Unit 6 Flashcards
Characteristics of Nationalism
Geography, distinct culture, education, ethnicity, history, language, religion, govnt, leaders
nationalism’s conflict with principles of the congress of vienna
legitimacy (hereditary rule), multi- nationalism, popular sovereignty (lots of minorities demanded power)
difficulties of nationalism
which ethinic group had justified claims of autonomy
refions of 19th century nationalistic pressures
russia (poland), Germany (austria), italy, balkin region, britain (ireland), eastern europe (czech, slovak, hungarian)
definition of liberals according to conservatives
anyone opposed to conservative ideals
political goals of 19th century liberals
religious toleration, constitutionalism (civic equality), keep civil rights, expand the electorate, achieve unified german nation (germany/austria)
19th c. liberals and the origins of their ideas
economic goals of the 19th c. liverals
laissez-faire (adam smith)
remove internal tariffs, get rid of labor unions, promote merit over property
major pillars of 9th c. conservatism
throne (didn’t like constitutional bodies)
land (liberalism threatens privilages)
altar (liberalism leads to dechristianization)
Klemens von Metternich
one of the most important political ppl austrian prince conservative maintain havsburg empire || dynastic integrity
student, club, fraternity; want german unification
karl sand executed for murder of a conservatist
|| now a martyr
Carlsbad degrees
The Spa field riots (need date)
reaction to Lord Liverpool’s ministry/ Coercion acts: suspend habious corpus (due process of law)
Dec. 1816
The Peterloo Massacre (need date)
popular ppl rise up against coertion acts, troops come in and kill 11 revolters
in st. peter’s field
Aug 16th, 1819
The six acts
- forbade unauthorized meetings
- raised fines for seditious libel
- speedy trials
- increased newspaper taxes
- prohibited city/ local militias
- allowed nonwarranted searches/ seizures
by lord liverpool
parliamentary actions resulting from Decembrst revolts
the organic statute: declare poland a part of Russia
Louis XVIII as monarch
made the charter
reaffirmed declaration of the rights of man and citizen
protected church lands
became conservative because of charlesX
Major Powers of congress of vienna
prussia, britain austria, russia
concert of europe
set about to resolve issues, international diplomacy to prevent outbreak of war
Ferdinand VII’s rule after the fall of napoleon
promised to govern constitutionally
dissolved the cortes
congress of troppau/ protocol of trappou: stable govnts could intervene millitarily to dispose threat of war
congress of veronna intervenes
Demands of the Treaty of London 1827
recognized Greece as a nation
major accomplishments of George Canning
foreign secratary of Britain. Pulled out of continental affairs (monroe doct.)
Revolts in Mediterranean Europe
Greek Revolutions 1821, serbian independance
Spark of independence movements throghout Latin America
wars of French revolution
napoleonic wars
Toussaint L’ Overture impact on Latin american Independence
Governer- General for life
leader of haitian slave rebellion
ultimately abolished slavery in haiti
haitian slave rebellion
France abolishes haitian slavery, slave owners get mad
Tsar Alex I and his political reforms
suppressed liberalism and rationalism
turned away from reform
Tsar Alex I and his successor
Constantine vs. Nicholas
Nicholas forced to be tsar
police state, autocratic, “orthodoxy, Autocracy, and nationalism”
The northern society
moderate: advocated constitutional monarchy,
no serfdom, protect boyars
The southern society
radical, liberal: advocate parliament, no serfdom
Nicholas I views on Serfdom
didn’t like it, but didn’t change it in fear of losing favor of nobles
uniquness/ significance of the decembrist revolt
military refuse to take oath
1st real russian rev. in which instigators had specific political goal
want to establish constitutional monarchy
Russian tsar and infringements upon other countries
rule over poland
“puppet state”
four ordinances
- restrict freedom of press
- dissolve chamber of deputies
- limited vote to the wealthy
- called for new elections
Charles X and his domestic policies
absolutist (divine right) restores premogeniture elections of 1830 four ordinances protect catholic church (punish sacrolige) colonize algeria
facts about louis philippe
july monarchy "king of the French" tricolour constitution catholic is official relig, but toleration to others no censorship voting extended expand colonial empire not as much attention to lower class
Great Reform Bill and its impact on the english electorate
expanded electorate by 200,000 votes
kept property stipulation, gender requirements
made revolution unnecessary
Daniel O’Connell
“the liberator”
won a seat, but can’t take seat b.c. he’s catholic
Great Britain and its support for independence in Latin America
favored latin american independence
major events taking place in 1830
serbian ind. greek ind. (2nd treaty of london) nov. uprising july rev. belgian rev.
where the industrial rev encouraged britain to invest in the early 19th c.
