Unit 6 Jasmine Mich Flashcards
Social Darwinism
Definition: A theory based off of Charles Darwin’s natural selection theory, advocates argued that the continued spread of Europe and the US, proved that white people were the superior race. European belief that it was their mission to civilize new colonies to justify Imperialism.
LO1: Writer and poets further justified Imperialism by higher power nations (Europe and US) with Social Darwinism.
Belgian Congo
Definition: King Leopold the second oversaw the invasion and pacification of the Congo in central Africa in order to persuade the Belgian government to support colonial expansion. King Leopold personally owned the congo and the congolese genocide occured, where leopold took private colon in congo free state, enslaved congolese people, and killed between 5-13 million people. He used colonial officials against indigenous congolese people and a system of economic exploitation that allowed him to keep profits from congo free state, which totalled 1.1 billion dollars.
LO5: Economic factors such as more raw materials to exploit for allowed for many higher powered nations to take over smaller colonies to exploit them. When King Leopold took over the Congo, it was to make much profit, which allowed for Belgium to become rich (1.1 billion dollars). What happened in the Congo also is happening globally around the world, and many countries are taking over smaller colonies to exploit them and use them primarily for profit, which overall increased the global economy.
Berlin Conference
Definition: 1884-1885 meeting amongst European nations, created by Otto Ban Bismarck to keep European peace and to peacefully divide Africa into colonies (Africans had no say in this conference) (Ethiopia and Liberia were the only nations not taken over)
LO3: European nations were afraid that the “Scramble for Africa”, the rapid colonization of Africa across 25 years (1875-1900), would lead to war. Europe competed against Africa or natural resources. Otto Van Bismarck then arranged the Berlin Conference where many European nations established colonial borders, where Africa was divided up into different colonies.
Settler Colonies
Definition: Colonies in which people settled in large numbers instead of small numbers to exploit land
LO7: Settlers and migrants from imperialist countries would move to these colonies and take the land and resources from the indigenous people and use them for profit. These migrations were due to the desire to increase profit in the migrants home countries.
Suez Canal
Definition: A 100 mile long canal connecting the Red sea and Mediterranean Sea, Europeans built it to shorten the water distance to Asia. A French company managed the project, but most labor was performed by 1.5 million Egyptians.
LO4: The suez canal made it easier to get troops in Indian Ocean, which allowed for quicker transportation and trading, leading to the increase in the economy
Boxer rebellion
Definition: (1898-1901) Anti-foreign movement erupted in northern China, led by militia organizations calling themselves the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists, the “Boxers”. They killed numerous Europeans and Chinese Christians and laid siege to foreign embassies in Beijing. Western powers/Japan then occupied Beijing to crush the rebellion and imposed a huge payment on China as a punishment and they had to apologize (Boxer protocol).
LO1: Nationalism led to the desire to spread one’s own countries culture into other countries (diffusion) and it led to country’s exploiting many other, smaller countries for profit. The Boxers were very nationalistic to their country (China), defending Chinese culture. The Boxers did not want China to be westernized, because cultural diffusion already started to happen due to much imperialism globally.
Creation of Zulu Kingdom
Definition: First created on the edge of Dutch South Africa, they were the dominant tribe in South Africa until the 19th century when European Imperialism began. They resisted the Boers and the British, but they eventually lost their homeland and were eventually taken over by the British for their diamond mines.
LO2: With many resistance movements going on in this time period, it allowed for the shift in many nations power and how the world views them. The Zulu kingdom is a great example because they were the dominant tribe in South Africa and were doing pretty successfully economic wise, until the British, who was one of the largest and most powerful countries, took over them and they became weak and lost their homeland. The British also gained more power from the takeover of the Zulu Kingdom, and they continued to expand globally.
Indian Rebellion of 1857
Definition: Sepoys fought against British East India Company. Sepoys, Indian soldiers under British employ, made up the majority of the armed forces in BR, most Hindus or Muslims. In 1857, the BR began to use rifle cartridges which were greased with the fats of cows and pigs. Hindus and Muslims were both furious because these two animals were seen as sacred in their religion, and they were convinced the BR were trying to convert them into Christian. The Indians rebelled against the BR in northern India, the BR killed thousands, but Indian nationalism emerged after this rebellion.
LO1: Nationalism was a big part of imperialism and spreading through different countries. The British were very nationalist and were very powerful in the world, which allowed for them to increase their reign and continue to use other smaller countries for their own benefit. The Indians (Sepoys) are the perfect example on how the British were very powerful. After the Indian Rebellion, wer see Indian nationalism spark, which could further lead into more power to India.
Tupac Amaru II Rebellion in Peru
Definition: A revolution against Spanish rule in Peru against Tupac Amaru II. Tupac Amaru II was a descendant of the last Incan ruler, Tupac Amaru. Tupac Amaru II strongly identified with his Inca heritage, and in 1780 he arrested and executed a colonial administrator, charging him with cruelty. This led to an Indian revolt against Spain, and was spread throughout southern Peru, Bolivia, and Argentina, until Amaru II was captured in 1781. Amaru II and his wife were both tortured and executed.
LO1: Tupac Amaru II was a very big nationalist for his Inca heritage. This rebellion was a rebellion against Tupac Amaru II due to his cruelty, which led for better increase in rule in Peru, which allowed for Peru to gain more power, to possibly imperialize more.
