Unit 5 - A & P Module - Exchange and delivery of O2 and CO2 Flashcards
Approximately 79% of the total atmospheric pressure is taken up by nitrogen. At the top of Mount Everest, Patm = 250 mmHg. The partial pressure of nitrogen there is __________.
197.5 mmHg
If bronchioles are constricted, __________.
Pᴏ₂ in the pulmonary capillaries will decrease and Vᴀ/Q will decrease
All of the following statements related to “the bends” are true.
Increased water pressure due to increased depth causes more gases such as nitrogen to be dissolved in the blood; ascending too quickly causes nitrogen gas to come out of solution in body fluids, creating bubbles; and nitrogen gas bubbles can clog blood vessels and lodge in joints and the nervous system.
On average, the number of oxygen molecules bound to heme groups in hemoglobin in venous blood is __________.
One effect of carbon monoxide is to __________.
decrease the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen
The respiratory quotient is defined as __________.
the ratio of the amount of carbon dioxide produced by the body to the amount of oxygen consumed
In the chloride shift, chloride ions are exchanged for __________ across the erythrocyte membrane.
Conditions that would shift the hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve to the right include decreases in __________.
All of the following statements are true.
Oxygen binding to hemoglobin shows positive affinity, and the fewer oxygen molecules bound to hemoglobin, the lower the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen.
Each of the following can result in a decreased PO2 in arterial blood.
Pulmonary edema,
Fibrotic lung disease
The respiratory receptors of the brain receive input from __________
peripheral chemoreceptors,
irritant receptors,
pulmonary stretch receptors,
central chemoreceptors
Central chemoreceptors are stimulated by __________.
H+ ions produced in cerebrospinal fluid from CO2 that crosses the blood-brain barrier
The following has a greater concentration (partial pressure) in exhaled air than in inhaled air.
CO2 and H2O vapor
PO2 decreases and PCO2 increases in the pulmonary alveoli due to __________.
inhaled air mixing with air in the dead air space, the increased partial pressure of water vapor, rapid diffusion of gases across the respiratory membranes
Hemoglobin has a decreased affinity for oxygen at the tissues due to the __________.
Bohr shift and carbaminohemo effect
Ventilation-perfusion ratios that are not equal to 1 can be the result of __________.
gravity, airway obstruction, damage to pulmonary capillaries, and emphysema
For oxygen gas in air and dissolved in water, at equilibrium, __________.
the partial pressure of oxygen in air is equal to the partial pressure of oxygen in water
The following statements are about exercise and respiration
Feedforward mechanisms help to increase ventilation in preparation for exercise, minute ventilation is controlled by both humoral and neurogenic mechanisms, negative feedback mechanisms help prevent hyperventilation.
If carbonic anhydrase activity decreased, the following would increase in the plasma.
pH, PCO2, and chloride ions