Unit 5 Jasmine Mich Flashcards
Abolition Movement
Definition: Reform movements to provide rights and equality extended to the freeing of slaves and the end of serfdom, especially in the Americas and western Europe in the 18th century.
LO2: The Enlightenment questioned society and ideals, which led to people wanting to end slavery and started slavery movements. Some Enlightenment thinkers, such as John Locke, believed that liberty was a natural human right, which started to get people to question slavery and start abolition movements.
Definition: Developed by Francis Bacon, the belief that knowledge comes from sensed experience, from what you observe through your experience, including through experiences. Rather than relying on reasoning about principles provided by tradition or religion.
LO2: The Enlightenment created new ideas such as empiricism, and it questioned the ruling of monarchs and the church, which led to rebellions and the removal and change of authority/nobility in different areas.
Definition: An intellectual movement centered in France during the 18th century, it featured application of scientific method to study of human society
Examples: John Locke (Natural rights, go against gov’t if they don’t allow rights), Thomas Hobbes (Need an absolutist reader), Rousseau (social contract, gov’t must follow general will of people), Wollstonecraft (women need political power)
LO2: The enlightenment affected many different states and questioned the rulers in their way of ruling. It also questioned society and how it was run with a bunch of the enlightenment scientists theories.
Suffrage movement
Definition: Feminist movement to allow women the right to vote. Started with Enlightenment thinker, Mary Wollstonecraft, who believed women needed political power, then led to Seneca Falls convention in 1848 in New York, where activists gathered to promote rights and suffrage.
LO2: The Enlightenment sparked feminism. A female enlightenment thinker, Wollstonecraft, believed in women’s rights, and her idea spread to the people as well as the Seneca Falls convention, which allowed for women to have more rights by the end of 1750-1900.
American Revolution
Definition: The American Revolution was one Atlantic Revolution that was a rival between Great Britain and the 13 Colonies in the 18th century.
EX: Boston tea party, Sons of Liberty, Boycotts, Declaration of Independence, Lexington and Concord, Treaty of Paris, Bill of Rights, Constitution, George Washington, Paul Revere, John Paul Jones
LO3: The American Revolution allowed for the 13 colonies to break free from Great Britain’s tyranny, the 13 colonies wanted to rebel against King George the third due to his unfair taxations against the colonies. The 13 colonies, after many battles, won the war and became a separate, free, independent nation.
Bolivar Revolutions
Definition: Atlantic Revolution that happened in Latin America in the 18th century, led by Simon Bolivar, who was a creole and led several countries in South America
About: Creoles refused to support indigenous people, Creoles like Simon Bolivar tried to push Enlightenment ideals in Latin America.
LO3: The Bolivar Revolutions were caused by the desire for wanting to be independent from Spain among the creole class. The Bolivar Revolutions resulted in Mexico gaining independence from Spain (bloody wars), Brazil gaining independence peacefully from Portugal, abolished slavery, and creoles forming a conservative, powerful upper class.
Classical Liberalism
Definition: A belief in natural rights, constitutional government, laissez-faire economics, and reduced spending on armies and established churches. Most classical liberals are writers, academics, or professionals. John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism theory, developed by his liberal predecessor Jeremy Bethan, states that actions that lead to people’s happiness are right and those that lead to suffering are wrong, willingness to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one’s own; openness to new ideas, middle class men want rights
LO2: The Enlightenment created new theories, as intellectuals and philosophists started to emphasize reason over tradition, which led to the creation of new ideas, such as classical liberalism. These ideas affected society by challenging monarchs and church leaders, and questioning their way of rule with these new ideas.
French Revolution
Definition: An Atlantic Revolution in the 18th century, that changed the political rule in France and ended feudalism.
Timeline: The estates general (Louis XVI summoned estates general to vote on new taxes for nobles, first and seconds don’t vote on tax, third estate went to different room and declared itself a national assembly, got locked out by king Louis XVI), Storming of Bastille (Citizens heard King Louis was going to retaliate, led to storming of Bastille and peasant rebellions all around FR), National assembly at tennis court, end of louis and marie, 1793 execution of Louis XVI, France at war with most of Europe, Robespierre launched reign of terror, radical leaders later executed.
LO3: The French Revolution was caused by Inequality among estates (Clergy, nobles, bourgeoisie/peasants), Severe financial crisis (American Rev, Population growth, bad harvests), and the spread of the enlightenment (questioned hereditary privileges). The effects of the French Revolution were that it challenged divine right in Europe, it removed feudalism in FR, Bourgeoisie (middle class) had political power, and Napoleon (conquered most of Europe).
Haitian revolution
Definition: Atlantic revolution that took place in the 18th century in Saint Domingue, which resulted in the end of slavery
About: Saint Domingue was a french colony that made 40% of the world’s sugar and 50% of the world’s coffee, 4 major social classes (gran blancs{rich whites}, Petit blane{poor whites}, Gens du colour{free slaves}, slaves), Revolution began as a slave revolt, Led to Toussaint L’ouverture leading revolution against Napoleon and winning.
