unit 6 - beginning of exam 2 Flashcards
why study the ANS, endocrine, and immune systems in pharmacology?
The condition of the body affects brain function and in turn psychological processes
Hormones, immune factors and autonomic afferents act on the brain
Autonomic-, immune-, and hormone- related drugs are valuable tools for the analysis of CNS function and of behavioral mechanisms
Many principles related to neurobiology and drug action in the CNS have resulted from studying the ANS and hormone systems
Claude Bernard
a French physiologist. He has been called “one of the greatest of all men of science”. He was one of the first to suggest the use of blind experiments to ensure the objectivity of his physiological observations. He originated the term milieu intérieur, and the necessity of maintaining the internal environment as a condition for life.
Walter Bradford Cannon
American physiologist, professor and chairman of the Department of Physiology at Harvard. He coined the term “fight or flight” response and was the first to introduce the term stress into the study of physiology and pathophysiology. Importantly, Cannon expanded Claude Bernard’s concept of maintaining the internal environment by calling it “homeostasis”. He popularized his theories in his book The Wisdom of the Body, first published in 1932.
“The presence of a nearly fixed proportion of water in the interior milieu, a condition of free life”
“The coordinated physiological processes which maintain most of the steady states in the organisms are so complex to living beings.. That I have suggested special designation for these states, homeostasis. The word does not imply something set and immoblae, a stagnation. It means a condition which may vary, but which is relatively constant
Homeostasis means to regulate the internal environment of the body so that it remains stable and relatively constant.
maintaining internal environment in the face of damage and stressors
This is a list of body variables that are regulated to stay fairly constant. There are challenges and insults to the body that must be dealt with (loss of body water from working in a hot environment, loss of blood from a wound, loss of body water from diarrhea or vomiting when you are sick, etc.). The body defends these variables through actions of the autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, immune system, and through homeostatic behaviors and responses to stress,.
internal defense systems
ANS, endocrine system, immune system
behavioral defenses
homeostatic behaviors, fight/flight
physiological mechanisms to maintain consistency of body temp.
Some of the primary ways our body gains (left) and conserves and loses (right) heat and their neural control. In addition, behavior also plays an important role in thermoregulation. For example, we can move from a cool to a warm environment (or vice versa), put on a sweater, exercise, or adjust the thermostat to exert a behavioral control on heat generation, conservation, or loss. The dependent variable, that is the physiological endpoint that is to be maintained, is commonly referred to as being regulated, or the regulated variable. This regulation is achieved by activating one or more control mechanisms. For example in the above, body temperature is regulated by activating control systems such as increased thyroid activity/thyroid hormone, metabolism of brown fat, perspiration, fanning oneself, etc
an important regulatory mechanism in a self regulating system
sensory feedback in a negative feedback loop
in a negative feedback loop
increased output from the system inhibits future production by the system
negative feedback loop
sensory feedback
theories of homeostasis
Physiologists have applied engineering control theory to the analysis of complex homeostatic systems in order to understand them better and to identify and quantify key variables
A system is a collection of components arranged and interconnected in a specific wy so that there is an identified output for a known input
One approach to understanding the function of control mechanisms is to examine the effects of varying strength of a challenge on the response of a system
Physiologists have applied engineering control theory to the analysis of complex homeostatic systems in order to understand them better and to identify and quantify key variables.
One approach to understanding the nature of control mechanisms is to examine the progressive complexity of control that can be exerted on a system.
A system is a collection of components arranged and interconnected in a specific way so that there is an identified output for a known input.
addition-subtraction symbol
For instance, let x represent the rate of intake of salt in the solid food eaten each day, y the intake of salt in liquids drunk each day, and z the rate of loss of salt in the urine each day. Then the net rate of change of salt in the body will be x + y – z, as indicated by the arrow.
the multiplication symbol
The figure illustrates multiplication of three quantities, x, y, and z, to give xyz. For example, assume that three separate factors are affecting arterial pressure and that these factors multiply each other. Thus, the sympathetic nervous system might be causing x effect to elevate arterial pressure; a hormone secreted by one of the endocrine glands might be causing y effect to elevate arterial pressure; and hemorrhage might be causing z effect to decrease arterial pressure. The net effect would be xyz.
multiplication by a constant factor
The figure illustrates multiplication by a constant factor. Assume that x is the concentration of sodium in the extracellular fluids and K is the volume of extracellular fluid; the total quantity of sodium in the extracellular fluid would then be Kx.
