Unit 4 - Lesson 3: Professional Communications Flashcards
Deciding if an unfamiliar person should be put through to someone else in the office
Screening calls
Voicemail services offered through your computer
Integrated messaging
A form of telephone conferencing in which participants in different locations dial into a designated number at the same time or are connected by an operator
Online seminar in which participants are connected through a presentation on the Internet
The ability to express yourself readily, clearly, and effectively
The highness or lowness of a sound
The emotional quality of a sound or voice
The way you form your words when you speak
How you say each syllable
A formal or informal greeting in a business letter
Initials that are inserted below the typed signature line flush to the left margin, indicating that the letter was dictated to another person for typing
Reference initials
Allows the sender of a business letter to double check and make sure that package is complete before it goes out
Enclosure notation
Indicates who has been copied on a business letter or email
Copy notation
Software that in codes email messages to keep the contents private and secure
Specifies where you have a user account, such as a commercial carrier or an Internet service provider
A word formed by the first letters of several successive words, such as ASAP for as soon as possible
Removes unwanted emails and puts them into a separate file for you to delete
Spam filter
A code many European countries use to indicate a business letter’s country of designation
Country codes
A stamp of the date on a piece of mail indicating when it was received
Date stamp
A method of tracking expected and received mail