Unit 5 Flashcards
Effortful Processing
Active processing of information that needs sustained conscious effort (집중을 들여 무엇을 배우거나 외움)
바이올린을 새로 배울때 effortful processing을 이용해서 연습도 하고 악기를 배운다
Automatic Processing
unconscious processing of well-learned material (muscle memory) 우리가 보통 뜨개질이나 신발끈을 묶을때 무의식적으로 빨리 끝낼 수 있는 이유
Deep Processing
processing information with consideration to its meaning (create stronger memories because involves elaborative rehearsal)
- close attention, focusing on an item’s meaning and relating it to something else (leads to better recall than shallow processing)
Shallow Processing
Structural/Phonemic Recognition
Structural recognition (시각)
- encoding information with the use of visual and physical characteristics
Phonemic recognition (소리?)
- encoding information using auditory characteristics
Shallow processing
- encoding aspect is relatively simple or straightforward (result in immediate forgetting rather than long term memorization)
Selective Attention
Ability to focus your conscious awareness on a particular stimulus while blocking out competing stimuli
ex) cocktail party effect
- 파티에서 시끄럽지만 옆 사람이랑 대화할때 selective attention은 사용해서 대화를 이어감 (대화에만 집중, 파티에서 나오는 큰 노래들 무시)
Divided Attention
Ability to focus on multiple stimuli simultaneously. Known as multi-tasking
- decreases the amount of attention placed on one task if there is more than one
- makes it harder to focus on a singular task
ex) 내가 친구랑 대화를 하면서 숙제를 하는 도중에, 친구가 질문이 있으면 내가 숙제에 쏟는 집중력이 저하됨
Ability to control and be aware of your own thoughts
ex) 내가 시험 문제를 풀다가 문제에 대한 답이 확실하지 않을때, 내 답을 인지하고 다른 문제들을 풀었다가 다시 돌아와서 그 답을 고칠때
- useful skill to have because it helps you become more aware of your own learning and thinking processes.
Short term memory
type of memory that can only be stored for a brief period of time (about 30 seconds) (has limits)
ex) 우리가 전화하다가 적을 일이 생길때 메모에다가 막 적고, 그 내용을 다 쓰면 메모지를 휙 버리듯
Long term memory
Has no limits like short term memory
ex) 도서관에 있는 책들처럼 (정보) 우리가 필요한 정보가 있으면 책 찾듯이 그냥 기억 속에서 끄집어냄
Explicit Memory
stored memory of facts
ex) knowing how many continents there are
내가 특정한 분야에 대한 정보를 기억하고 싶으면 마치 폴더에서 원하는 분야를 찾고 열어보는 느낌
semantic - the memory of facts
Episodic - memories of personal experiences
ex) 내가 친구한테 어제 저녁에 무엇을 먹었는지, 내가 처음 수영을 한 게 언제인지 기억해서 말하는 것
Implicit Memory
Type of long term memory that is remembered unconsciously.
(procedural memory)
procedural memory is the memory of how to do repetitive everyday tasks (riding a bike, typing a shoe, driving a car)
Sensory memory
sensory memory involves the five sense
It is the ability to retain information about sensory information long enough to be recognized after the original stimulus has ended
ex) recognizing the smell of baking cookies
Echoic memory - memory of sounds (last about 3-5 seconds)
Iconic memory - the memory of visual stimuli (image) (last about a second)
Prospective memory
remembering to perform an action at a certain time
ex) remembering to take medicine after eating breakfast, or watering plants once a week
prospective memory is an important aspect of routine daily life
Flashbulb Memory
clear memory of an emotionally significant event
flashbulb memories are believed to be highly detailed, clear, and accurate but not necessarily more accurate than other types of memories.
