What does the nervous system consist of?
- Central Nervous System
- Peripheral Nervous System
- Autonomic Nervous System
General role of nervous system: (RPC)
Receive, process, co-ordinate a response.
Way we process + respond to information (controlled by systems)
Central nervous system: consists of?
Brain (emotions) + spinal cord (things moving in and out to coordinate)
Peripheral nervous system:
Everything beyond the brain + spinal cord
Autonomic nervous system: functions
Regulates essential bodily functions for survival like digestion
Central nervous system: functions
- Receives sensory information from PNS
- Processes information
- Sends motor information to PNS, coordinate a response to information.
Central nervous system: communication around the body through =
Neurons (100 billion in the brain)
Brain responsibility for central nervous system: (responsible for)
- Vital body functions (breathing, heart rate)
- Receiving information (via senses)
- Higher order functions (thinking, planning, etc.)
Spinal cord responsibility in central nervous system:
Sensory messages to brain (speed), takes motor messages back
What is the spinal cord?:
Cable-like column of nerve fibres that extends from the base of the brain to the lower back.
Peripheral nervous system function:
- Sends sensory information to the CNS
- Receives motor information from the CNS
Parts in the peripheral nervous system:
- Muscles
- Organs
- Glands
Nervous systems in Peripheral nervous system:
- Somatic nervous system
- Autonomic nervous system
Somatic nervous system: functions
Neurons within the body transmit information from receptor sites to the CNS, carry information to the muscles to initiate voluntary/conscious movement
Nervous systems in Autonomic nervous system:
Parasympathetic + sympathetic nervous system
Sympathetic nervous system: functions
Prepares the body for action, dealing with potential threat. Activates ‘fight-flight-freeze’ response
Parasympathetic nervous system:
Returns the body to a state of calm following heightened arousal (homeostasis)
Symptoms of sympathetic nervous system:
- Pupils dilate
- Accelerated heartbeat
- Inhibits digestion
Symptoms of parasympathetic nervous system:
- Contracts pupils
- Slows heartbeat
- Stimulates digestion
What are neurons:
‘Building blocks’ of the nervous system, communicates information around the body
Types of neurons:
Motor neurons, sensory neuron, interneuron
Role of neurons:
Reception and transmission of information throughout the nervous system
Forms of transmission of neural messages:
Electrical + chemical signals
Sensory neurons: (afferent neurons)
- Transmit sensory information from your body to your brain
- Done via afferent pathways
Motor neurons: (efferent neurons)
- Transmit motor information from your brain to your body
- Done via efferent pathways
- Transmit information between sensory and motor neurons
Conscious awareness: examples
Talking, walking, waving
Unconscious awareness:
breathing, stomach contractions
Neuron components:
Dendrite, Soma, Axon, Myelin Sheath, Axon Terminals, Terminal Buttons
Dendrite functions:
Receives incoming neuron messages
Soma functions:
Body of the neuron, contains nucleus with genetic material for the neuron
Axon functions:
Pathway down neural message travels