Unit 4 AOS 1: Chapter 8 - Global Health Flashcards
What is a developed country?
- A country that has progressed adequately in regard to,
- Economic,
- Mortality and demographic indicators
What is a developing country?
- A country that has not progressed adequately in regard to,
- Economic,
- Mortality and demographic indicators
Economic characteristics of developed country
- High average incomes
- Wide range of industries (such as mining)
- Many opportunities for global trade (as they are generating goods other countries may require)
Social characteristics of developed country
- Gender equality
- Developed health systems
- High levels of education
Environmental characteristics of developed country
- Safe water and sanitation
- Access to food
- Adequate housing
Economic characteristics of developing country
- Low average income (most people in developing countries live in poverty earning about a $1 per day)
- Limited range of industries (centred on farming and primary production which reduces ability for developing countries to trade on global market)
- Less/not many opportunities for global trade
Social characteristics of developing country
- No gender equality (females have limited opportunities for education and often work in fields)
- Non-developed health system (people in developing countries often lack access to suitable health care unlike developed countries)
- Low levels of education (as living in poverty people may not have the money to send their kids to school)
Environmental characteristics of developing country
- Limited access to safe water and sanitation (levels of waterborne diseases are higher in developing countries due to unclean water)
- Access to food (those in developing countries often lack in food security; natural disasters such as floods/droughts have more of an impact on developing countries as they do not have the financial resources to purchase food in emergency situations)
- Adequate housing (live in substandard housing with poor ventilation for clean air and poor resistance to infestation of disease carrying organisms)
What are the 4 key indicators of the HDI?
- Life expectancy at birth
- Mean years of schooling
- Expected years of schooling
- Gross National Income per capita
What is life expectancy at birth?
- Indication of how long a person can expect to live
- It is the number of years of life remaining to a person at birth if death rates do not change
What is mean years of schooling?
- Average number of years of education achieved by those aged 25 and under
What is expected years of schooling?
- Number of years of education expected for a child of school entrance age
What is GNI per capita?
- Overall income of a country after expenses owing to other countries have been paid, divided by the population of the country
What are the 3 areas of the HDI?
- Health (life expectancy)
- Education (mean years of schooling, expected years of schooling)
- Living standards (income, GDP)
What is the HDI?
- A tool developed by the United Nations to measure and rank countries’ levels of social and economic development
What is human development?
- Can develop to their full potential
- Lead productive, creative lives according to their interests
- Expanding people’s choices and enhancing capabilities
- Having access to knowledge
- Having access to health and a decent standard of living
- Participating in the life of their community and decisions affecting their lives
What is morbidity?
- Refers to ill health in an individual and the levels of ill health in a population/group
What is mortality?
- Deaths in the population
What is U5MR?
- Number of deaths of children under five years of age per 1000 live births
What is burden of disease?
- Measure of the impact of disease and injures
- Specifically measures the gap between current health status
AND - An ideal situation where everyone lives to an old age free of disease and disability
- Measured in a unit called DALY’s
Influence of income on health/human development in Australia
- Higher rates of malnutrition: developing countries are unable to afford nutritious foods leading to decreased immune function whine increases the risk of infection and reduces the ability for people to reach their full potential.
- Lower levels of literacy: reduced access to education results in lower literacy rates. This reduces opportunities for employment which means people do not reach their full potential.
Influence of gender equality on health/human development in Australia/developing countries
- In many countries, women are expected to abide by their Father’s or Husband’s decisions: this impacts on human development as women cannot make their own decisions.
- Women in developing countries lack basic literacy skills which leads to women working in jobs that do not enhance their capabilities or freedoms.
Influence of physical environment on health/human development in Australia/developing countries
- Lack of access to clean water and sanitation: overall standard of living is reduced when water is not freely available for basic hygiene; also the risk of children catching communicable disease such as malaria risks a child not reaching their full potential as educatin is interrupted
- Inadequate housing: type of housing and location can influence exposure to violence and other factors which can impact on standard of living
Influence of education on health/human development in Australia/developing countries
- In developing countries many governments do not have the funds available to provide education therefore employment is lower and poverty cycle is likely to continue
- This means many children do not reach their full potential and struggle to lead productive lives
Influence of access to health care on health/human development in Australia/developing countries
- Developing countries do not have the money to provide sufficient health care
- This can lead to people being more likely to cure disease which may impact many children from developing to their full potential as we as accessing education
Influence of peace and political stability on heath/human development in Australia/developing countries
- Peaceful environment/society are essential for promoting optimal health and human development
- Human rights may be abused as a result of unstable political stability
- May lead to people being prosecute and can impact human development on a number of ways such as reducing peoples ability to access knowledge, make choices, enhance their capabilities and lead productive lives
Influence of global marketing on health/human development in Australia/developing countries
- Tobacco industry targets developing countries to make up for revenue lost in developed countries. As people in developing countries are wasting money on cigarettes this means they may not have the money for education, food and clothing
- Impacts on standard of living and may prevent them from enhancing their capabilities