unit 11 - hallucinogens Flashcards
behavioral, cognitive and physiological effects of hallucinogenic drugs
- The main effect of most hallucinogens is on thought, perception and mood
- There is only minimal intellectual or memory impairment
- Stupor or psychomotor stimulation is not an integral part of the action of most hallucinogenic drugs
- Autonomic side effects are not disabling
- For most hallucinogens there is less dependence liability compared to many other classes of abused drugs
drugs that alter consciousness by distorting primarily auditory and visual perception but can affect any sensory system.
- also affect judgment, orientation, memory, and emotions.
In short, despite profound alterations in perception, adverse effects are minimal and hallucinogens are not addictive.
the experience of a sensation in the absence of a provoking stimulus.
chemical structure of some hallucinogenic drugs
There is wide diversity in the chemical characteristics of hallucinogenic drugs. Many hallucinogens have chemical structures like those of natural neurotransmitters (acetylcholine-, serotonin-, or catecholamine-like). The indole ring structure is a common feature of very powerful hallucinogens.
[Almost all hallucinogens contain nitrogen and are classified as alkaloids.]
classification for psychedelic drugs
cholinergic/anticholinergic, catecholamine-like psychedelic drugs, serotonin-like psychedelic drugs, psychedelic anesthetic drugs, marijuana
cholinergic/anticholinergic drugs
muscarine, scopolamine
catecholamine-like psychedelic drugs
mescaline, amphetamine derivatives (DOM, MDA, DMA, MDMA, TMA, MDE), Myristin, elemicin
serotonin-like psychedelic drugs
- Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
- Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)
- Psilocybin, psilocin, bufotenine
- Ololiuqui (morning glory seeds)
- Harmine
psychedelic anesthetic drugs
- Phencyclidine (Sernyl)
- Ketamine (Ketalar)
Acts as an agonist at muscarinic receptors.
Also acts as an agonist on GABAA receptors and therefore has neurodepressant action
One of two active ingredients of the mushroom Amanita muscaria or “fly agaric mushroom”
Ingestion of muscarine produces a state best described as delirium (restlessness, ataxia and hallucinations)
Muscarine also produces salivation, nausea, diarrhea, hypotension and shock
Antidote: atropine
The use of Amanita muscaria is becoming increasingly rare in Western culture
main psychoactive constituents of muscarine
are the compounds ibotenic acid and muscimol which bind to GABAA receptors.
The mushroom was used as an intoxicant by the peoples of Siberia ,and has a religious significance in these cultures.
is a muscarinic cholinergic receptor blocker.
Atropine can be used to treat certain types of nerve agent and pesticide poisonings.
Atropine occurs naturally in a number of plants of the nightshade family including Jimson weed and Mandrake.
structural formulas of acetylcholine and the anticholinergic psychedelic scopolamine
Scopolamine acts by blocking acetylcholine receptors. The shaded portion of each molecule illustrates structural similarities, which presumably contribute to receptor fit.
Scopolamine is found naturally in plants of the Nightshade family.
anticholinergic syndrome
psychological effects:
* Euphoria
* Delirium
* Anxiety
* Excitement
* Hallucinations (usually visual, formed, and frightening, with loss of insight)
somatic effects:
* Mydriasis (dilation of the pupils)
* Reduced secretions (saliva, bronchi, and nasal)
* Loss of pupillary light reflexes
* Decreased GI motility
* Blurred vision (loss of accommodation)
* Hyperpyrexia
* Dry, flushed skin
* Tachycardia with hyper/hypotension
* Vasodilation
* Urinary retention
toxic effects
* Myoclonus (muscle contraction)
* Coma
* Extensor posturing
* Respiratory depression
* Seizures
* Circulatory collapse
* Death
deadly nightshade
anticholinergic syndrome
- The foliage and berries are extremely toxic when ingested, containing toxins such as atropine and scopolamine which cause delirium and hallucinations.
anticholinergic syndrome mnemonic
The anticholinergic syndrome is so well known that there is a mnemonic to remember it by:
–mad as a hatter
–blind as a bat
–red as a beet
–hot as a hare
–dry as a bone
Mydriasis is the dilation of the pupil.
We are most interested in the altered mental states.
phencyclidine (PCP)
also known as angel dust, causes hallucinations, distorted perceptions of sounds, and sometimes violent behavior. Pharmacologically, PCP works primarily as an NMDA receptor antagonist.
- dissociative anesthetics