Unit 4 Dermatology Images Flashcards
- absence of melanocytes
- causes depigmentation

- associated with defects in collagen support structure of dermis

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
- location: flexor surfaces in adults
- etiology: filaggrin mutation
- associated with asthma and allergic rhinitis
- staph aureus is suggested to exacerbate this disorder
- in children, is on cheecks and extensor surfaces
- eczema is type of atopic dermatitis

Atopic Dermatitis
- type of atopic dermatitis

- etiology: common irritants
- caused by perfume, soap, etc

Irritant Contact Dermatitis
- etiology: common allergens
- delayed type hypersensitiviey reaction (type 4)
- diagnosis confirmed with patch testing
- skin biopsy would reveal spongiotic dermatitis
- caused by poison ivy

Allergic Contact Dermatitis
- location: lower legs
- etiology: lower extremity edema

Stasis Dermatitis

Lichen Simplex Chronicus
- same as nummular eczema
- round, annular, scaly plaques
- due to dry skin
- overuse of soap can make this worse

Numular Dermatitis
- location: scalp
- etiology: malassezia furfur
- also known as cradle cap
- infection of sebaceous glands

Seborrheic Dermatitis
- location: extensor surfaces
- may include arthritis
- may be associated with increased cardiovascular risk

Chronic Plaque Psoriasis

Guttate Psoriasis
- associated with strep
- skin cancer
- most common
- pearly
- common on nose
- common PATCH1 mutation: most BCC have loss of PATCH1 that normally block SMOOTHENED gene
- tx: mohs surgery, vismoedgib (blocks smoothend gene)

Basal Cell
- second most common skin cancer
- occurs more common in immunosupporessed pts
- keratoacanthoma is a type of this cancer
- center crater
- develop rapidly
- on sunexposed skin, HPV, thermal injury
- actinic keratosis is premalignant skin lesion

Squamous Cell
- skin cancer
- common mutation: BRAF
- tx: vemurafinib
- breslow thickness: measurement of depth of tumor
- clark level: layers of skin affected

- often associated with immunodeficiency

Kaposi Sarcome
- can be treated with beta blockers
- most common benign soft tissue tumor of infants
- GLUT1 positive

Infantile Hemangioma
- most common benign vascular tumor in adults

Cherry Angioma
- associated with high levels of GLUT-1 expression (a placenta associated marker)
- also called strawberry hemangioma
- often develops rapidly in first 3 months of life
- involution (decrease) common into adulthood (50% by 5, 70% by 7, 90% by 9)

Infantile Hemangioma
- associated with glaucoma and seizures
- assocaited with sturge weber in infants with port wine stain in trigemminal nerve

Port Wine Stain
- linear plaque on the face or scalp
- yellow-orange
- associated with allopecia
- assocated with mutations in HRAS and KRAS

Nevus Sebaceus
- most commonly on face>trunk>extremity
- beign tumor of oil gland

Sebaceus Hyperplasia

- benign tumor of adipose tissue
- often soft, movable, painless

- from fibroblast
- firm papule
- most common on legs
- dimple sign is characteristic (Fitzpatrick sign)

- scar gowth above and beyond original border
- composed of type 3 or type 1 collagen

Keloid Scar
- sudden appearance associated with adenocarcinoma of the stomach
- barnicles of life
- appear dark in people with dark complexion- Morgan Freeman

Seborrheic Karatosis
- head and neck most common
- similar in color to shade of skin

Intradermal Nevus
- flat macules
- palms and soles most common

Junctional Nevus
- trunk and proximal extremities
- color brown to black

Compound Nevus
- more common in asians and causcasians

Blue Nevus
- low risk of progressing to malignant melanoma

Congenital Nevi
- usually apparent by 20 years

Dysplastic Nevus
- biggest risk factor for melanoma
- familial atypical moles and melanoma
- criteria:
- The occurrence of malignant melanoma in 1 or more first- or second-degree relatives
- The presence of numerous (often >50) melanocytic nevi, some of which are clinically atypical
- Many of the associated nevi showing certain histologic features
- CDK2NA mapped to 9p21
- CDK4 mapped to 12q14
- CMM1 mapped to 1p

FAMMM Syndrome
- six or more cafe au lait spots
- two or more neurofibromas
- axillary or inguinal freckling (Crowe’s sign)
- first degree relative with disorder
- optic glioma (iris freckles)
- autosomal dominant
- Defect in neurofibromin gene, a tumor suppressor, on chromosome 17 for NF-1

- multiple lesions associated with neurofibromatosis

Cafe au Lait Patch
- melassezia furfur is causative agent
- diagnos with KOH

Tinea Versicolor
- acquired disease involving antibodies to cell-to-cell adhesion molecules in the stratum spinosum (keratinocytes)
- attacks desmosomes
Permphigus Vulgaris
- vitamin cross links tropocollagen together
- this disease is characterized by lack of vitamin C
- SS: keratotic plugging of hairs, corkscrew hairs, hemorrhagic gingivitis
- type 2 antibody mediated
- detachment between dermis and epidermis- hemidesomsomes

Bullous Pemphigoid
- do not debride
- tx with steroids and immunosuppression

Pyoderma Gangrenosum
- associated with hepatitis
Lichen Planus
- with internal malignancies, pts tend to have weight loss- most common is stomach cancer
- thickening of the skin
- common causes: obesity, diabetes

Acanthosis Nigricans
- filagrin mutation

Icthyosis Vulgaris
- honey colored
- associated with bacteria like strep and staph
- can be bullus (staph) or non-bullus (strep/staph)

- begins 7-14 days after taking new medication
- located over trunk and extremities
Drug Eruption
- inital presentation is chancre
- secondary skin lesions form 4-10 weeks after onset of chancre
- sometimes presents with lymphadenopathy
- moth-eaten alopecia

- can also have black dot appearance
- casued by fungus
- test is KOH, dermatophyte test medium (changes colors)
- other types:
- tinia faciei- face
- tinia barbae- beard area
- tinia corpus- body
- tinia pedis- feet
- tinia manum- one hand two feet syndrome

Tinia Capitis
fungus under nails
- infestation
- burrows and genital nodules
- use mineral oil wet prep for diagnosis

- fungus

Oral Candidiasis (Thrush)