Unit 1 & 2 Flashcards
exchange of crops, animals, diseases, and ideas between Europe and colonies of the Western Hemisphere that developed in the aftermath of the voyages of Columbus.
Columbian Exchange
group of religious dissidents who came to the New World so they would have a location to establish a “purer” church than the one that existed in England.
religious group that also opposed the Church of England; this group first went to Holland, and then some went on to the Americas.
individuals who exchanged compulsory service for free
passage to the American colonies.
indentured servants
economic system practiced by European powers in the late seventeenth century stating that economic self-sufficiency was crucial; as a result, colonial empires were important for raw materials.
acts passed by the British Parliament increasing the dependence of the colonies on the English for trade; these acts caused great resentment in the American colonies but were not strictly enforced.
Navigation Acts 1660
complex trading system that developed in this era between Europe, Africa, and the colonies; Europeans purchased slaves in Africa and sold them to the colonies, raw materials from the colonies went to Europe, while European finished products were sold in the colonies
Triangular Trade
voyage taken by African slaves on horribly overcrowded ships from Africa to the Americas.
Middle Passage
trials after which 19 people were executed as witches; historians note the class nature of these trials.
Salem Witch Trials 1692
early eighteenth-century British policy relaxing the strict enforcement of trade policies in the American colonies.
Salutary Neglect
Nearly 100 slaves took up arms in 1739 and killed several plantation owners before they were killed or captured and
Stono Rebellion
colonies with residents who owned property-electing assemblies and appointed governors
In response to colonial ships trading with the French West Indies and importing sugar from there instead of from British colonies producing sugar in the Caribbean. This tightened British control over colonial trade.
Molasses Act 1733
A great religious revival, which swept through the American colonies from the 1720s through the 1740s led by preachers such as Jonathan Edwards
First Great Awakening
natives were given over to Spanish colonists, who in exchange for
their labor, promised to “protect” them.
encomienda system
revoked the charters of all the colonies from New Jersey to Maine and placed immense powers in the hands of Sir Edmund Andros, the governor.
Dominion of New England
made up of members of the landowning elite in every colony who held the “power of the purse”
colonial assemblies