Unit 6 CH 16/17/18 Flashcards
bill that did much to encourage settlers to move west; 160 acres of land were given to any settler who was an American citizen or
who had applied for citizenship, who was committed to farming the land for six months of the year, and who could pay the $10 registration fee for the land
Homestead Act
battle that was the last large-scale
attempt by Native Americans to resist American settlement in the Great Plains
region. Federal soldiers opened fire on Native Americans, killing more than
Massacre at Wounded Knee
act designed to break up Native American tribes by offering individual Native Americans land to be used for either farming or grazing
Dawes Act
organization that united farmers at the statewide and regional levels; policy goals of this organization included more readily
available farm credits and federal regulation of the railroads
Farmers Alliances
this party was designed to appeal to workers in all parts of the country. They favored a larger role of government in American society, a progressive income tax, and more direct methods of democracy.
Populist Party
thesis suggesting that the innovations practiced by western settlers gradually became ingrained into the fabric of American society; democracy and self-improvement were also central to western expansion
Turner Thesis
To encourage the building of “land-grant” colleges in Western territories that had already been granted statehood, hundreds of thousands of acres of land were given to state governments. This land could be sold by the states to pay for
these colleges.
Morrill Land Grant Act
farms that usually produced only one or two crops on them. Produce from these farms was sold to the Eastern United States or abroad
bonanza farms
The most prominent of the Southern blacks who went west was the 1879 group. Less than 20 percent of this group became successful farmers in the plains region
bill offered land in the Northwest that was unsuitable for farming to “settlers” at very cheap prices
Timber & Stone Act
General George Custer was sent to round up Sitting Bull and the Sioux. He and his force of over 200 men were all killed
Battle of Little Big Horn
Ceremony conducted by Nez Perce warriors which were supposed to remove the whites from Native American territories, return the buffalo, and bring ancestors killed by the
whites back to life
Ghost Dances
every dollar in circulation had to be backed by a similar amount of gold held by the federal government
gold standard
party which supported getting more
paper money into circulation in the 1878 election
Greenback Party
stated that the federal government could regulate interstate railway rates
Interstate Commerce Act of 1887
aimed to control the power of trusts and monopolies.
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
the belief that factories should be managed in a scientific manner, utilizing techniques that would increase the efficiency of the
individual workers and the factory process as a whole.
strategy of gaining as much control over a single industry as possible, often by creating trusts and holding companies
horizontal integration
strategy of gaining as much control over a single industry as possible by controlling the production, marketing, and distribution of the finished product.
vertical integration
philosophy of Andrew Carnegie who believed that wealthy industrialists had an obligation to help local communities and philanthropic organizations.
Gospel of Wealth
established in the 1880s, this was the major union of that decade. It was made up of unions of many industries and accepted unskilled workers.
Knights of Labor
depiction of late nineteenth-century America that emphasizes a surface of great prosperity hiding problems of social inequality and cultural shallowness.
Gilded Age
federal act that established a civil service
system at the federal level. For the first time, not all government jobs would be political appointments.
Pendleton Civil Service Act
political machine that ran New York City Democratic and city politics beginning in 1870; became a model for other urban political machines in the late 1800s.
Tammany Hall
in downtown Chicago. Police and militia forces arrived to break up a strike demonstration. At that moment, a bomb went off. Seven people died, and nearly
70 were wounded
Haymarket Square Riot
poorer immigrants who arrived
from non-English-speaking areas, such as Eastern Europe, Russia, and Italy
new immigrants
prohibited Asians who were not citizens from owning land anywhere in the state of California
Webb Alien Land Law