Unit 2 - Neurophysiology - (Course Notes) Important Terms and Concepts Flashcards
-made up of the Brain and Spinal Chord
-greatest variety of neurotransmitters
-nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord
-consists of sensory (afferent) neurons and motor (efferent) neurons
-efferent branch sends signals OUT to the other organ systems (effectors/targets)
-two main types of neurotransmitters: acetylcholine and norepinephrine/epinephrine
-generate and transmit electrical impulses Two types of signals:
-Short distance (graded potential)
-Long distance (action potential)
-slender processes that receive information
-transmit electrical signals toward the soma
-location of graded potentials (along with cell body)
Axon Terminal
The end of the axon, the connection between the neuron and other cells
An insulating layer that forms around nerves, made up of many layers of plasma membrane. Membranes are part of specialized glial cells that wrap around the axon of a neuron (called Schwann cells in PNS, and oligodendrocytes in CNS)
Node of Ranvier
-gaps formed between the myelin sheath where the axons are left uncovered
-concentrated with voltage-gated Na+ channels
-action potentials jump from one node to the next
Saltatory Conduction
-action potentials jump from one node to the next
-results in faster conduction down the length of the axon compared to unmyelinated axons
The points of contact between neurons where information is passed from one neuron to the next, most often form between axons and dendrites, consist of a presynaptic neuron, synaptic cleft, and postsynaptic neuron
Postsynaptic Neuron
Integrates all the signals it receives to determine what happens next, transmits the signal toward the synapse
Somatic Division
-controls skeletal muscles (its only effector/target)
-a single neuron carries information from the CNS to the effector
-causes ONLY muscle excitation, cannot inhibit muscle function
Neuromuscular Junction
-the synapse between a somatic motor neuron and a skeletal fibre
Has 3 components:
1. pre-synaptic axon terminal (filled with neurotransmitter vesicles that contain ACh)
2. Synaptic cleft
3. Post-synaptic membrane of skeletal muscle fibre
-membrane is modified into a motor endplate
-contains nicotinic ACh receptor channels
-a decrease in membrane potential
-cell membrane bodies become LESS negative (e.g. -70 mV to +30 mV)
-brings membrane potential closer to the threshold potential
Returning back to resting membrane potential shortly after the depolarization phase of an action potential
Describes action potentials for long distance transmission, do not diminish in strength over distance
Endogenous chemicals that allow neurons to communicate with each other throughout the body
Create two types of responses in postsynaptic cell:
1. Direct responses - fast synaptic potential, does not last long, response via interaction with an ion channel
2. Indirect responses - slow synaptic potential, longer lasting response. Uses G proteins via 2nd messenger response system
since sympathetic and parasympathetic axons release different neurotransmitters the two elicit antagonistic responses from the target tissue
Sympathetic axons release norepinephrine (NE)
Parasympathetic axons release acetylcholine (ACh)
-amine derived from a single amino acid
-tyrosine is converted to norepinephrine
-called “catecholamines”
-synthesized in axon terminal & packaged into vesicles
-neurons that secrete norepinephrine are called “adrenergic”
-released by most post-ganglionic sympathetic neurons onto adrenergic receptors
Two classes of adrenergic receptors (both coupled to G proteins): ɑ (alpha) and β (beta)
-amine derived from a single amino acid
-tyrosine is converted to epinephrine
-called “catecholamines”
-synthesized in axon terminal & packaged into vesicles
Acetylcholine (ACh)
-synthesized from choline & acetyl CoA, catalyzed by enzyme choline acetyl transferase (CAT)
-synthesized in axon terminal & packaged into vesicles
-neurons are “cholinergic” if they secrete ACh or have receptors
-degraded by “acetylcholinesterase”
-released by ALL pre-ganglionic neurons (both branches) onto cholinergic nicotinic receptors
-released by most post-ganglionic parasympathetic neurons onto cholinergic muscarinic receptors
-found on presynaptic or postsynaptic membrane or both
-Choline is actively transported back into the presynaptic axon terminal to be used again
Muscarinic Cholinergic Receptor
-a type of cholinergic receptor that couples with G proteins to generate a slow response
-may close or open different ion channels
-may be excitatory or inhibitory
-stimulated by ACh & muscarine, agonists
-ACh is primary ligand
Nicotinic Cholinergic Receptor
-a type of cholinergic receptor operate via ion channels to generate a fast response, always excitatory
-acetylcholine (ACh) is released by ALL pre-ganglionic neurons [sympathetic and parasympathetic] onto cholinergic nicotinic receptors
-stimulated by ACh & nicotine, agonists
-located on motor end plates (skeletal muscle) and sympathetic/parasympathetic ganglia
Adrenergic Receptor
-receptors for epinephrine and norepinephrine
ɑ1 (alpha one) - found on most tissue, response NE>E
β1 (beta one) - heart muscle and kidney, response NE=E
β2 (beta two) - blood vessels & smooth muscle, E>NE