UNIT 4 REVISION Flashcards
left shift
decreased temp
decreased H+
right shift
reduced affinity
oncreased temp
ioncreased H+
somatic sensory
- Receptor
- Afferent
- Ventral/Dorsal ramus
- Spinal nerve
- Dorsal root
- Spinal cord
- Synapse in the dorsal horn of grey matter
- Neurotransmitter: acetylcholine
somatic motor
- Ventral horn of grey matter
- Efferent
- Ventral root
- Spinal nerve
- Dorsal/ ventral ramus
- Synapse at the effector
- Neurotransmitter: acetylcholine
sympathetic efferent
thoracolumbar outflow
- Preganglionic sympathetic fibre in the lateral horn of grey matter
- Ventral root
- Mixed spinal nerve
- White ramus of communicans (myelinated)
- Synapse in the sympathetic ganglion
- Meets the post ganglionic fibre
- Post ganglionic passes through the grey ramus of communicans (not myelinated)
- Target tissue
- Neurotransmitter: in presynaptic it is acetylcholine and in post it is noradrenaline
parasympathetic efferent
craniosacral outflow
- Efferent through the ventral horn of grey matter
- Ventral root
- Spinal nerve
- Dorsal/ventral ramus
- Synapse in the ganglion before the target tissue
- Neurotransmitter: acetylcholine
where do splanchnic nerves synapse
pre vertebral ganglia
p wave
atrial depolarisaiton
pr interval
time taken for electrical activity to move between atria and the ventricles
depolarisation of the ventricles
ST segment
isoelectric line
time between depolarisation and repolarisation of the ventricles
T wave
ventricular repolarisation
RR interval
peak of one r wave to peak of next R wave
QT complex
ventricles to depolarise then repolarise
passive ventricular filling
pressure in ventricles lower than in atrai
tricuspid opens
ventricles passively fill with blood
atrial ejection
atria contract
rest of blood to the ventricles
semilunar close as pressure higher in arteries than ventricles
isovolumic contraction
ventricles contract
tension building
pressure higher in ventricles than atria
AV slam shut
pressure not high enough to open aortic and puilmonary
ventircular ejection
pressire in ventricles higher than arteries
aoritc and pulmonary valves open
isovolumetric ventricular repolarisation
ventricles astart to relax
pressure lower in the ventricles than the arteries
aortic and pulmonary valves slam shut
ventricular pressure higher than the atria
AV valves still shut
isotonic contraction
same tension, length changes
isometric contraciton
same length, tension changes, occurs if load is too heavy to move
length tension relaitonship
- Cardiac muscle will only operate on the ascending limb of the curve
- As cardiac muscle is stiffer than skeletal
- Preload for left ventricle is EDV
- Afterload is the aortic pressure