U.S.A. and Latin America
pop growth in britain, france, and germany by mid 19th c.
britain: 16-21 mil
france: 32-36 mil
Germany: 26-33 mil
Impact on cities due to 19th c. urbanization
pollution, starvation, not adequate housing, disease, criminal activity
Emancipation of serfs in France, Prussia, Austria, Russia
Enclosure movement France: August 4, 1798 Prussia: 1815 Austria: 1848 Russia: 1861 Link between industrialization and serfdom
Causes and effects on the Irish famine of 1845-49
Penal laws to Catholics
Poor laws
Effects: mass exodus
Results of railway improvements on consumer economy
Increase demand of iron, ppl invested in capital wealth, scarcity of consumer goods
Limits of workers in the new labor marketplace
Workers had no say as to what, how much, price, etc.
Process by which labor becomes a commodity
Wage labor force
Factory workers, urban artisans, not as skilled after 19th c.
Chartist reform movements, measures
1st working class movement with specific political/ labor goals
British chartism
Ppl’so charter wants electoral reform
Peaceful except Luddites
Not successful
Purpose behind constructing the crystal palace
Great exhibition of 1851
Designed to see how new industries were compatible with enlightened ideals, culture, art, beauty
Relationship between husbands and wives in early factories
Men= foremen/ employers Wives= assistants
Work hours after 1847
10 hr work day
Requirements of new jobs for women I textile factories
Textile work
Mostly in home
Less skilled
Lower wages
Women and employment in France 1850
Most women worked the land
First organized police force
Trends of criminal activity in Europe
Slowly escalated until 1860, then plateaued
Reason British criminals sent to Austria
Alt. to capital punishment, serious offenders
The auburn system and Philadelphia system
Auburn: separate prisoners at night
Phili: separate prisoners always
Backfire, led to mental collapse
Classical economists and economic system, govnt roles
Adam smith starts ideas with laissez- fairs
Want free- enterprise
Govnt should have some roles
(Currency, foreign, protections, etc)
Thomas Malthus “essay on the principle of population”
Point of crisis, resources outstripped by pop. Growth
Advocated lower wages and family planning
David Ricardo “principles of political economy”
Iron law of wages
Advocated low wages
Jeremy Bentham and utilitarianism
Greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of ppl Middle class is the greatest amount of ppl
Utopian socialist movements
Owenism(new lanark), saint- simonianism (technocracy), foierism
Saint Simon
Technocracy: board of directors manage wealth and industry
Rejected govnt, industry and capitalism
August blanqui
Pierre Joseph Proudhon ( mutualism= give goods and services)
Karl Marx and communist manifesto
Wrote with friedrich
Influenced by Hegel
Exploration of the process of the culmination of history
Not initially popular, but yes in 20th c.
Revolution that proletarians emrge
Sources of inspiration for the communist manifesto
Hegel, utopian socialists, English classical economists
Regions of rev. Of 1848
France, Italy, Austria ( Vienna, Hungary, Bohemia/ Czech, lambarte), Germany (Prussia, Berlin),
Makeup of the revolutionaries in 1848
Political liberal, working class, nationalists
Results of the 1848-49 rev.
All failures because lack of unity, strong conservative govnnts,
Louis Philippe and his confrontations with the republic
Corrupt reign, guizot is minister, overthrown in 1848
Origin of 1848 rev.s
Facts about the French Revolution of 1848
Louis Philippe overthrown, led to creation of he 2nd French Republic, led to Louis Bonaparte, failed bc disunity between liberals and working class
Feminist movements in revolutionary Europe
Voix des femmes: chill homies
Wanted more education, votes, equality in the household
Vesuvians: non chill homies
Wanted to have free dress, military rights, etc
Regions of rev in Habsburg empire in 1848
Vienna, Budapest Hungary, n. Italy, Czech
Actions of Hungarians during Magyar revolt
Annex Transylvania, Croatia, Balkan Peninsula, Slovak
Led to nationalistic resistance and failure
Split between German working class and German liberals
Not unified
Working class: job security, wages
Libs: unification in country
German rev of 1848
King Fred will IV
Dissolve Prussia. Constituent assembly
Denied crown of Germany from Frankfurt parliament
Want germ. Unif.
Grousdeautsch vs. kleindaustch (without Austria)
Italian rev of 1848
Piedmont was most stable, roman repub 1849 (doesn’t last long cuz French invas.)
Giuseppe matzini
Giuseppe geribaldi