Unit 3 from Review Flashcards
When did the birth of modern industrial society happeN
political revolution and the ideals of the french revolutions became a reality
What was the Industrial Revolution
a transformation economy and society
a period of transformation, reform, change and often conflict
What was the major invention during the industrial revolution
“make by machine” steam, this was the major power source
Who was Adam Smith
during the industrial revolution he wrote “Wealth of Nations” which was about production and labour, systems of trade and increasing productivity
how was the class system changed by the industrial revolution
created the middle class, working class, urbanization changed money and banks
What does the term industrial revolution mean
England 1830s to express how much society changed in one generation
What was Britain considered during the industrial revolution
“Great Britain”
“Workshop of the world”
after the Napoleonic wars, most of Europe followed Great Britain
what was a major issue during the industrial revolution
child labour
women and children often used more in factory work
females paid less than men, many women left the workforce after birth of children
How was marriage and sex changed during the industrial revolution
married younger, less infant mortality, increases sexual activity = illegitiment children
estimated that nearly 50% of paris was born out of wedlock in early 19th century
what was family violence like during the industrial revolution
among working class- wife beating was a male prerogative, women were prime victims of male violence
how did the Code Napoleon change the role of men and women
father had absolute authority, code napoleon established this in most of Continental Europe
How was John Stuart Mill involved with women rights
campaigned for their absolute equivalency to men (especially suffrage)
how did the role of government change during the industrial revolution
economy had booms and lumps, this required adaptation by individuals and government. After good times, people were less tolerant of hard times the working class developed a common identity
what type of government ruled during the industrial revoltion
Laissez faire
what is a Laissez faire government
no government intervention– felt free market optimized economic growth
What was Malthus’ idea during the industrial revolution
idea that population growth was after than food supply and this increased poverty
the government did nothing about this even though social realities called for political action
what were the main ideas of utilitarianism
government intervention and regulation
who was Bentham and was were his ideas
“principle of utility” – laws should be designed to create “increased happiness of most amount of people”
did the role of the state increase during the industrial revolution
yes in areas post 1840
how was social legislation changed during the industrial revolution
increased poverty = increased social legislation
what was the New Poor Law
(1834) said that in order to remove poor relief, had to enter a work house. But the conditions were absolutely terrible
when did the first industrial revolution happen and where
what happened in the first industrial revolution
with privatization in agriculture in 1780s– market system developed. Canals built to facilitate transportation, placed by trains in 1830-40s. British trace and commercialism was extensive… exotic and other trade items imported from places such as china, Japan, India, Canada and USA
how was consumer demand impacted but he industrial revolution
demand was outstripping supply, made the cottage system (working from home) obsolete
Increased demand, lower price = increased profit
how was multiplier effect created from the industrial revolution
increased technology, need for new technology = multiplier effect
How did technology during the industrial revolution impact society
new tech. solved some problems, but created new ones. Cotton industry seen as having the greatest multiplier effect. Coal mining, iron production and machine design were real engines. By 1830 Britain was leading industrial power
Did Industrialization hit the continent of europe the same time as it did britain
nope, it emerged later. But when it did hit, it had political, economic and social effect that lasted into the 20th century, population increased.
Europe lagged behind mostly due to the Napoleonic wars
what did Marx and Engels write about the industrial revolution
“The condition of the working class in England”
what was the social impact of the first industrial revolution
Big Picture– massive growth and change also great disparity resulted, along with poor working conditions. Much debate about impact of IR– urban environments were appalling
what were the two major developments of city life during the first industrial revolution
increase population and increased urban population
huge migration to cities, lack of urban planning = overcrowding, lack of sanitation, death rate exceeded birth rate as disease spread in these conditions
what were the conditions of work during the first industrial revolution
mechanized of factory work = constant, repetitive work dictated by owners. Work week developed, as was time and work related discipline. School system built around factory system: discipline, punitive measures against lateness, no talking in the halls,
what happened after Napoleon was defeated in 1815
europe reorganized and restored. French revolution reverberated through europe– nobility, kings and authority weakened. Tried to balance europe… no dominant power: liberalism, democracy and socialism
who was Matternich and what did he have to do with the congress of vienna
Prince Matternich sought to redraft European order and secure Austria’s position
what is the “Concert of Europe”
maintaining political stability: congress initiated practice of statesmen consulting. Idea of a “concert” of europe worked for Russia, Prussia, Austria and Great britain: concerned with French expansion. A Holy Alliance proposed– but long term problems restoration of government- legitimizing monarchs priority– not rights of citizens (inadvertently increased revolutionary forced in Europe)
How did liberalism play into the IR
liberalism attuned to i teresita f middle class, liberty of individual– was against absolute monarchy. Often teamed with radical democrats. yet as reform advances, it became liberal vs democracy
Why did Marx write the Communist Manifesto
for 1848 germany, he called for “workers of the world unite”
why was 1848 a big year for revolutions
revolutions broke out in many areas of europe– but monarchs and generals restored
Economic crisis: 1845-1847- poor harvests = increased food prices = peasants struggle to avoid starvation
1846- irish potato famine killed thousands. economic disasters = revolt
Revolutionary spring: Feb 1848 and counteroffensive june 1848 - louis Napoleon Bonaparte- nephew of Emperor takes power in france
what were the origins of socialism
liberalism, democracy and socialism were part of legacy of fresh revolution. In first half of 18th century– increased population, industrial change, increased disparity, rich vs poor… many say the need for a new kind of society
who were the 3 utopian socialists
henri de Saint- simon
robert owen
Pierre-joseph Proudhon
what did henri de Saint- simon believe
political liberation requires social change
what did robert owen believe
gradual reform, education, unions community
what did Pierre-joseph Proudhon believe
no trust in state, one of the founders of anarchism
what did Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels believe
communism embraced power of new working class, only revolution would bring change
what was the 19th century western art, music and literature known as
age of reason
what were the defining aspects of the age of reason
many artists freed themselves from confines and restrictions of academic world. This was the age of romanticism
what was the driving force of change
what fuelled nationalism
it was fuelled by leaders to consolidate power
when did europe take shape
what was crucial in europes formation (taking shape)
what did leaders do during the rise of the nation state
leaders tried to harness power of people’s pride in the state in pursuit of national objectives
what was Louis Napoleon Bonaparte’s role in France during the Nations Upheaval
balanced autocracy and democracy– one of the only republics
what brought napoleon III’s second empire to an end
prussia in 1870
What were Louis Napoleon’s titles as he ruled france
president in 1848-1852 and emperor 1852-1870
did the french society thrive under louis napoleon
yes, france prospered and the citizens seemed to live with the Emporer’s new “democracy”
who redesigned paris in 1853 to be a gem in all of europe
Baron Georges Hausmann
what was the Crimean War (1854-1856) fought over
fought to resist Russian expansion beyond the Black Sea into the Balkans and Mediterranean. Florence Nightingale wore about horrible conditions of the war, may soldiers died of disease
What was the peace conference
in response to the crimean war, the peace negotiations
where was the peace conference held
in Paris in 1856, this restored france as the diplomatic centre of europe
what is resorgimento
movement for Italian unification
was the resorgimento a struggle
yes 1848-1871
what did the resorgimento push for
to eliminate in realpolitik
what is realpolitik
politics based on realities and material needs rather than ideals and morals