Unit 4 Flashcards
Tri parte definition of knowledge
Linguistic proposition, an indicative statement with truth (propasition value)
Matching proposition and states of affairs
Rational account, logos
Three moments to every method
Terminus a quo
Terminus per quem
Terminus ad quem
Terminus a quo
Point from which (beginning) a premise. examples, axiom, futuristic,hypothesis, proposition
Terminus per quem
Point through which the middle ( inference, deduction, induction)
Terminus ad quem
Point to which (end)
Explain the getter problem.
He offers 2 accounts of justified true beliefs that a reader will not want to call knowledge. He pokes fun at the tri parte definition of knowledge .
Basic John drives jeeps,
- it’s justified to believe that either John is driving a jeep or he is in Barcelona
- for some reason John is in Barcelona,
- this is a justified true belief , but doesn’t really constitute knowledge,
The wrong part of the proposition is true.
What is the effect of a formal fallacy on a formal argument
The whole argument is necicarily invalid
We don’t know if the conclusion is true or not
the love and pursuit of knowledge and truth
what does formal logic have to do with truth
nothing. It is the science of validity not the science of truth