Unit 6 Flashcards
News, updates and information issued periodically to the members of a society and other organizations.
A large printed sheet containing text and pictures displayed in a public space.
A collection of web pages.
Web server:
the computer the website is saved on.
Web browser:
An application used to access websites on the world wide web.
Multimedia presentation:
A presentation that uses a mix of media like text, video, sound and photos.
Audio communication:
A form of transmission based on audio.
A digital audio file made on the internet.
Video communication:
A from of transmission that is based on moving pictures along with audio.
Media streaming:
A method of transmitting or receiving data over a computer network as a steady continuous flow allowing playback to start as the rest of the data is loading.
Live streaming:
A streaming video is sent over the internet in real time, without first being recorded and stored.
Digital material published online such as e-books or digital magazines and newspapers.
A device on which you can read e-publications.
Short message system:
a system where users can send short text messages to each other from one mobile phone to another.
Voice over internet protocol:
allows the use of making the internet carry voice data when making phone calls.
A geographical area covered by a station.
Base station:
fixed point of communication for cellular phones. It uses antennas to transmit.
The automatic transfer of a user’s connection to a base station to another base station which is more close to a user.
3G and 4G:
Communication protocols used by smartphones to connect to the internet where 4G is faster than 3G.
5th generation of wireless technology for digital cellular networks.
Computer modeling:
An attempt to abstract the rules and mechanisms that control real life systems and apply them in computer programs so that they can simulate the behavior of those systems.
Mathematical formula:
An expression or equation that expresses the relationship between particular quantities.
to make something that looks and acts like a real object or situation that is not real.
Personal financial model:
Creating a plan to manage a person’s budget.
Modelling software:
Programs used to create computer models.
Hazard map:
A map highlighting areas that are vulnerable to adverse conditions.
Real time:
Data being transferred as soon as things occur.
Traffic management:
using mathematical and computer simulations of real world traffic situations to ensure optimal traffic flow.
Weather forecasting:
Predicting weather conditions over the next few days.
A machine controlled by a computer to do tasks automatically.
Machine learning:
The ability of computers to learn without being programmed.
Autonomous vehicle:
A vehicle capable of sensing the environment without the use of a human.
Spatial laser sensors:
Sensors which are used with laser to detect, measure and analyze the space and objects in an environment in real time.
School management system:
Software designed to assist school administrative and educational tasks.
Computer aided learning (CAL):
use of computer systems to assist in learning.
Online booking system:
System that allows people to book tickets and make reservations over the internet.
Automated teller machine:
Machine that allows you to carry out banking services outside of banks.
Money transfer:
Transferring money electronically from one place to another.
Electronic fund transfer:
Transfer of money from one place to another electronically.
Internet banking:
A method of banking in which transactions are conducted electronically via the internet.
Credit cards:
A card that allows a customer to borrow funds to pay for goods and service.
Debit cards:
A card allowing the holder to transfer money electronically from their bank account when making a purchase.
A written document that orders a bank to pay a specific amount of money from a person’s bank account to another bank account, group or individual.
Patient record system:
A computer system used to keep an account of patients’ examinations.
Pharmacy records:
Details of medicines and drugs prescribed from a particular store.
The process of producing tissue and orans similar to natural body parts containing living cells.
An artificial body part.
The third axis in a 3 dimensional graph to represent coordinates.
Material used to produce engineered live tissue using 3d printing technology.
Customized medicine:
A medicine created to meet the needs of a specific individual.
Expert system:
A computerized system that attempts to produce the decision making process of an expert human.
Computer aided design:
A software that allows creation, modification and analysis of a design.
User interface:
On screen moving platform the user interacts with.
Knowledge base:
A database related information about a particular subject.
Rules base:
A set of rules used to produce an output or decision by the expert system.
Interface engine:
Program that can apply the rules to the data to apply the rules to data to get sensible judgement.
Explanation system:
Provides explanation of reasoning processes used to arrive at a particular decision.
Point of sale:
Where you pay for goods or services.
Stock control system:
Computerized system to automatically maintain records of stock levels.
Batch process:
A group jobs executed together either sequentially or at the same time.
Electronic funds transfer point of sale (EFTPOS):
A point of sale with a chip and a pin reader.
Contactless payment:
A transaction that requires no physical contact between customers payment device and physical terminal.
Automated numberplate recognition system (ANPR):
A system capable of reading car number plates with a high degree of accuracy without human intervention.
Match points:
Areas of a person that are compared with stored data.
Satellite systems:
Provide data and broadcast services with global coverage to mobile users and fixed sites.
Artificial body placed in orbit to orbit Earth or moon or another planet.
Global positioning (GPS):
Navigation position systems that uses satellite to locate items on the ground.
Satellite television:
A service that delivers television programs to viewers by relaying them from communication satellites by orbiting the Earth.
