Unit 6 Flashcards
Psychology should be an objective science that studies behavior without reference to mental processes
Permanent change in an organisms behavior due to experience
Decreasing response to a stimulus with repeated exposure to it
Associative learning
Learning that certain events occur together
First time the CR occurs because of the CS
Unconditioned response
Natural physical response
Unconditioned stimulus
Unlearned trigger
Neutral stimulus
At first, no effect, nut later triggers the response
Conditioned response
Learned response
Conditioned stimulus
Part that created the new association
Point at which CR no longer follows the CS
Spontaneous recovery
After a period of extinction, a CR suddenly returns
CR to a range of similar stimuli
When a person only responds to a specific CS
Classical conditioning
Occurs with an involuntary response to a learned stimulus
Higher order conditioning
CS is paired with a new NS which creates a second CS
Vicarious classical conditioning
Law of effect
More we reinforce a behavior, the more it occurs
Primary reinforcer
Reinforcement that you need to survive
Secondary reinforcer
Want because it is enjoyable or it is something we like so we are willing to try and get them
Operant chamber
A chamber containing a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain food or water
When you train a behavior that is very complex piece by piece
Positive reinforcement
Adding something wanted to increase a behavior in the future
Negative reinforcement
Taking away something unwanted to inverse a behavior
Positive punishment
Adding something unwanted to decrease the behavior in the future
Negative punishment
Take away something wanted in order to decrease a behavior
Operant conditioning
Voluntary behaviors and consequences
An event that decreases the behavior that it follows
Consequence that will increase the chance that behavior will happen in the future
Token economy
People can earn a token of some sort for exhibiting a desired behavior and can exchange those for privileges or treats
Behavior modification
Continuous reinforcement
Reinforce a behavior every time
Partial reinforcement
Reinforcing a response only part of the time; results in slower acquisition of a response
Fixed interval schedule
Reinforce after same amount of time
Variable ratio schedule
Changing amount of a repeated action
*most effective
Variable interval schedule
Changing amount of time that passes between reinforcements
Fixed ratio schedule
Reinforcement after same amount of repeated actions
Delayed reinforcer
Learned helplessness
Hopelessness an animal learns when unable to avoid repeated events
Intrinsic motivation
Desire to perform a behavior effectively for its own sake
Extrinsic motivation
Desire to perform a behavior to receive promised rewards or avoid threatened punishments
Observational learning
Learning by observing others
Process of observing and imitating a specific behavior
Mirror neurons
Frontal lobe neurons that fire when performing certain actions or when observing others doing so. Can enable imitation and empathy
Cognitive map
Mental representation of the layout in ones environment
Latent learning
Hidden learning that is under the surface
B. F. Skinner
Operant conditioning
Pigeons and rats
Schedules of reinforcement
John Watson
Classical conditioning
Baby Al
Ivan Pavlov
Classical conditioning
Edward Thorndike
Operant conditioning
Law of effect
Albert Bandura
Bobo doll
Social/observational learning
Edward Tollman
Latent learning
Rats in maze
John Garcia
Classical conditioning
Taste aversions