Deepika Tiruveedhula Unit 5 AP World Flashcards
Abolition Movement 5.1
A movement started to abolish slavery as a legal practice in many nations, utilized many enlightenment ideas like the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness (John Locke)
2) Slavery, which was much an accepted practice at that point, was questioned for its morality, eventually leading to people starting a movement to see its end
Empiricism 5.1
philosophy created by Francis Bacon where our knowledge should come from experiments and experiencing a phenomenon rather than just blindly believing in ideas that have been passed down for centuries like in religions
1) Empiricism applied to revolutions by giving reasons and motivations to fight for indepndence against mother land nations,
Enlightenment 5.1
A the period of scientific and philosophical advancements with new beliefs regarding human rights and other areas of thought, was more secular compared to previous guidelines of religion
1) Ideas of the enlightenment applied to revolutions by giving reasons and motivations to fight for indepndence against mother land nations
Suffrage Movement 5.1
The movement to advocate for women voting rights, Wollstonecraft was an English women who works describing women’s economic, psychological and also the political rights of women , the declaration of Seneca falls convention mimicked the structure of the declaration of independence and stated that women had rights that needed to be acknowledged
2) the enlightenment ideals were able to be used to women’s’ advantage as they argued their rights for equality, all of the ideas that were previously used for only white men could be extended to the feminism movement and also the abolishment movement which were the 2 main groups being ignored
American Revolution 5.2
resulted in Declaration of Independence signed on July 4th,
3) enlightenment ideas and the phrase “taxation without representation” were the big motivators,
Bolivar Revolutions 5.2
Multiple South American revolutions lead by Simon Bolivar after he tried to make one large nation like the US called Gran Colombia, made because creoles is latin america wanted authority and better jobs like peninsulares
Classical Liberalism 5.2
a political ideology that was similar to many of the ideals of the enlightenment which gave the people personal liberties but also authority over aspects of the government, John Stuart MIlli utillitarianism
3) classical liberalism was the result of many of the revolutions as the newly formed independent countries used enlightenment ideas to fight for their indpendence, later adding those policies themselves in their government
French Revolution 5.2
enlightenment ideas were spun to become life, equality, and fraternity in France, declaration of the rights of man was signed on July 14th 1789, Marquis de Lafayette
3) enlightenment ideas and war debt were big motivators, effects were that
Haitian Revolution 5.2
first rebellion with abolishing slavery as its goal to be successful, against French in Haiti or St Dominique, maroon sociities where killing their slave masters, 3) land was divided between enslaved and free black people, class distinctions were dissolved into just black
Nationalism 5.2
Having lots of pride in your own nation, patriotism, Germany expressed nationalism and built a sense of unitedness through pride in Industrial Revolution and education, Italy built through military conflict by kicking out Austrian and also Sardinian influence, Argentina fought against Spanish powers who led in Chile in the 1820s
Causes of Industrialization 5.3
Agricultural improvements and continued importation of raw materials gave colonizing countries many materials to work with to then export, development of the factory system thanks to the textile cottage industry was able to make the production of manufactured goods a lot more efficient, enclosure movement in rural drove them out
4) the good farming conditions of the many colonies and the way that Great Britain was surrounded by water helped to make industrialization
Factory System 5.3
started with the water frame made by the father of the factory system aka Richard Arkwright whose invention reduced the amount of labor needed to be made by a single person, the water wheel was able to replace the household textile cottage industry since it powered the spinning jenny by James Hargeaves and mechanized it since only a separately made building like a factory could house the machines needed
Industrialization 5.4
the formation of industries and creating manufcatured goods for profit rather than agricultural goods, involves the use of new inventions like the spinning jenny by Eli Whitney with other agricultural machines and factories for efficient production,
5) production has changed from agricultural growing of cashcrops into using those and other natural resources in the countries that developed inventions to manufacture products and export them back to the agrarian countries
Fossil Fuels Revolution 5.5
the use of fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, oil, natural gas, etc, to power new technology like especially the steam engine which would be able to transport goods regardless of source of fuel (unlike water for boats)
Industrial Communication 5.5
Technological innovations like the railroad, steamship and steam engine for steamboats, telegraph by Alexander Graham,
Internal Combustion Engine 5.5
made in around 1860, mainly helped with transportation devices like
Second Industrial Revolution 5.5
new ways to create steel, useful chemicals, electricity, and precision machinery in the 2nd half of 19th century, utilized iron to make ships stronger, new communication devices,
Steam Engine 5.5
1765, James Watt, used for transportation devices like steam boat and steam engine, efficient enough to move the factories away from the shorelines, steam engine for trains which pushed for more railroads to be made, utilized fossil fuels,
6) Helped to make more mechanized and efficient as manufactured products can be put on steam engine and be transported anywhere
Meiji Restoration 5.6