division symbol
The figure shows the value x divided by the value y to give x/y. For example, if x is the total quantity of sodium in the extracellular fluid and y is the extracellular fluid volume, then the output of this block, x/y, is the concentration of sodium in the extracellular fluid.
the integration (or accumulation) symbol)
Many functions of the body depend upon slow accumulation of some factor. If the rate of change of a hormone in the body is represented by the differential term, dA/dt, the output of the block is the quantity of the hormone that has accumulated in the body at any given time, t. The symbol in this block is called the integration symbol, or, in other words, the rate dA/dt is integrated to give A. If dA/dt is positive, the quantity of the hormone in the body will be increasing, whereas if dA/dt is negative, the quantity of aldosterone in the body will be decreasing.
other types of mathematical functions
Other types of mathematical functions in which x is shown in each example to enter a block and y to exit from the block. Each block means that y is related to x in accordance with the function inside the box. This mathematical (often empirically determinable) relationship between an input and an output is called the transfer function. In some cases this function is represented graphically or by an algebraic equation. The figure illustrates four inputs and one output, showing that three of the inputs add to each other and the other multiples the first three.
behavior and maintaining homeostasis
In some species behavior is the most important mechanism for controlling body temperature.
Endotherms, so-called warm-blooded animals, are those that maintain a constant body temperature independent of the environment, largely by generating internal heat.
Ectotherms, so-called cold-blooded animals are those whose regulation of body temperature depends on external sources, such as sunlight or a heated rock surface.
homeostatic behaviors
temp. regulation, body fluid balance - water intake, and salt ingestion, food intake
ANS and the target organs it serves
The autonomic nervous system and the target organs and functions served by the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches.
- The divisions of the autonomic nervous system INNERVATE (send nerves to) the many (but not all) of the SAME ORGANS.
- In cases of organs with dual innervation, this is how the two divisions can have, essentially, opposing effects on physiological responses. The cell bodies of the two divisions originate from different locations, however.
- The cell bodies of the sympathetic division originate from the middle regions of spinal cord (thoracolumbar).
The cell bodies of the parasympathetic division originate from the brainstem and lower spinal cord. Note that the parasympathetic divisions has two origins (craniosacral).
the sympathetic chain of the sympathetic nervous system
composed of two kinds of neurons connected in series called preganglionic and postganglionic neurons, where the ganglia are locations of the postganglionic cells. The locations of the ganglia are different for the two divisions.
- ganglia are located just lateral to the spinal cord. Sympathetic preganglionic nerves arise from the spinal cord and synapse at one of the chain ganglia. Then, the postganglionic fiber extends to an effector, a visceral organ. The preganglionic fibers are short, and the postganglionic fibers are long.
sources and projections of the parasympathetic system
- Transverse section of the medulla oblongata illustrating the vagal motor system.
- Parasympathetic Preganglionic nerves arise from both the brainstem and sacral divisions of the spinal cord. Most parasympathetic preganglionic axons are longer than most sympathetic preganglionic axons because most parasympathetic ganglia are in the walls of visceral organs they serve. Thus, the parasympathetic has much shorter postganglionic axons.
homeostasis and control theory
Physiologists have applied engineering control theory to the analysis of complex homeostatic systems in order to understand them better and to identify and quantify key variables
A system is a collection of components arranged and interconnected in a specific wy so that there is an identified output for a known input
One approach to understanding the function of control mechanisms is to examine the effects of varying strength of a challenge on the response of a system
Physiologists have applied engineering control theory to the analysis of complex homeostatic systems in order to understand them better and to identify and quantify key variables.
One approach to understanding the nature of control mechanisms is to examine the progressive complexity of control that can be exerted on a system.
