Unit 5: WWI United States Involvement Flashcards
Russia, France, Serbia, Great Britain, (Italy, Japan, US) later
What was America’s position at the beginning of the war?
Because of trade, what increased?
American investments overseas, went from $700 million to $3.5 billion
What put our overseas trade at risk?
British naval blockade of North Sea and German submarines
1/3 of the population were ___________ or children of __________.
Most Americans favored __________.
Information intended to sway public opinion
What did the British do to gain the support of America?
Printed false propaganda in US about Germans
What was German Kaiser?
Strong rule opposed views of democracy
Who led the Preparedness Movement?
American business leaders who had strong commercial ties with Britain
What was the Preparedness Movement’s goal?
Wanted country to be prepared to aid Britain if necessary
What did the Preparedness Movement do to complete their goal?
Movement leaders persuaded government to set up camps to train American men for combat
A situation in which neither side is able to gain the advantage
The war is at a stalemate for how long?
Two years
How did Germany provoke the US?
Poking the “bear”
How did Germany respond to the British blockade?
German U-boat sunk the Lusitania
What was the Lusitania?
British passenger ship off the coast of Ireland
How many Americans were killed in the Sinking of the Lusitania?
128 Americans
American public opinion–
against central powers
Kaiser later promised to _________ all ships on.
What was the Zimmerman Note?
Telegraph from the German foreign minister to German ambassador in Mexico, intercepted by British agents
The Zimmerman Note proposed an alliance between what two countries?
Mexico and Germany
What did the Zimmerman Note promise?
That Germany would support Mexico in recovering lost territory (Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona)
What did Congress send Allies for war?
Money, naval support and arms, but not many troops
Who recommended sending one million troops by 1918 and 3 million by the next year?
General John J Pershing
What was General J Pershing’s nickname?
“Black Jack”
What was the Selective Service Act of 1917?
It was an authorized draft of young men for military service
WWI was known as what?
“The war to end all wars”
What was the American Expeditionary Force?
A large group of volunteers and National Guardsmen
The love of one’s country and the willingness to fight to defend its ideals and institutions
What was important to many Americans?
To have united support back home for the war effort
Liberty Bonds–
Special war bonds to support the Allied cause
Investment in the country; redeemed later for the original value plus interest
President Wilson called for industries to switch from commercial good to __________ goods.
War Industries Board–
Oversaw nation’s war-related production and told manufacturers what and how much to produce and even fixed prices
War Trade Board–
Licensed foreign trade and punished firms suspected of dealing with the enemy
National War Labor Board–
Worked to settle any labor disputes that might disrupt war effort
What did Samuel Gompers promise?
He promised to limit labor problems during war
Price controls–
A system of pricing determined by the government on the sale of food
Distributing goods to consumers in a fixed amount
The economy promoted what?
“gospel of a clean plate” no wasting
Victory gardens–
Homeowners planted fruits and vegetables
Because of rationing, food shipments ___________.
Daylight Savings Time–
Turning clocks ahead one hour for the summer to increase daylight hours available to work
The government imposed ____________ on media.
What was a major concern for US government?
Espionage or spying
Espionage and Sedition Acts–
Made it illegal to interfere with the war effort or saying anything disloyal, abusive or profane about the government
Any speech or action that encourages rebellion
Many were hostile to the _______________.
German measles became known as ________________.
“Liberty measles”
Central Powers–
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey (later)