Unit 5: pos/neg river/land use/beach Flashcards
what’s the limitations of slope analysis and how do you fix them
what’s the limitations of beach profiles and how do you fix them
what’s the limitations urban/rural land use mapping of and how do you fix them
what’s the limitations of stream analysis and how do you fix them
neg: saftey at risk when stranding in the river, has to be specific
what’s the pos/neg of vegetation analysis and how do you fix them
pos: easy to gather data, can be one anywhere where here is vegetation
neg: could be biased, counting might not be done correctly - skews data, time consuming?
what’s the pos/neg of perception analysis and how do you fix them
neg: subjective - based on one person
pos: incorporated into other data sets - support eveluation, data is simple to understand
what’s the pos/neg of questionnaire and how do you fix them
pos: quick method of data collection, data is easily to compare, can collect large sets, can include closed/open questions
Neg: people don’t like questions from strangers, groups like mothers with children unlikely to ask - skews data as becomes biased, not everyone tells the truth
Microclimate analysis limitations and considerations
Complex data management - managing and interpreting data can be challenging - maybe do with more than one person to assist
Time frame - Short term studies miss certain patterns so do long term monitoring can be necessary to understand seasonal and annual variations.
Enviro and human impact - changes in local enviro such as construction and deforestation can rapidly alter microclimates making long term predictions difficult
Soil profile methodologies
1) if gradient with steady change in soil depth use systematic sampling
2) if no gradient do random sampling
3) when comparing soils of two areas do a min of 10
4) when doing depth of sampling, take note of soil formation and soil quality along a transect - equal horizons
5) A soil catena is a sequences of diff soil types found on a slope, each showing distinctive characteristics as they ou move from top of slope to bottom
Soil profile considerations and limitations
1)sampling depth - diff in soil layers can have varying properties, crucial to decide the depth from which samples will be taken
2) sample size - ensue that the samples collected are large enough to be studied
3) sampling method - diff methods such as core sampler can be used - consistency in method used is key
People/ sediment purpose
To measure size, shape and fabric of particles to learn about the process involved of the erosion, transportation and deposition of material. This can be used to measure sediments on a beach, in a river bed and within glacial deposits and weathered rocks.
Pebble/sediment considerations and limitations
Deciding on sampling type is important in reducing subjectivity and increasing validity of results
To avoid bias, consideration needs to be given to size of sample and method used to get pebbles
Limitations of land use mapping
mapping the areas being researched will be time consuming and very lab intensive if working alone or in smaller groups (1)
* a degree of subjectivity is inevitable when determining land use (1)
* this technique only covers the ground floor meaning more specific data ¿
upper floors is missed out reducing the reliability of the data (1)
* the selection of data gathering locations along a transect could create unintentional bias (1)
* Some maps may be too expensive to obtain.