Satellite dish:
A bowl shaped aerial through which signals are transmitted.
Satellite phones:
Telephone that have the ability to connect to orbiting satellites.
Cellular network:
A radio network distributed over land through cells which includes a fixed base station.
Biometric system:
Once a data like a fingerprint has been detected, it will try to match the data with saved data in the database.
Multimedia presentation:
A standalone presentation made with the mix of different media: text, video, audio and images to present information effectively, and keep viewer interested.
Bridge and building design:
Computer simulation to test the designs of bridges and building before they are built.
Computer controlled systems:
Set of devices working together to achieve goals.
Production line:
Different machines and people with different tasks working in a line to make multiple same products.
Advantage of satellite television:
1) Large amount of content.
2) Lots of foreign stations can be viewed.
3) Cables not required, good for rural areas.
Disadvantages of satellite television:
1) Need a satellite dish.
2) Satellite dish needs to be positioned correctly.
Advantages of satellite navigation:
1) Helps people find their destination.
2) Helps track parcel and stolen vehicles.
3) Gives information on nearby shops, restaurants, etc.
4) Can give spoken directions so that the driver does not have to take eyes off the road.
Disadvantages of satellite navigation:
1) Does not work in places where device cannot receive signals.
2) If a driver follows verbal instructions, they will not learn the route.
Advantages of biometric system:
1) Improved security.
2) Quicker authentication.
3) Improved customer experience.
4) Cannot be forgotten or lost.
5) Reduces operation costs.
Disadvantages of biometric system:
1) Environment and usage can affect measurements.
2) Systems not always accurate.
3) May not recognize individuals if there characteristics have changed.
4) There may be fake positives.
5) If it is contact based, there may be hygiene concerns.
Advantages of optical mark recognition:
1) Fast method of data entry.
2) More accurate than a human.
Advantages of automated number plate recognition system:
1) Number plates can be read all day every day.
2) Vehicles can be checked and located.
3) Safety can be improved by helping to catch speeding drivers.
Disadvantages of automated number plate recognition system:
1) Extreme weather conditions affect accuracy.
2) Privacy concerns.
Advantages of stock control system:
1) Saves money by keeping not too much stock.
2) Prevents fresh stock from going off before it’s sold.
3) Saves employees’ time.
Purpose of websites:
1) Entertainment.
2) Provide information.
3) Advertise an organization or product.
4) Allow users to download and upload files.
5) To allow users to purchase products on the site.
Usage of multimedia presentation:
1) Accompany a talk by a person.
2) Run on their own views.
3) Create educational tutorials.
4) Produce digital portfolio of work.
5) Produce a photo slide to run on its own.
6) Creative interactive stories and quizzes.
7) Create animations.
Model situation uses:
1) Bridge and building design.
2) Flood water management.
3) Traffic management.
4) Weather forecasting.
5) Personal finance
Reasons to model a situation:
1) Test situation without endangering anyone.
2) To test without using a large number of money.
3) Different conditions can easily be simulated.
Advantages of computer controlled systems:
1) Quick to respond and change.
2) Can run all day every day.
3) Can operate in places dangerous to humans.
4) Carry out repetitive tasks without error.
5) Do not require wages.
6) Can take hundreds of inputs at once and make accurate decisions.
Disadvantages of computer controlled systems:
1) Hardware can be hard to develop.
2) Power cut will cause it to stop working.
3) Cannot reach to unexpected events.
4) Can’t change according to situations not programmed.
5) Initial costs are high.
6) May break down.
Advantages of online booking system:
1) Saves time.
2) Open around the clock.
3) Gives immediate information.
4) Sends automatic email to confirm booking.
5) Allows immediate reselling.
Disadvantages of online booking system:
1) System may be expensive.
2) Cost of training.
3) An online data base along with a website would need to be made.
4) It will take time and money to keep the database accurate and working.
Advantages of Electronic Fund Transfer:
1) Faster payment.
2) Payment is immediate.
3) Can be used for payments 24/7.
4) Can be used for setting up regular and automatic payments.
5) More secure than cash.
6) No time wasted.
7) Payments can be made anywhere in the world.
Disadvantages of Electronic Fund Transfer:
1) Customers must have funds available.
2) Money cannot be recovered after a mistake.
3) Open to abuse by hackers.
Advantages of cheques:
1) People do not carry cash.
2) Can be stopped from being paid by contacting the bank.
3) Can be traced if lost.
Disadvantage of cheques:
1) The person providing the cheque may not know if the person has the amount of money in their account.
2) Not suitable for small accounts.
Advantages of internet banking:
1) Customers can view account details 24/7.
2) Can make electric fund transfers with their phones.
3) Money can be moved between accounts in real time.
4) Customers know when to add money to account.
1) Hackers may find details for account.
2) Easy to make mistakes.
Parts of expert system:
1) User interface.
2) Knowledge base.
