Unit 3 AOS 1: NHPA's (B) Flashcards
What are the 9 NHPA’s?
Arthritis and Muscular Skeletal Conditions Diabetes Mellitus Asthma Dementia Cardiovascular Health Obesity Mental Health Injury prevention and control Cancer control
Key features of Injury Prevention and Control
- Relates to harmful effects on the human body that are due to particular events
- Injuries may be accidental and some may also be intentional
Why is Injury Prevention and Control a NHPA?
- Injury is main cause of death for people under the age of 45
- Most injury cases are considered preventable
Risk factor determinants related to Injury Prevention and Control
- Males and risk taking behaviour
- Age
- Housing
- Socioeconomic status
Health promotion program for Injury Prevention and Control
National Road Safety Strategy
- Developed by Australian Transport Council
- Aims to cut the road toll by at least 30%
- Addresses the range of factors that contribute to road-related injuries
Key Features of Obesity
- Relates to carrying excess body weight in the form of fat that can have negative impacts on health
- BMI over 30
Why is Obesity an NHPA?
- Due to its relationship with the development of other conditions (e.g. cardiovascular disease, type 2 gestational diabetes, kidney disease, arthritis)
- Overweight and Obesity have risen over time (raised from 57 percent to 63 since 1995)
- Preventable
Risk factors for Obesity
- Lack of physical activity (less energy expended which may increase weight gain)
- Age (metabolism slows down)
- Reduced access to recreational facilities (gyms)
- Socio-economic status (lower levels of physical activity and a more energy-dense diet)
Health promotion program for Obesity
LiveLight Campaign
- Implemented by Heart Foundation and Cancer Council
- Targeted at adults
- Aim to assist individuals in eating well, being physically active and maintaining a healthy body weight
- 12-week meal and activity planner
- Recipes
Key Features of Cardiovascular Health
- Refers to the health of the heart and blood vessels
Why is Cardiovascular Health an NHPA?
- Due to it’s relationship with burden of disease, its costs and how it can be largely prevented
- Hypertension affected 9.5% of the population
- Cost the health system 7.7 billion dollars in 08/09
Risk factors for Cardiovascular Health
- Body weight (being overweight can increase risk of hypertension)
- Lack of physical activity (unused energy is stored as fat)
- Access to recreational facilities
- Stress (long periods of stress can increase risk of heart attack and high blood pressure)
Health Promotion Strategy for Cardiovascular Health
LiveLighter Program
- Targeted at adults
- Aim to assist individuals in eating well, being physically active and maintaining a healthy body weight
- 12-week meal and activity planner
- Recipes
Key Features of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal conditions
- Conditions of the bones, muscles and other attachments such as ligaments, tendons and joints.
E.g. osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, arthritis
Why is Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Conditions an NHPA?
- Due to their high rates of morbidity
- Account for 5% of Burden of Disease
- Significant costs to individuals and community
Risk factors for Arthritis and Musculokskeletal Conditions
- Body weight (being overweight/obese puts more pressure on joints)
- Lack of sun exposure
- Transport systems (transport that does not promote active transport may contribute to weight gain and arthritis)
- Socioeconomic status (people with a low SES may not have knowledge relating to healthy food intake)
Health Promotion Strategy for Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Conditions
Arthritis Australia
- Non government organisation
- Aims to reduce impact of musculoskeletal conditions
- Done through peer support, education for individuals and families
Key features of Diabetes Mellitus
- Refers to when the individual is unable to utilise blood glucose
- Split into Type 1, 2 and Gestational diabetes
Why is Diabetes Mellitus an NHPA?
- Is a leading contributor to burden of disease
- 4 percent of Australians have diabetes as a long term condition
- Diabetes is a growing health problem in Australia
- Influenced by a range of modifiable risk factors
Risk factors for Diabetes Mellitus
- Genetic predisposition
- Dietary behaviour (have a high energy-dense diet)
- Reduced access to recreational facilities
- Socioeconomic status
Health promotion program for Diabetes Mellitus
LiveLighter Campaign
- Implemented by Heart Foundation and Cancer Council
- Targeted at adults
- Aim to assist individuals in eating well, being physically active and maintaining a healthy body weight
- 12-week meal and activity planner
- Recipes
Key features of Asthma
- Characterised by inflammation of the airways in response to “triggers”
- Can make it difficult to breathe
Why is Asthma an NHPA?
- It is the most commonly reported long term condition
- One of most frequent reasons for hospitalisation of children
- Has significant treatment costs
Risk factors of Asthma
- Genetic predisposition
- Environmental tobacco smoke
- Smoking
- Low socioeconomic status
Key features of Mental Health
- Can be short or long term
- Caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain
Why is Mental Health an NHPA?
- Most common non-fatal burden of disease
- Mental health problems share a relationship with other risk factors (alcohol/drug abuse)
- Treatment strategies can be extremely effective in managing the illness
Risk factors of Mental Health
- Genetic predisposition
- Drug misuse
- Access to recreational facilities
- Unemployment
Health Promotion Strategy for Mental Health
Youth Beyond Blue - Encourages people to, LOOK LISTEN TALK SEEK HELP
Function of carbohydrates
Provide fuel for energy
Food source of carbohydrates
- Beans
- Pasta
- Bread
Function of fibre
Regulate functioning of digestive system
Food source of fibre
- Wholemeal bread
- Fruit and vegetables
- Baked beans
Function of protein
Promote the growth, maintenance and repair of body cells
Food source of protein
- Eggs
- Dairy
- Chicken
Function of fats
Fuel for energy
Food source of monounsaturated fats
- Olive oil
- Avocado
- Canola oil
Food source of polyunsaturated fat
- Fish
- Nuts
- Canola oil
Food source of saturated fats
- Fried food
- Fatty meats
- Pastries
Food source of transfat
- Pies
- Pastries
- Cakes
Function of Vitamin D
Absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestines to the blood stream
Food source of Vitamin D
- Cheese
- Egg yolk
- Beef liver
Function of calcium
Hardening/ossifying for hard tissue
Food source of calcium
- Broccoli
- Milk
- Orange juice
Function of phosphorus
Works with calcium to harden/ossify bones
Food source of phosphorus
- Dairy
- Eggs
- Chicken
Function of sodium
Regulates fluids in the body
Food source of sodium
- Salt
- Olives
- Fish
Function of water
- Assist with weight management
- Helps regulate digestion
Nutrients risk of Cardiovascular disease
- Saturated/trans fats
- Carbohydrates
- Protein
- Sodium
Nutrients risk of Diabetes
- Carbohydrates, protein and fats
- Trans fat
- Saturated fat
Nutrients risk of Colorectal cancer
- Carbohydrates
- Protein
- Fats
- Saturated fat
Nutrients risk of Obesity
- Carbohydrates, protein and fats
Nutrients risk of Osteoporosis
- Protein
- Sodium
Protective factors of Cardiovascular health
- Fibre
- Monounsaturated fats
- Polyunsaturated fats
- Water
Protective factors of diabetes
- Fibre
- Monosaturated
- Polyunsaturated
- Water
Protective nutrients of Colorectal cancer
- Fibre
- Water
Protective nutrients of obesity
- Fibre
- Water
Protective nutrients of osteoporosis
- Calcium
- Phosphorus
- Vitamin D