A system is a collection of components arranged and interconnected in a specific way so that there is an identified output for a known input.
similarities between sympathetic and parasympathetic systems
All preganglionic fibers are myelinated
All postganglionic fibers are unmyelinated
The number of postganglionic fibers is higher than the number of preganglionic fibers
Ganglia of both systems are equally susceptible to drugs
Neurotransmitter at ganglia of both systems is acetylcholine
Both systems elicit denervation supersensitivity of target tissue (effector organ) upon removal of ganglia. Supersensitivity becomes apparent within 24-48 hours of denervation
Denervation supersensitivity is the sharp increase of sensitivity of postsynaptic membranes to a chemical transmitter after denervation. It is a compensatory change
unique to the sympathetic nervous system
1) Neurons exit from the thoracolumbar region of the CNS
2) Most ganglia located paravertebrally
3) Preganglionic fibers are short
4)Postganglionic fibers are long
5) Pre-to postganglionic fiber ratio is 1:20 to 1:50
6) Prepares for emergency action (fight or flight)
7) Stimulation produces a more generalized response
8) Neurotransmitter at almost all postganglionic nerve is norepinephrine
unique to the parasympathetic system
1) Neurons exit from the craniosacral region of the CNS
2)Ganglia located either within the organs innervated or adjacent to the organs
3)Preganglionic fibers are long
4)Postganglionic fibers are short
5)Pre- to postganglionic fiber ratio is 1:2
6)Concerned with conservative vegetative functional states (rest and repair)
7) Stimulation produces effects that are sharply localized
8) Neurotransmitter at postganglionic nerve endings is acetylcholine
chemical synapses in the autonomic ganglia
The parasympathetic division uses acetylcholine as the neurotransmitter in both preganglionic and postganglionic fibers. The sympathetic division uses acetylcholine in the preganglionic fibers but uses norepinephrine (noradrenalin) in the postganglionic fibers. (i.e., both divisions use acetylcholine as the preganglionic neurotransmitter but acetylcholine (parasymp) or norepinephrine (symp) postganglionic. Note also the different receptors and receptor subtypes involved: the ganglionic receptors are nicotinic cholinergic for both divisions, while the target tissue receptors are muscarinic cholinergic for the parasympathetic and, of course, adrenergic for the sympathetic.
muscarinic receptors
more sensitive to muscarine
- but also sensitive to acetylcholine
- belong to the receptor class metabotropic receptors
nicotinic receptors
more sensitive to nicotine
- but also sensitive to acetylcholine
- belong to the receptor class ionotropic receptors
nicotine is an antagonist to
(nicotine receptor antagonist ganglion)
muscarinic receptor antagonist at postganglionic site
ganglionic blockade
- Can be used to find the intrinsic level of activity of an organ in the absence of the autonomic nervous system
- The direction of change from the resting level before ganglionic blockade to after blockade can be used to determine the contribution of a limb of the ANS to the basal level of activity
ganglion blockers are antagonists at
nicotinic receptors in autonomic ganglia. The net effect of a ganglionic blocker is to reduce the predominant tone in a given organ. Effects are predictable and depend on the relative dominance in terms of parasympathetic or sympathetic.
For example, in a healthy person or animal administered hexamethonium, blood pressure will fall. This means that the normal level of blood pressure was supported predominantly by effects of the sympathetic nervous system. Both divisions are working simultaneously, but the sympathetic is producing more effect under normal conditions.
Hexamethonium is a ganglionic blocker, a nicotinic ACH receptor antagonist. It does not have any effect on the muscarinic acetylcholine receptors located on target organs of the parasympathetic nervous system but acts as antagonist at the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors located in sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia.
sympathetic (adrenergic predominant tone)
- vasodilation, increased peripheral blood flow, hypotension
sympathetic (adrenergic predominant tone)
- dilation, pooling of blood, decreased venous return, decreased cardiac output
parasympathetic predominant tone
heart, iris, ciliary muscle, GI tract, urinary bladder, Salivary glands
sympathetic (adrenergic) predominant tone
arterioles, veins, sweat glands
adrenergic receptors
a class of G protein-coupled receptors that are targets of many catecholamines like norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and epinephrine (adrenaline) produced by the body, but also many medications which are used to treat high blood pressure and asthma for example.
subdivisions of adrenoreceptors
There are two main groups of adrenoreceptors, α and β, with 9 subtypes in total:
α are divided to α1 (a Gq coupled receptor) and α2 (a Gi coupled receptor)
α1 has 3 subtypes: α1A, α1B and α1D
α2 has 3 subtypes: α2A, α2B and α2C
β are divided to β1, β2 and β3. All 3 are coupled to Gs proteins, but β2 and β3 also couple to Gi
adrenergic agonists and antagonists bind either…
alpha- or beta- adrenergic receptors
synthesis of dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine
tyrosine => dopa => dopamine => norepinephrine
(slide 28)
degradation of catecholamines
The enzymes that degrade DA and NE are Monoamine oxidase (MAO) and Catechol–O-methyltransferase (COMT).