Started when Matthew Perry from the US made an unequal contract with the Tokugawa Shogunate for trade, western reforms for the govern and military,
7) Japan wanted to be more individual and not intermingle with the western world since they saw how everything went with them and the opium wars, became their OWN Europe and industrialized by brining in foreign experts and using their methods, was successful
Muhammad Ali 5.6
Egypt’s first single modern leader after Napoléon rule in 1805, technically was still with the Ottoman empire as a viceroy
7) Muhammad brought to Egypt state sponsored industrialization as he expanded cotton production to then sell to Britain, after making Suez Canal with France, Egypt went bankrupt and Britain claimed Egypt as a protectorate(/colony)
Capitalism 5.7
Adam Smith advocated for a laissez-faire economy where the govt is mainly hands off,
Stock Market 5.7
How stockholders can buy ownership of parts of a corporation which is a business chartered by a government, indirect since stockholders are NOT directly buying partial ownership from the corporation
8) this economic system was one of the new ways to organize business during the Industrial Revolution,
Transnational Business 5.7
Companies that work internationally like the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation or HSBC which is owned by the British but did banking in HK in 1865 for companies and on the global scale, United Fruit Company produced fruits like bananas for very cheap in Latin American countries that were unstable to earn them profit in markets of US, Europe, internationally
8) Transnational businesses changed the conomy to be
Communism 5.8
Founded by Karl Marx and Frederick Egels in the Communist Manifesto, a final stage of economic development in the efforts to replace capitalism with socialism where all social classes would become one single class, no class distinctions, communism = community 9) made in fear of the more worsely treated lower class rebelling against the government and taking it over, ultimately drove power away from the people with overly authoritative leaders,
Labor Unions 5.8
Unions created by the laborers in factories in retaliation of bad working conditions and low pays, organizations would fight for bargaining wages with employers and agreeing to them in a contract 9) poor working conditions and unfair wages led to the formation of labor unions, as they gained popularity ideas surrounding how better working rights means a more loyal and productive workforce became popular and were implemented, middle class grew and social mobility or the ability to move up in social class become more possible
Self-Strengthening Movement 5.8
A movement in Qing or Manchu Dynasty China to fix the internal and external problems, fought against the threat of external powers with better military and better arsenals and shipyards, made stable government to collect taxes and revenue, was temporary
9) Manchu government needed a way to prove that they could fix their problems domestically with corrupt government and affairs internationally with external powers, fixed education system, got rid of CSE because of lack of trust
Socialism 5.8
founded by Karl Marx, a type of economy where the means of production are all controlled by the government, all of the large industries are considered public meaning no private companies
9) Socialism was a result from the fear that the workers of the capitalism system would rebel and eventually overtake the government, socialism gave the government more power but in the countries where it was utilized like Russia, removed the incentive to work hard
Taiping Rebellion 5.8
14 year long war led by Hong Xiuquan who believed who was the brother of Jesus, gathered an army of 1 million people to go against the Manchu government, killed about 25 million people
9) lack of trust of the chinese people with the Manchu government because of opium wars made everyone gang up to try to take over the government, result was the self strengthening movement to solve the corruption within
Tanzimat Reforms 5.8
Ottoman reforms that were made to copy the western reforms, education reforms, Ottoman Edict reform, regulating millets, made after Janissaries and tax farming were abolished to create a more western military and govt
9) Cause was the lacking behind in technological advancements, rise in Janissaries while sultans were falling in power, and corrupt government, result was young turks sticking up for them and more westernized society, however balkans were getting their independence
Cult of Domesticity 5.9
the traditional social position of a women as a home maker who looks after the kids and serves the husband 10) Women also became workers in lower class families as they and the children would help to make money for their homes, gave women more options in work and were first stepping stones for them to achieve equality
New Social Classes 5.9
New social class was based on amount of wealth, bottom was working class with factory and coal mine laborers, their wages were low since there was no competition for repetitive work, middle class aka white collar workers comprised of factory and office managers small business owners and professionals, top were industrialists and owners of the corporations and includes captains of industry, overtook previous system of aristocracy 10) large amount of people coming from rural wanted a job so worked as low level workers of factories where specialized skills arent needed, specialized skills were only needed for manager positions which middle class took, captains of indutry had natural resource reserves as their main revenue or owned the factories, social classes reflected for the levels were paid meaning poorer = worse life quality
Urbanization 5.9
The rapid growth of cities with little to no urban planning, leading to creation of tenements and slums, pollution and diseases were not uncommon
10) caused a large influx of people from rural areas to come to cities for work and need for hastily made buildings, leading to poor living conditions like multiple families living together, horrible sanitation with water quality (no proper sewer or trash system)