Unit 6 Vocabulary (Terms 21-40) Flashcards
Functional Zonation
Division of a city into different regions or zones for certain purposes or functions.
The rehabilitation of deteriorated, often abandoned, housing of low-income inner cities.
A poor, densely populated city district often populated by a minority ethnic group linked together by economic hardship and social restrictions.
Ghost Towns
Abandoned settlements typically due to a shrinking population, economy, and poor accessibility. Their relative location has been altered or lost certain advantages such as access to trade or resources.
Gravity Model
A mathematical prediction of the interaction of places, the interaction being a function of population size of the respective places and the distance between them.
A ring of land, largely undeveloped, designated and maintained as parks, agriculture, or other open space to limit the sprawl of an urban area - most typical in European cities.
The area surrounding an urban center. Basically, it is all of the suburbs that rely on the urban center. In the case of a port city the hinterland also includes the inland area whose trade flows through that port.
Horizontal Integration
Ownership by the same firm of a number of companies that exist at the same point on a commodity chain.
Can be new construction or redevelopment of vacant parcels of land within previously built areas; to slow urban sprawl
The basic structure of services, installations, and facilities needed to support industrial, agricultural, and other economic development; included are transport and communications, along with water, power, and other public utilities
Market area
The area surrounding a central place or the area a service or business expects to attract customers
A metropolitan area with a population greater than 10 million people
Large urban areas in which super cities are forming; they often have more than 1 function
A metropolitan area with a population of greater than 20 million people
Multiplier Effect
Effect in which new basic sector employment creates a larger share of nonbasic workers, decreasing the ratio of basic sector workers to nonbasic