.
ACh is made in the cell and released. After binding to its receptor, acetylcholinesterase in the synapse “chews up” the molecule into Acetate (which enters the blood for excretion) and Choline. Notice how choline has its own transporter and can be recycled.
myasthenia gravis
- syndrome of fatigue and exhaustion of the muscle system
- impaired acetylcholine neurotransmission
- autoimmune disease
- destruction of postsynaptic acetylcholine receptor
the neuromuscular junction in normal and in myasthenia gravis patients
At neuromuscular junctions, vesicles release ACh at specialized release sites in the nerve terminal. Acetylcholine crosses the synaptic space to reach receptors that are concentrated at the peaks of junctional folds. Acetylcholinesterase in the cleft rapidly terminates transmission by hydrolyzing ACh. The myasthenic junction has reduced numbers of ACh receptors, simplified synaptic folds, a widened synaptic space, but a normal nerve terminal.
treatment of myasthenia gravis
Neostigmine increases the duration of action of ACh and thus can compensate for the reduced ACh activity in myasthenia. Blocks the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine
A. In a normal person the amplitude of action potentials evoked by a train of four stimuli at 16.6 ms intervals remains constant.
B. In the myasthenic patient there is a rapid decrease in amplitude.
C. After injection of 2 mg neostigmine into the brachial artery of the myasthenic patient, the decrease in amplitude was partially reversed.
can be discrete in location and function
For example, opioid peptides are well-known for their role in pain and reward
Neuropeptides almost exclusively almost exclusively act though G-protein coupled receptors
Synthesized from large precursor molecules
tend to utilize volume transmission
Neuropeptides are cleaved from larger precursor peptide molecules