Unit 4 Flashcards
Visual data analysis
A systematic form of data examinationcharacterized by visual inspection of graphical displays of those data.
The Process of Visual Analysis
1.Taking an overview of an entire data display, noting its general characteristics.2.Specific data inspection and analysis
The Purpose of Visual Analysis
To answer 2 basic questions:1.Was there a meaningful change in behavior? 2.To what extent can the change be attributable to a specific environmental change?
Types of data display
Presented in summary form (usually numerically in a data table)
A relatively simple visual format for displaying data that provide visual representations of relationships between a series of measurements and relevant variables
Graphic displays used in ABA
Equal interval line graphCumulative recordsBar graph(Histogram)Semi logarithmic graphs(standard celeration chart)
Equal interval line graph(Simple line graph)
The most commonly used graph in ABA. Based on a Cartesian plane, a two-dimensional area formed by the intersection of two perpendicular lines (one vertical, one horizontal).
Describe Equal interval line graphs
Any point within the plane of the chart represents a specific relationship between the two variables (dimensions) measured along each of the axis lines.
Common Uses of Line Graphs
Charting ABA dataTo evaluate treatment effectivenessUsed in functional analyses
Parts of an Equal Interval Line Graph
Horizontal X-axisVertical Y-axisData pointsThe data pathCondition and phase change linesCondition and phase change labelsFigure legend
Horizontal Axis
X-axis.The abscissa Represents the passage of time
Vertical Axis
Y-axisThe ordinateRepresents the range of values of the dependent variable
X-Axis Units
Can be marked according to the needs of the behavior analyst as any specified recorded observation periods, over a period of time
Y-Axis Units
Equal movements up the Y-axis represent equal increases in the behavior; shouldbe expressed in whole time units
Y-Axis Range
Runs from zero up to some number which is chosen by the creator of the graph
Data Point
An individually measured value of the target behavior (the DV) at a given point in time