highly detailed snapshots of moments and circumstances surrounding shocking or emotionally charged events that remain clear and vivid in one;s mind for a lifetime
내가 만약 수영을 하다가 상어를 만나면 그 장면을 스냅샷 한 것 처럼 평생 기억하는 것 (왜냐하면 엄청 shocking해서 기억이 날 수 밖에 없다)
Echoic memory
the memory of sound (소리)
type of a sensory memory
Iconic memory
the memory of visual stimuli (시각)
type of a sensory memory
Semantic memory
the memory of facts, ideas, and concepts
type of an explicit memory
Episodic memory
the memory of personal experiences
type of an explicit memory
the process of transforming information into a form that can be stored and retrieved by the brain
Visual Encoding
the process of remembering visual images
Shallow type of processing
it is easily forgotten
ex) remember a list of words with each word only being known for a second
단어를 외울때 잠깐 보면 금방 까먹는다 (그냥 대충 그 단어가 길었는지, 대문자로 적혀있었는지만 기억하지 뜻은 기억하지 못한다)
Acoustic Encoding
Processing and ecoding of sound
Deeper than visual encoding but
not deep as semantic encoding
= Intermediate (중간) encoding
ex) know the lyrics to a song that you enjoy
Enhancing Encoding
We can enhance how well we remember something by rehearsing the information
Maintenance Rehearsal
the process of repeatedly thinking about or verbalizing a certain piece of information
ex) 계속 반복해서 외우는 것
내가 누구의 전화번호를 외울때 계속 반복히 말하면서 번호를 누른다
Elaborative Rehearsal
the process of using active thinking about the meaning of the term that needs to be remembered rather than just repeating the word/information over and over again
ex) maintenance rehearsal 처럼 반복해서 외우는 것이 아닌 진정한 meaning을 알고 생각을 하면서 머리 속에 박게 하는 것
Self - Reference effect
when you apply a situation to yourself, you are more likely to remember what the situation is
단어들을 외울때 실제로 내가 겪었던 일들과 엮으면 더 이해하고 외우기가 편하다
Atkinson-Shiffrin Three-Stage Model
A theory of human memory that posits 3 distinct stages of information processing
(encoding, storage, and retrieval)
the process of grouping information to be stored or processed as single concepts
ex) 0-1-0-5-2-2-4-2-6-0-9 를 외울때 우리는 Chunking으로 010-5224-2609로 편하게 기억을 한다 (끊어서 외운다)
Type of Short-term memory (STM)
Similar terms
- mnemonic Devices 우리가 기억을 할 떄 더 쉽게 기억 할 수 있는 technique
Help us retrieve information quickly and efficiently
Concept or framework that helps individuals make sense of information
you are more likely to believe the information that supports your belief and would ignore information that disagrees with your viewpoint.
Mental image or the best representative of a certain categories
우리가 흔히 참새가 사람보다 작을때라고 할때 우리 이미지 속에 참새와 사람이라는 prototype을 비교하는 것이다
Whenever you use adjectives like “smaller” or “quicker,” you are automatically comparing to a
Process of recalling information from memory such as feelings, images, and events
Retrieval Cues
stimuli that help you retrieve a certain memory or piece of information from your LTM
ex) 보물찾기 할때 보물(the memory)를 향해 여러 힌트들을 줬을때에 그 힌트들이 retrieval cues
Serial Position Effect
how people tend to remember information in a list that is mentioned first or last (middle is more forgotten)
Recency Effect - remembering the last thing that was said
Primacy Effect - remembering the first thing that was said
Recency Effect
remembering the last thing that was said
Primacy Effect
Remembering the first thing that was said
Mnemonic Device
Enhance retention and memory
It is a tool that helps you remember an idea or phrase
ex) ROYGBIV - it is a mnemonic Device to memorize red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet
Method of Loci
mnemonic device in which a person memorizes information by placing each item to be remembered in different spatial locations
Locating things ini typical locations
내가 삼다수병을 항상 베란다 문 뒤에서 얻는 것처럼
Peg Word Mnemonic
Puts numbers and words together to help us memorize a scheme
ex) 1-sun 2-shoe 3-tree 4-door 5-hive