entry of visceral and somatic afferents into the spinal cord via dorsal roots
Visceral and somatic afferents follow parallel, but distinct paths in the central nervous system. Visceral and somatic afferents consist of different populations of dorsal root ganglion neurons which project to laminae I and V of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. These relay sites provide local spinal reflexes and also project to higher autonomic and somatic sites, respectively in the brain (A). Although visceral and somatic afferents follow similar trajectories, more detailed tracer studies indicate the two types of afferents end in distinctly different distributions and densities within the spinal cord (B). IML, intermediolateral cell column
ascending pathways carrying visceral information in the brain
Visceral afferent information (solid line) enters the brain through the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS. The afferent information is then distributed to preganglionic neurons, to an area in the ventrolateral medulla that coordinates autonomic and respiratory reflexes, and via ascending pathways to the forebrain. Less direct inputs (dotted line) relay input from the parabrachial nucleus projecting visceral sensory information to the hypothalamus, the amygdala, the septum (not shown), the cortex, and the periaqueductal gray.
descending autonomic pathways
Direct outputs to autonomic preganglionic neurons (solid line) arise from the paraventricular and lateral hypothalamus, the parabrachial nucleus, the nucleus of the solitary tract, certain monoamine groups such as the A5 noradrenergic neurons (not shown), serotonergic raphe neurons (not shown), and adrenergic neurons in the ventrolateral medulla. Less direct output from the cerebral cortex, amygdala, and periaqueductal gray matter (dotted line) are relayed into the cell groups with direct input to the preganglionic inputs. Nearly all of the cell groups illustrated in these drawings are also connected with one another, forming a central autonomic network.
classes of agents
neurotransmitters, hormones, cytokines, growth factors
chemical mediators that play multiple roles
polyfunctional peptides and polyfunctional catecholamines
extracellular chemical communication systems
(a) In synaptic transmitter (neurocrine) communication, a chemical signal is released from the presynaptic terminal of the neuron and binds to receptor molecules on a postsynaptic target cell.
(b) Autocrine mechanisms are the feedback effects of a chemical signal on the very cell from which it was released. Some synaptic transmitters are also autocrine signals in that they affect receptors on the presynaptic terminal (autoreceptors).
(c) In paracrine communication, chemical signals diffuse through extracellular space to nearby target cells. The strongest effects are produced in the nearest cells.
(d) Endocrine glands produce chemical signals and release them into the bloodstream. Effects are produced in the body wherever receptors for the hormone are found.
(e) Pheromones carry a message from one individual of the species to other individuals. Often pheromones indicate whether the individual emitting them is ready to mate.
(f) Allomones are produced by individuals of one species to communicate with (and affect the behavior of) individuals of other species. Some plants even communicate with animals via allomones.
secreting into circulation inside of the body
secreting into fluids that are outside of the body such as breast milk or saliva
amine hormone
amino acids with modified groups
peptide hormone
short chains of linked amino acids
protein hormone
long chains of linked amino acids
steroid hormones
derived from the lipid cholesterol
peptide and steroid receptorrs
Two mechanisms of action have been delineated by which hormones alter cell function. Certain amino acid and polypeptide hormones interact with cell surface receptors, stimulating intracellular production of cyclic AMP (cAMP), which binds to an intracellular receptor and stimulates phosphorylation of intracellular proteins. Steroid hormones, in contrast, enter the target cell and bind to a specific cytoplasmic receptor. The hormone-receptor complex is then transported into the nucleus, where it binds to specific sites on the genome (DNA) and activates transcription of new RNA, which mediates the response characteristic of the cell by directing protein synthesis.
pituitary gland
gland has long been regarded as one of the most important endocrine glands in the body. Rathke’s pouch is an evagination at the roof of the developing mouth in front of the buccopharyngeal membrane. It gives rise to the anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis), a part of the endocrine system. Note that the tissue it connects to at the base of the brain is the hypothalamus
anterior pituitary
(slide 42)
posterior pituitary
- receives direct neural connections from the brain
the synthesis, storage, and release of hormones from neurons. These neurohormones, produced by neurosecretory cells, are normally secreted from nerve cells in the brain that then circulate into the blood. Neurosecretory cells synthesize and package their product in vesicles and release them (via exocytosis) at axon endings just as normal neurons do, but into blood rather than into a synapse.
anterior pituitary releasing
releasing hormones are made in the brain proper, released into the base of the brain (i.e., hypothalamus) and transported by blood (via a portal system) to the anterior pituitary. For our purposes, we will only concern ourselves in this course with the control of the adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) released by corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH or CRF). Therefore, it is not necessary to learn all of the releasing hormones anterior pituitary hormones., or their functions.
