Unit 6 world history Flashcards
What country declares war first?
Austria -Hungary
- While it was happening WWI was referred to as…
The Great War (couldn’t call it #1 because we didn’t know there would be a #2)
- What is a war of attrition?
A war in which the outcome is decided by who loses the least men, not who gains the most territory
- Where was the war treaty signed?
Versailles, France
- What was the Zimmerman telegram?
Telegram from German leader asking for Mexico to attack the U.S.
- Who sent the Zimmerman telegram and who intercepted it?
Germany sent it
Britain intercepted it
- What was the name of the transport ship sunk by a German U-boat?
The Lusitania
- Who assassinated Franz-Ferdinand?
Gavrilo Princip
- Where was he from?
- What organization was Gavrilo Princip a part of and what was their purpose?
The Black Hand
Wanted to rid the Balkans of imperialist nations like Austria-Hungary
- Where is the “powder keg” of Europe?
The Balkans
- What 3 poisonous gasses were utilized during WWI?
Mustard Gas
Chlorine Gas
Phosgene Gas
- What was the selective service act? When was the last time it was used before WWI?
The Draft (mandatory service)
Last used during the Civil War
- Aerial biplane fights were also referred to as…
Dog Fights
- Which one of Wilson’s 14 Points made it into the Treaty?
The creation of the League of Nations
- Who were the Big 3 responsible for organizing the Treaty?
United States
- What was Woodrow Wilson’s international relations policy?
Non-interventionist (Neutral)
- What was used to represent the Germans in most allied power propaganda?
Apes/Beasts (the Hun)
- Who had the highest death toll of WWI and who had the lowest?
Highest = Russia
Lowest = U.S.
- Why were the German trenches nicer than the British trenches?
The British predicted they would be home by Christmas
The Germans knew they would need the trenches for longer
- The area between trenches is called…
No Man’s Land
- What other than artillery killed millions of soldiers during WWI?
Spanish Influenza Pandemic
- In 1914 this holiday caused a ceasefire between British and German troops…
- Which one of Wilson’s 14 Points was used in the the Treaty of Versailles
The creation of the League of Nations
- What are the 4 causes of WWI?
- Who were the Allied powers?
United States
- Who were the 4 Central powers?
- How did Germany participate in deciding the conditions of the Treaty?
They didn’t, they weren’t invited, just forced to sign
- What family ruled Russia before the Russian Revolution?
The Romanovs
- Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution?
Vladimir Lenin
- What happened to the Romanov family after the Russian Revolution?
Nicholas, Alexandra, and their five children were all executed by the Bolsheviks.
Helped plan attacks and an aerial view of enemy territory
Trench Foot
Caused the rotting of oxygen deprived tissue
Maxim Gun
Shot 600 rounds per min., water cooled, required 4-6 soldiers to operate
Dough Boys
American soldiers
Vessel used to attack merchant traffic at enemy ports
Country with the highest death toll of WWI
Georges Clemenceau
President of France
David Lloyd George
Prime Minister of Great Britain
Woodrow Wilson
President of the United States
Tsar Nicholas II
Tsar of Russia before the Russian Revolution