LO3: The Haitian Revolution started with a slave revolt and was caused by slaves fighting back, wanting to end slavery. The Haitian Revolution resulted in the end of slavery, rise of slave revolts/fear of slave revolts in the Americas, and the renaming to Haiti
Definition: Loyalty and allegiance to one’s nation or nation-state.
Examples: Italian prime minister of Piedmont-Sardinia, led the drive to unite the entire Italian Peninsula under the only native dynasty, the House of Savoy. In Germany, nationalist movements had already strengthened as a result of opposition to French occupation of German states under Napoleon. Argentinian nationalism rose during the war of independence and the civil wars, and strengthened during the 1880s
LO2: The Enlightenment allowed for enlightenment people to want to participate or have a higher power in the government, which led to rebellions, which led to the increase in nationalism all around.
Causes of Industrialization
Definition: Great Britain was the birthplace of the industrial revolution and started off the big change in society, the discovery of more raw materials such as coal and iron also affected industrialization. Once transportation was made better with new machinery, trade increased drastically and allowed for more and more societies to shift into an industrial society.
LO9: Industrialization was spread all around the world after Great Britain started spreading their manufacturing and selling products, and it greatly changed societies by changing transportation and communication and improving technologies.
Factory System
Definition: A method of manufacturing using machinery and labor
Life in factory system: 16 hour days, no safety regulations, no fair pay, children 6+ worked by machines, women worked long hours at factory and still had to fulfill traditional roles
LO6: With new technologies made available, people now work in factories in an urban area, rather than a rural area, technology has changed how things are produced and how it is made.
Definition: The process of developing industries in various countries and societies on a wide scale
LO4: Great Britain started the Industrial revolution, and they had access to raw materials such as coal and iron, as well as access to many rivers and bodies of water
Fossil Fuels Revolution
Definition: Revolution that used fossil fuels, which greatly increased the use of fossil fuels for transportation and energy.
LO4: Raw materials such as coal allowed for industrialization to happen by using their energy to power up machines and produce energy to get things done more efficiently.
Industrial Communication
Definition: Inventions that made communication and developments possible
EX: Telegraph created by Samuel Morse allowed for communication to be possible, Steamships and railroads were transportation methods that were efficient at transporting goods and trading.
LO6: These technologies created allowed for communication to be entirely possible and it allowed for many societies to industrialize and develop, due to the creation of instant communication and fast, efficient travel.
Internal Combustion Engine
Definition: Invention created by Nickolas Otto in 1862, which was used for power generation in many different transportation vehicles.
LO6: Technologies created in the Industrial Revolution, such as the Internal Combustion Engine, allowed for trade to move quicker and for economic production to become more efficient. The internal combustion engine helped free men from manual labor, and was used as the most common engine in many different transportation vehicles, which allowed for better transportation/better exporting and importing.
Second Industrial Revolution
Definition: The second industrial revolution, also known as the technological revolution, came in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and involved chemicals, steel, oil, and and electronics.
EX: Bell’s telephone, Marconi’s radio, Oil fueled fossil fuel transportation, Bessemer process used steel to become backbone of society, Marie Curie development of radium and Polonium, Electricity
LO6: New technology and machines were made in the second industrial revolution, such as Bell’s telephone and Marconi’s radio, which led to instant communication, which increased the production of trade. There was also oil, which allowed for fossil fuel transportation, leading to faster economic trading/exporting. Also, the second industrial revolution led to the harnessing of electricity, which allowed for places to be lit up and more transportation to occur.
Steam Engine
Definition: A heat engine that uses steam and performs mechanical work that was created during the industrial revolution by James Watt and Thomas Newcomer.
LO6: The steam engine was one of the most important inventions in the 18th century, now that the steam engine is created, steam could now be used for industry and transportation, which further led to the creation of the steamship and the train.
Meiji Restoration
Definition: Political event that westernized and industrialized Japan, started by Samurai who were resentful to Matthew Perry opening Japan in 1853 and the Tokugawa Shogunate ratifying unequal treaties for US trade, so they restored Emperor Meiji to power
About: The Meiji Restoration was caused by internal problems in Japan made ruling the country too difficult. The feudal system was decaying, and factions were growing. Reinstating the emperor legitimized the movement by connecting it to an old tradition that encouraged everyone to unify. Japan in 1870 bult railways and steamships, 1976 abolished samurai class, universal military service established. Led to creation of Zaibatsus and government/military modelled primarily after Prussia.
LO7: Japan’s strategy was to try and westernize Japan, the Meiji restoration was caused by Samurai wanting to bring Emperor Meiji to power due to Matthew Perry opening Japan, and the Meiji Restoration affected JP because they built railways and steamships and changed society and economic production
Muhammad Ali
Definition: First modern leader of Egypt, gained control of Egypt in 1805 after Napoleon left, ended 600 year Mamluk rule
EX: Industrialized Egypt and expanded cotton production, worked with FR to build Suez Canal but went bankrupt, sold it to BR, led to BR naming EG to a protectorate (colony) in 1882
LO10: Industrialization let the Ottoman Empire start to suffer from problems due to overexpansion and failure to modernize, which allowed for Muhammad Ali to come in and make the one part of the Ottoman, Egypt, rise to power. With Ali in power, he began his own reforms in Egypt and began to make the country’s military use a European model.