3) Rules base.
4) Interference engine.
5) Explanation system.
Functions of expert system:
1) Medical diagnosis.
2) Mineral prospecting.
3) Car engine fault diagnosis.
4) Chess games.
5) Financial planning.
6) Route scheduling for delivery.
7) Plant and animal identification.
Advantage of satellite phones:
1) Easy to get in touch while travelling.
2) Can be used when there is no cellular signal or cables.
3) Can connect to cellular and landline phones.
Disadvantage of satellite phones:
1) Expensive to buy and use.
2) Can only work when in line of site of satellite.
Advantages of Geographical information system:
1) Can help organizations make planning decisions about construction.
2) Can be used to communicate data to the public during pandemic.
3) Can analyze the numbers of different geographical areas and assist with forecasting.
Disadvantages of geographical information system:
1) Expensive software.
2) System requires vast amount of data.
Requirements to have biometrics:
1) Suitable biometric reader.
2) A data bank of accurate biometrics of users.
3) Software to identify match points.
Advantages of RFID, QR and bar codes:
1) Product details read quickly.
2) Can be used as a part of automatic stock control system.
Disadvantages of RFID, QR and bar codes:
1) Labels may be damaged.
2) Cost of equipment and staff training.
Advantages of optical character recognition:
1) Quick.
2) Cheaper.
Disadvantages of optical character recognition
1) Mistakes happen often.
2) Document may be torn and dirty, making it difficult to read.
Optical character recognition activity:
Scans typewritten document and translates the images into an electronic format that the computer can understand.
Advantages of internet shopping:
1) There is more choice.
2) Goods are less expensive.
3) There is no need to travel to a store.
4) Disabled and elderly people find it easy to use.
5) Less fuel emissions.
6) Easier to get different range of food.
7) More employment.
8) No need to stand in a long line to check out.
9) Online stores do not close.
10) Worldwide access to goods.
11) Comparisons can be made with sites.
12) Shopping sites provide reviews.
Disadvantages of internet shopping:
1) Products cannot be tried or touched.
2) Products cannot be chosen with longest sell-by date.
3) Fear of card information to be stolen.
4) Not everyone has a computer, so it might be hard.
5) Cannot pay with cash.
6) Extra fees for delivery.
Advantages of digital publications:
1) Can be shared globally.
2) There are no printing costs.
3) It is quicker to get published.
4) Can be easily downloaded and carried.
5) Less bulky and don’t weigh as much as normal books.
Data needed in the forecast modeling system:
1) How the air moves.
2) How heat and moisture are exchanged in the atmosphere.
3) Air pressure.
4) Wind strength.
5) Temperature.
6) Wind direction.
7) Moisture.
Advantages of modeling:
1) Safety.
2) Less expensive.
3) More situations can be tested.
4) Final results.
5) Buildings can be perfected.
Disadvantages of modeling:
1) May be too complex.
2) May be difficult to identify all the rules correctly.
3) Model is not real, so answers may be inaccurate.
4) Funding is required to make a model.
5) May be mistakes in inputting the information.
Factors of computer aided learning:
1) Separation of teachers and students.
2) Use of computer network to present or distribute educational content.
3) Provision of two-way communication via computer so students benefit from communication with each other.
Benefits for learners with computer aided learning:
1) Learn at own pace.
2) Repeat difficult sections.
3) Omit sections they already know.
4) Provide customized materials for all students.
Advantages of atm:
1) Open all day, every day.
2) Customers do not have to go to a specific bank and building.
3) Accounts can be accessed by the customer anywhere.
4) Less human involvement, cheaper.
Disadvantage of atm:
1) Customers could be charged fees.
2) Limit on withdrawal each day.
3) Possibility of fraud.
Advantages of Debit cards:
1) Can be used to withdraw money from ATM without charge.
2) Easy to obtain from a bank.
3) Convenient.
4) Lots of money does not need to be carried around.
5) Accepted in most shops.
Disadvantages of Debit cards:
1) No time to cancel.
2) May be hard to keep track of spending.
3) Personal details can be stolen.
Advantages of Credit card:
1) Can be used to withdraw cash at ATM.
2) Convenient.
3) Easier to cancel payment.
4) Users can spread costs of large purchase over many months.
5) Many credit cards offer benefits and rewards.
Concerns about security of patient record system:
1) Hacking can lead to altering patient data or system damage.
2) Misuse of health information.
3) Concern about keeping data safe.
4) Possibility of personal information being stolen.
Disadvantages of Credit card:
1) People may be tempted to spend too much money.
2) Cannot be used past credit limit.
3) May be fees and charges.
What is electric fund transfer?
Transfer of money from one place to another electronically.
What is CCV?
3 digit number on the back of a credit card. This number is used when buying something online.
What is Geographic information system (GIS)?
Store, check and display information related to surface of the Earth’s map.