Note that dopamine is very likely to be an inhibitory factor inhibiting the release of prolactin. This fact be a relevant when we discuss pharmacotherapy for schizophrenia.
adrenal cortex
AldosteroneHuman adrenal glands. Adrenocortical tissue is stippled; adrenal medullary tissue is black. Note the location of the adrenals at the superior pole of each kidney. Also shown are extra-adrenal sites at which cortical and medullary tissue is sometimes found.
adrenal medulla
Norepinephrine-secreting adrenal medullary cell. The granules are released by exocytosis, and the granule contents under the bloodstream (arrow).
physiological effects of glucocorticoids
Action on intermediary metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat
- increased protein breakdown
- increased hepatic glycogenesis and gluconeogenesis
- glucose 6-phosphatase activity is increased
- plasma glucose rises
- “directs” glucose to brain and heart (via an anti-insulin action)
Permissive action for glucagon and catecholamines to exert their caloric effects
Permissive action for catecholamines to exert their lipolytic effects
Permissive action for catecholamines to produce their pressor responses and bronchodilation
Inhibit ACTH secretion
Increase number of red blood cells, platelets and neutrophils
Decrease number of eosinophils and basophils
Decrease circulating lymphocytes and size of lymph nodes and thymus
immune system
-host defense system comprising many biological structures and processes within an organism that protects against disease and insult to the body.. To function properly, an immune system must detect a wide variety of agents, known as pathogens and indicators of tissue damage.
- can be classified as innate vs adaptive or humoral versus cell mediated
under healthy conditions the blood-brain barrier normally
normally separates the peripheral immune system from the neuro-immune system, but activation of the peripheral immune system can have profound effects on the central system..
innate immune system
The strength of the innate immune system is to be able to take action very quickly. It works to repel pathogens, and if they enter the body detects and starts to destroy them within a few hours.
As the innate immune response is not specialized or specific for a given pathogen, it does not need a long start-up time. Because of this broad effect, it is only capable to a certain degree of stopping germs from entering and spreading in the body. The innate defense consists of several elements:
the adaptive or specific immune system consists of
highly specialized cells called T lymphocyte cells and B lymphocyte cells with the capacity to generate immunological memory, so that it allows recognizing the pathogens which have encountered before.
proteins and defense cells
When pathogens make it past the skin or mucous membranes and enter the body, the innate system’s second line of defense is activated.
Inflammatory cells move to the site of infection, or defensive cells that are already there are activated.
Soluble protein substances of the complement system are also activated body.
Infection leads to an inflammatory reaction where blood circulation is increased, and the affected area becomes swollen and hot. Sometimes there is also a fever.
Bacteria or viruses entering the body are attacked by immune system phagocytes which enclose the pathogens and digest them in their interior. The most effective ones are:
- Macrophages, which are found in the tissue
- Neutrophil granulocytes, which are in the blood and tissue.
Phagocytes act best if the pathogen has already been marked by antibodies or by complement proteins making the pathogen more “palatable”.
Antibodies of the adaptive immune system support the innate defense and vice versa, the scavenger cells can help the adaptive immune system by taking up and digesting the marked pathogens very quickly.
signals activating the innate immune system
damage-associated molecular pattern molecules (DAMPs) and pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)
damage-associated molecular pattern molecules
host molecules that can initiate and perpetuate a noninfectious inflammatory response
- patterns, danger signals, and alarmin, are host biomolecules that can initiate and perpetuate a noninfectious inflammatory response. In contrast, pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) initiate and perpetuate the infectious pathogen-induced inflammatory response
pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)
molecules associated with groups of pathogens, that are recognized by cells of the innate immune system
the acute phase response
IL-6 = Interleukin 6 IL-6 is secreted by T cells and macrophages to stimulate immune response which includes the production of many so-called acute-phase proteins and “complements”.
The complement system enhances (complements) the ability of antibodies and phagocytic cells to clear microbes and damaged cells from an organism.
