Unit 5 Vocabulary Flashcards
Vocabulary terms 1-25
A large-scale commercial business characterized by integration of different steps in the food-processing industry
Agricultural Hearth
The origin of a type of agriculture or crop
The science, art, and business of cultivating soil, producing crops, and raising livestock; farming.
A form of agricultural technology that uses living organisms, usually genes, to modify products, to make or modify plants or
animals, or to develop other microorganisms for specific purposes
Cash Crop
A crop grown for its commercial use rather than use by the grower.
Cereal Grains
A crop yielding from grain.
Columbian Exchange
The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following
Columbus’s voyages and resulted in commercial agriculture and the trade of it
A machine that reaps, threshes, and cleans grain while moving over a field.
Commercial Agriculture
A form of agriculture undertaken in order to generate products for sale off of the farm in order to make a profit
Commercial Fruit and Gardening Agriculture
Selling of fruits, vegetables, and flowers, trees or shrubbery. Predominant type of agriculture in the US Southeast; also known
as truck farming so named because truck was a Middle English word meaning bartering or the exchange of commodities.
Commodity Chain
Series of links connecting the many places of production and distribution and resulting in a commodity that is then
exchanged on the world market.
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO)
An animal rearing system that confines livestock (such as pigs, cattle, hogs, chickens, etc) in high density cages only large
enough for the animal’s body to grow and to accommodate equipment for feeding and waste removal
Corn Belt
Formal region where main growth of corn agriculture is present in the USA
Crop rotation
Switching fields crop to crop so that you do not overuse the soil.
Dairy Farming
Raising cattle to sell dairy products.
The encroachment of desert conditions on moister zones along the desert margins, where plant cover and soils are threatened
by desiccation-through overuse, in part by humans and their domestic animals, and, possibly, in part because of inexorable
shifts in the Earth’s environmental zones.
Double Cropping
Harvesting twice a year from the same field.
Economies of Scale
Cost advantages that can come with a larger scale of operations; ie big companies can control their costs more than small
companies can
The process of being eroded by wind water or other natural agents
Export Commodity
A cash crop that is produced for export to wealthier countries at the expense of crop production for local consumption
Extensive Subsistence Agriculture
A form of subsistence agriculture characterized by low inputs of labor per unit land area, often uses vast tracts of land
This is the stage of crop rotation in which the land is left uncultivated.
Any substance, such as manure, or a mixture of nitrates, added to soil or water to increase its productivity
Food Desert
Urban or rural neighborhoods with limited access to fresh nutritious foods - low income neighborhoods where consumers
have little access to medium and large grocery stores.
Food Insecurity
Occurs when large numbers of people experience long periods of inadequate diets due to wealth or environmental causes