Unit 3 Axial Skeleton Part 2 Bone Markings Flashcards
What is a foramen?
A hole or openong in a bone or between body cavities
What is a meatus?
A canal or tunnel-like passageway
What is a condyle?
Rounded articular projection
What is a process?
Any bony prominence
What is a sinus?
Cavity within a bone, filled with air and lined with mucous membrane
What is a fissure?
Narrow, slitlike opening
What is a notch?
Indentation at the edge of a structure
What is a suture?
Fibrous bands of tissue that connect the bones of the skull
What is a fossa?
Shallow, basinlike depression in bone, often serving as an articular surface
What are five bone markings in the temporal bone?
- External accoustic meatus
- Styloid process
- Zygomatic process
- Jugular foramen
- Carotid canal
What is the canal that leads to the eardrum and middle ear called?
External acoustic meatus
What is the sharp needlelike projection just inferior to the external acoustic meatus called? (It is the attach,ent point for many neck muscles)
Styloid process
What is the zygomatic process?
A thin ridge of bone that joins with the cheek bone
What is the bone marking at the junction of the occipital and temporal bone that allows passage of the jugular vein called?
Jugular foramenn
What is the bone marking that allows passage of the carotid artery called?
Carotid canal
What are teo bone markings in the occipitsl bone?
- Foramen magnum
- Occipital condyles
What is the bone marking that allows the spinal cord to connect with the brain called?
Foramen magnum
What bone marking in the sphenoid bone forms a snug enclosure formthe pituitary gland.?
Sella turcica
What are three bone markings in the maxillae?
- Alveolar process
- Paranasal sinuses
- Palatine processes
What bone marking holds the teeth?
Alveolar process
What bone marking forms the anterior part of the hard palate of the mouth?
Palatine process
What three things does do the paranasal sinuses do?
- Surround the nasal cavity
- Lighten the skull bones
- Amplify the sounds we make as we speak
What are two bone markings in the mandible?
- Alveolar process
- Mandibular body
What bone markong i the mandible allows blood vessels and nerves to pass?
Mandibular body
What is the only bone in the body that is not articulated with a joint?
Hyoid bone
Where is the hyoid bone located?
In the neck about 2 cm above the larynx
How is the hyoid bone anchored?
By ligaments to the styloid processes of the temporal bones
What is the function of the hyoid bone?
- It serves as a movable base for the tongue
- Attachment point for neck muscles that raise and lower the larynx when we speak or swallow
What is the shape of the hyoid bone?
Horseshoe-shaped with a body and two horns