Unit 3 Axial Skeleton Flashcards
What are the three main parts of the axial skeleton?
- The skull
- The vertebral column
- The thoracic (rib) cage
What are the two sets of bones that make up the skull?
- Cranium
- Facial bones
What are sutures?
Interlocking immovable joints that join all bones of the skull except the mandible (jaw bone)
How is the mandible (jaw bone) attached to the skull
By a freely mmovable joint
What are the 8 bones that make up the cranium
- Frontal Bone
- Two (2) Parietal Bones
- Two (2) Temporal Bone
- Occipital Bone
- Sphenoid Bone
- Ethmoid Bone
What bone forms the forehead, bony projections under the eyebrows and the superior part of each eye’s orbit?
Frontal bone
Which bones form most of the superior and lateral walls of the cranium?
The parietal bones
What is the suture that is formed at the midline where the parietal bones meet called?
Sagiattal suture
What is the suture formed where the parietal bones meet the frontal bone called?
Coronal suture
Where are the temporal bones located?
Inferior to the parietal bones
What is the suture that joins the temporal to the pareitsl bone called?
Squamous suture
What bone forms the base and back of the skull
Occipital bone
What is the suture that joins the occipital bone to the parietsl bone csalled?
Lambdoid suture
What is the butterfly shaped bone that spans the width of the skull and forms part of the floor of the cranial cavity called?
Sphenoid bone
What is the bone that forms the roof of the nasal cavity and part of the medial walls of the orbits called?
Ethmoid bone
How many facial bones are there?
What are the facial bones?
- Two (2) maxillae (upper jaw bone)
- Two (2) pallatine (form roof of the mouth)
- Two (2) zygomatic (cheek)
- Two (2) nasal (bridge of the nose)
- Two (2) lacrimal (small bones in the eye sockets)
- Two (2) inferioir nasal conchae (scroll-like bones in the nasal cavity)
- One (1) Vomer (single bone that forms part of the nasal septum)
- One (1) mandible (lower jaw bone)
What two bones fuse together to form the upper jaw?
Maxillae [maxillary) bones
All facial bones join the maxillae except which one?
The mandible
What is the alveolar process?
A ridge of bone in the upper and lower jaws that forms the sockets for teeth
Failure of the palentine bones to fuse results in what birth defect?
Cleft palate
What bones make up the cheek?
Where are the lacrimal bones located?
Medial wall of each orbit (eye socket)
What is the groove in the lacrimal bone for?
What bone forms the bridge of the nose?
What is the lower part of the nose made up of?
Hyaline cartilage
What facial bone is part of the ethnoid bone?
Inferior nasal conchae
What is the largest and strongest bone of the face?
What bone forms the posterior part of the hard palate?
Palatine bone
What is the bone that forms the median line or the nassl cavity called?
Vomer (“plow” shaped)
What structure separates the teo nostrils?
Nasal septum
What bone does the mandible join to?
What are the alveoili?
Teeth sockets