- are a broad and loose category of small proteins (~5–20 kDa) that are important in extra-cellular signaling.
- They are released by cells and affect the function of other cells and in some cases can also act as autocrine signals.
cytokines are produced by
a broad range of cells, including immune cells like macrophages, B cells, T cells and mast cells as well as endothelial cells fibroblasts and various stromal.
some cytokines promote
inflammation whereas others are anti-inflammatory
cytokines affect
the function of other cells and in some cases can also act as autocrine signals
adaptive immune system
If the innate immune system is unsuccessful in destroying the pathogens, the specific adaptive immune response is activated.
The adaptive defense takes longer, but it targets pathogens more accurately. Importantly, it can remember the aggressor and acts specifically against certain antigens.
The capacity for memory makes the defense responses of the adaptive immune system more efficient and faster than those of the innate defense, if the antigen is already known.
The adaptive immune system produces memory cells.
The adaptive immune system has several parts that react in different ways, depending on the place in the body where the pathogen is.
These parts of the adaptive defense include:
- T lymphocytes
- B lymphocytes
- Antibodies as soluble proteins in the blood
- Cytokines in the blood and tissue as hormone-like messenger substances
connecting the systemic immune system with the brain
: Mechanisms of brain actions of cytokines. Proinflammatory cytokines are released by activated innate immune cells in the periphery in response to PAMP. PAMP and circulating cytokines act on TLRs on macrophages in the circumventricular organs (CVOs), choroid plexus, and adjacent to blood vessels (perivascular macrophages) leading to the production of brain cytokines and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) that diffuse by into the brain parenchyma. The action of peripheral proinflammatory cytokines also can be relayed to the brain by afferent nerves, resulting in the production of brain proinflammatory cytokines by microglial cells. In both cases, the action of brain proinflammatory cytokines can be mediated by prostaglandins that diffuse to brain targets or by activation of neural pathways within the brain, which enables the immune message to be transported far away from its site of origin. Prostaglandins can be synthesized only by endothelial cells of brain venules in response to circulating cytokines. Red arrows represents neural transmission of the immune message from the periphery to the brain.
pathways that transduce immune signals from the periphery to the brain
communicate through different pathways. a | In the neural pathway, peripherally produced pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and cytokines activate primary afferent nerves, such as the vagal nerves during abdominal and visceral infections8,9 and the trigeminal nerves during oro-lingual infections10. Vagal afferents project to the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), and from there to the parabrachial nucleus (PB), the ventrolateral medulla (VLM), the hypothalamic paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei (PVN, SON), the central amygdala (CEA) and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST). These last two structures form part of the extended amygdala, which projects to the periaqueductal grey (PAG). b | The humoral pathway involves circulating PAMPs that reach the brain at the level of the choroid plexus (CP) and the circumventricular organs11, including the median eminence (ME), organum vasculosum of the laminae terminalis (OVLT), area postrema (AP) and subfornical organ (SFO). In the circumventricular organs, PAMPs induce the production and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines by macrophage-like cells expressing Toll-like receptors (TLRs). As the circumventricular organs lie outside the blood–brain barrier (BBB), these cytokines still need to reach the brain. They do so by mechanisms that are still not well understood, but involve volume diffusion of cytokines or other humoral factors such as prostaglandin PGE2.
brain microglia constitute the brain’s immune mechanism
Under “resting “ conditions microglia are ramified and testing their environment.
When activated microglia can secrete destructive molecules and become phagocytes.
Microglia can also play a reparative role,
- Illustration of the stages of microglial activation from a resting (ramified) state, to a primed state and finally to a fully activated phenotype. The exact phenotype and physiology of each stage of activation is determined by a number of extraneuronal molecules and environmental conditions
activated microglia attacking a damaged neurons
Illustration of fully activated microglia in a neuro destructive phenotype, with the release of proinflammatory cytokines, chemokines and excitatory amino acids, all acting in concert to damage the surrounding neurons
microglia in a reparative mode
Illustration of a microglia in a primary reparative phenotype, which can be in either the resting mode or an activated-reparative mode, both of which release neurotrophic factors and antiinflammatory cytokines. This repairs the damage done during neuro destructive microglial activation
efferent controls of the peripheral immune system from the CNS
Schematic illustration of connections between the nervous and immune systems. Signaling between the immune system and the central nervous system (CNS) through systemic routes, the vagus nerve, the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) are shown.