Unit 4 AOS 1: Sustainable Development Goals (B) Flashcards
Define human development
- Having access to knowledge
- Having access to health
- Having access to a decent standard of living
- Expanding peoples choices
- Enhancing capabilities
- Lead productive, creative lives in accord with their needs and interests
- Participating in the life of their community and decisions affecting their lives
- Develop to their full potential
Define sustainability
- Meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
Define sustainable human development
- Meeting today’s need
- Planning the country’s growth
- Without creating problems/depleting resources for the future
e. g. overfishing - Process of people striving to achieve their full potential
- Lead productive lives
- Expand their choices
- Meet their needs without compromising the opportunities for future generations
Define global health
- Health of populations in a worldwide context
- Goes beyond the perspectives and concerns of individual counties
- It is about an international collaborative approach to achieving equity in health for all people worldwide
- About reducing the global burden associated with illness/disease/injury
- Improving health status indicators such as mortality rates and life expectancy
Aim of SDG 1: No poverty
- End poverty in all its forms everywhere
- Eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere by 2030
- Ensure all people have equal rights and access to social protection systems as well as essential services, natural resources and financial services
- Build the resilience of the poor and reduce vulnerability to situations which increase poverty such as extreme events
Importance of SDG 1: No poverty
- Millions of people globally are still living in extreme poverty
- Meaning they experience deprivation in relation to ability to afford food, shelter, health care, safe water, sanitation and education
Aim of SDG 2: Zero Hunger
- End all forms of hunger and malnutrition by
- Ensuring all people, especially children, the poor, pregnant/lactating females, elderly and those in vulnerable situations have access to safe, nutritious food all year round
Importance of SDG 2: Zero Hunger
- Millions of people globally still experience chronic hunger and malnutrition resulting in high mortality rates, especially for children
- Malnutrition and hunger results in stunting and weakened immune system resulting in high levels of illness
Aims of SDG 3: Good health and well-being
- Improve physical and mental health and well-being in all countries
- By reducing morbidity and mortality due to common causes
Importance of SDG 3: Good health and well-being
- Millions of people still die globally from mainly preventable causes
- Such as communicable (HIV/AIDS)
- And non communicable disease (cardiovascular disease)
Aim of SDG 4: Quality education
- Ensure all girls and boys have access to quality education from pre-primary through to tertiary
- Means completion of free primary and secondary education
Importance of SDG 4: Quality education
- Millions of children in developing countries who do not attend school and have low literacy and numeracy skills
Program addressing literacy
- Schools for Africa (UNICEF)
How do they implement Schools for Africa?
- Build new schools/repair existing
- Give children exercise books/pencils
- Train teachers to provide quality education
Aim of SDG 5: Gender equality
- Ensure equal opportunities for both males and females in all areas of life
- Includes leadership in decision making
- Access to economic and natural resources
- End all forms of discrimination, violence, harmful practices against girls/women
Importance of SDG 5: Gender equality
- Millions of women/girls continue to suffer discrimination and violence
- Gender equality is a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world
Aim of SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation
- Achieve universal access to safe drinking water and sanitation for all people
Importance of SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation
- Millions of people globally lack access to clean, safe water and sanitation
- Resulting in preventable illness
- High mortality rates, particularly among children
Program for food security
- Project peanut butter
Reason for project peanut butter
- Recover children from malnutrition
How is project peanut butter implemented?
- If baby is classified malnourished then the Mother is given the peanut butter formula to give twice a day to their baby
Program for malaria
- Nothing but nets campaign
How does the nothing but nets campaign implement their program?
- Giving families mosquito treated nets to put over bed to avoid bites
What is the interrelationship between Health and Human Development?
- Good health assists individuals to live long and health lives and contributes to children being able to attend school
- Therefore able to gain literacy and numeracy skills to get a job and earn an income to achieve a decent standard of living
What is the interrelationship between health and sustainability?
- When people are healthy there is a greater capacity for them to attend school, find secure employment and earn an income which contributes to economic sustainability for families
What is the interrelationship between human development and sustainability?
- With human development comes increased knowledge and education
- Through this education individuals develop knowledge and skills required to promote the 3 types of sustainability