Definition: An economic system based on open competition in a free market, in which individuals and companies own the means of production and operate for profit. Adam Smith was the father of capitalist thinking, he assumed that humans were self serving by nature as long as every individual were to seek the fulfilment of their own self interest, the material needs of the whole society would be met. Adam Smith created the book “Wealth of Nations” which included his opinion that government should reduce their intervention in economic decisions, and that businesses and consumers should make the choices. (Government should avoid regulation of economy)
LO2: The Enlightenment sparked ideas and Enlightenment thinkers such as Adam Smith, shared their opinions on how economic decisions should be made, which pulled in followers and questioned authorities and nobility.
Stock Market
Definition: Investors connect to buy and sell investments, most commonly stocks
LO10: Industrialization developed and emerged new ways of organizing businesses, which allowed for the economy to increase due to companies being able to raise money through the stock market.
Transnational Business
Definition: Commercial enterprise that runs several facilities and conducts business in multiple countries
Examples: The United Fruit company was an American corporation that traded in tropical fruit grown on Latin America plantations, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) is one of the world’s largest banking and financing company.
LO10: Transnational business allowed for companies to increase production and led them to mass selling globally, which helped the spread of goods and increased the overall economy
Definition: Founded by Karl Marx in the 19th century, a political theory advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. It is a political system in which the government owns all property and dominates all aspects of life in a country.
LO2: Marx inherited from the Enlightenment linear and deterministic perspective on development of societies, which allowed for his to come up with his Communist theory, which affected society by spreading the idea of universal social welfare.
Labor Unions
Definition: Group of workers who wanted to obtain better working conditions, an organization that acts as the middle-man between its members and the business that employs them. A labor union represents the collective interests of workers, bargaining with employers over such concerns as wages and working conditions. Labor unions are specific to industries and work like democracies.
LO10: Labor Unions emerged quickly after the Industrial Revolution, they give workers the power to negotiate for more favorable working conditions and other benefits through collective bargaining
Self-Strengthening Movement
Definition: Western reforms in the Qing Dynasty, Manchu rulers rook what Europe was doing with their society and tried to apply it to China
LO7: China tried this strategy to try and preserve it’s falling empire, and try to improve it by using westernization, like they do in Europe. The self-strengthening movement first made education reforms and abolished the CCE, but later his aunt imprisoned him, she didn’t want westernization, and wanted China culture, so she destroyed railroads and brings back the CCE.
Definition: Developed by Karl Marx, a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies
LO2: The enlightenment affected thinkers to come up with new ideas such as socialism, which spread and various different branches of socialism developed in the 19th century, providing alternate visions of the social and economic future.
Taiping Rebellion
Definition: Rebellion against China (Qing dynasty), to fight against all the internal issues and conflicts going on in China, and to try and replace traditional Chinese culture with Christianity/Taiping values, also promoting pro-communism and gender rights
About: Religious zealot (Hong Xiuquan), thought he was the brother of Jesus, amassed 1 million men army and almost overthrew Qing (helped out by the British), 20 million people died
LO3: The Taiping Rebellion was started by Xiuquan, who believed he was the brother of Jesus and was sent to reform China. The Taiping Rebellion eventually failed, but it resulted in around 20 million deaths.
Tanzimat Reforms
Definition: Western reforms from 1839-1876 made by the Ottoman empire to preserve their weakening empire due to Industrialization
EX: Secular education system instead of Ulama, codified Ottoman laws, updated legal system, all men are equal, regulated millets
LO10: Industrialization caused the Ottoman Empire to lose power due to overpopulation, which led to the Tanzimat reforms to try and save their weakening empire
LO2: The Enlightenment ideals questioned the ruling and politics in the Ottoman, and also allowed for the Ottoman to get weak, which led to the Tanzimat reforms to save their dying empire
Cult of Domesticity
Definition: Middle class ideal that women should take care of the domestic sphere to create a retreat for working men, it attempted to define gender roles in the 19th century by limiting women to a domestic sphere.
LO10: Industrialization sparked feminism, because now women are having to work in factories and also provide at home, many women were also angry at the cult of domesticity which was based of a sexist ideal.
New social classes
Definition: New social classes developed due to industrialization, the middle class and industrial workers. Industrial workers were people who worked in the factory system in harsh conditions, and the middle class was a new social class developed, who had more rights than the lower class, but not as much as the upper/high class.
LO10: Industrialization caused these new classes to be created in societies, which changed the standard of living. People in the middle class/aristocracy had access to leisure activities and consumerism, and people in the lower class/industrial workers had to live in tenements and were more susceptible to disease. They also had to work in factories which were unsanitary and they had to work long hours.
Definition: The process of making an area more urban
LO10: With the whole world industrializing, it allowed for urbanization to also happen at the same time. People started to work in factories in urban areas, which changed the way of their living, because they used to work in open, rural areas.