Xhosa Cattle-Killing movement
Definition: In south Africa, they often fought with the British. When cattle started getting sick in South Africa, Xhosa killed 400,00 cattle and crops to remove British spirits possessing their food, led to much famine.
LO4: Many environmental factors such as raw materials, crops, fossil fuels, etc affected the global economy because they were resources everybody was fighting over to gain maximum profits. the Xhosa Cattle-Killing movement, was not good though for South Africa. The killing of all their livestock and crops led to much famine, which decreased their economy.
Export Economy
Definition: A country where international trade makes up most of its economy. The demand for raw materials that could be processed into manufactured goods and shipped away, often back to the providers of raw materials, turned colonies into export economies.
LO5: The export economies were made primarily for making profit and trading, which led to the increase in the global economy, because more was being traded and produced.
Economic Imperialism
Definition: A situation in which foreign business interests have great economic power or influence, developed as businesses took advantage of natural resources beyond their borders. People, raw materials, and refined materials were the main resources exploited.
LO5: Foreign businesses would try their best to spread their company globally around the world. Some companies would hold a great power or influence to the world, which allowed for the increase in that companies profits and their international trades globally.
Opium Wars
Definition: 1839-1842, wars between British and China. British wanted to trade Opium in Chinese territory, Manchu emperor forbade ir, BR went to war for it because they desperately needed profit, CH lost and signed treaty of nanjing
LO2: The Chinese used to be a very powerful nation and was seen as a major player in the economy, but as Industrializating was happening, many European nations developed better weapons and more modern, advanced machines, which ultimately led to the defeat of China in the Opium wars. This led to the shift of power in China, because now the rest of the world is looking as them as weak.
Chinese and Indian Indentured Servitude
- Many Chinese and Indian workers were an early substitute for slave trade, they were often forced or tricked into servitude.
Definition 1 (China): Between 1847 and 1874, many Chinese laborers were sent to Cuba and Peru on 8 year contracts. Most were male and they worked on sugar plantains alongside African slaves in Cuba and replacing slaves in Peru, where slavery was abolished.
Definition 2 (Indian): The British Empire abolished slavery in 1833, however it was replaced with a system of indentured servitude. Indians were among the first people sent to work in British colonies.
LO8: The Indentured servants were very important to the developing in society, because they helped increase many economies and they allowed for much diffusion to happen. For example, Chinese immigrants left their cultural stamp everywhere they went and impacted many cultures.
Migrant Workers
Definition: A person who migrates within or outside their home country to do work
EX1: Japanese would migrate and work on sugar plantations in Hawaii and California, they took agricultural jobs everyone else did not want.
EX2: During the 18th and 19th centuries, only the US surpassed Argentina in the number of immigrants it attracted. Argentina encouraged European migration and granted them the same rights as Argentinian citizens. In the late 19th century and early 20th century, Italians made up of half of the European migrants to Argentina. Argentina had a big amount of fertile land and was underpopulated, so it was appealing to Italians. Most of them migrated and worked as farmers, artisans, and day laborers. The pay was much better in Argentina and the cost was a lot cheaper in Argentina compared to Italy.
LO8: New patterns of migration allowed for many new people to migrate to different places and it let a lot of diffusion happen in these receiving countries. For example, Italians have an enormous influence on Argentine culture to this day due to their massive migration. Argentine Spanish has absorbed Italian words and Italian is still widely spoken in Buenos Aires.
Chinese Exclusion Act
Definition: Anti-Immigration policy made by the US to limit Chinese migrants. Due to the Chinese workers being hired for so many jobs in California, the California constitution of 1879 made some provisions that discriminated against the Chinese. Due to many Chinese people living in the US by 1882, the US congress banned further Chinese immigration by the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Acts.
LO7: The US excluded many Chinese due to them taking up so many jobs in the economy in California. After the US congress excluded Chinese immigrants, the Chinese moved to Mexico. Mexican president, Porfirio Diaz, promoted immigration. The Chinese moved to Mexico and often took jobs such as truck farmers, shopkeepers, and manufacturers.
Ethnic Enclave
Definition: Immigrants of common culture would live in the same neighborhood and recreate home culture, which led to cultural diffusion
EX: Chinatown, Italians in Argentina
LO9: These emigrants would leave their home society for various reasons, usually for ESPN reasons, and it allowed for many other societies to gain a new variety of different people from all across the world. New migrations allowed for receiving societies of emigrants, to culturally diffuse more, due to many new cultures coming in from all around the world, and it allowed for the creation of ethnic enclaves.
White Australia Policy
Definition: Anti-Immigration policy made by Australians to try and limit non-British immigration. After 6 seperate British self-governing colonies in Australia united under a single centralized government in 1901, the new parliament took measures to limit foreign migration. They wanted to preserve a “white Australia.”
LO8: New migration patterns affecting societies in both good and bad ways. With new migrants in many countries, the receiving country would experience lots of cultural diffusion, whilst in the home country it led to the mass increase in women’s power. But, there were some bad things that happened due to migrants, one of those being Anti-Immigration policies. For example, the White Australia policy wanted to keep Australia primarily white because they didn’t want too much foreign influence in their country.