Unit 25 Flashcards
Q1. What is an externality?
A1. Effect of business activities on unrelated parties.
Q2. What is social cost?
A2. The negative impacts of business activities on society.
Q3. What are social benefits?
A3. Positive impacts of businesses on society.
Q4. What is cost-benefit analysis?
A4. Analysis of the costs and benefits of a project.
Q7. What are pressure groups?
A7. Groups of people who join together for a common cause.
Q6. What are the 3R’s?
A6. Reduce, reuse, and recycle.
Q5. What is sustainable development?
A5. Sustainable businesses have a positive impact on both the environment and stakeholders.
Q8. What is insider trading?
A8. Trading stocks of a company done by a person who has non-public information.
Q9. What is telecommuting?
Q9. A method of working from home.
Q.10 What is the importance of businesses to understand environmental and ethical issues?
A.10 Every kind of business has some level of impact on the environment. It is important to ensure that a business is reducing its negative impact on the environment.
Otherwise, not only will the environment suffer, but the public will also have a negative perception of the business.
Positive impact will allow the business to have a good identity in the face of the public.
Q.11 What are the Positive impacts of business on the environment?
(1) Spreads awareness and helps conserve nature and wildlife.
(2) Tourism caused by businesses may be helpful to mitigate activities that are harmful to the environment.
(3) Additional work for local construction businesses.
Q.12 What are the Negative impacts of businesses on the environment?
(1) Overuse of natural resources.
(2) Increased pollution through noise and littering.
(3) Construction can lead to habitat loss and soil erosion.
Q.13 What are business activities that affect the local population and environment?
(1) Pollution.
(2) Waste.
(3) Emission of greenhouse gases.
(4) Use of energy.
(5) Use of natural resources.
Q.18 What are the economic indicators of sustainable development?
(1) Low unemployment with job production.
(2) High literacy rates.
(3) Growing GDP with products and services.
(4) Improved standards of living.
Q.14 What is affect of the use of natural resources?
A.14 Different types of resources are used up for different reasons. This leads to a lack of resources if done without proper measures and planning.
Q.15 Why is it important to understand the affect of business activity on externalities.
A.15 People of the community and even the stakeholders will be affected by the changes in the environment caused by the activities of the business. Other businesses and parties are also affected. This means use of energy, water disposal are all factors affecting these parties.
Negative externalities add to social cost of a project and positive externalities add to social benefits of a project.
Thus, this means the interest of different stakeholders need to be taken into account along with the social costs and social benefits. This will also allow the business to put a value on different activities and decisions.
Q.16 What are the environmental indicators of sustainable development?
(1) Conservation of natural resources.
(2) Conservation of forest and natural habitat.
(3) Use of renewable sources of energy.
(4) Reduction of greenhouse gases.
(5) Proper waste management from business activities.
Q.17 What are the social indicators of sustainable development?
(1) High life expectancy from less pollution.
(2) Gender equality with relevant human resource policies.
(3) Ethical business decisions.
(4) Fair compensation to employees.
Q.19 In what ways can businesses react to pressure groups?
(1) Using green manufacturing methods.
(2) Reducing use and waste of energy.
(3) Obeying government rules and regulations.
(4) Following sustainable business practices.
(5) Taking legal actions against pressure groups.
(6) Defending business decisions to help image of business.
Q.20 What are the opportunities presented by environmental pressure?
(1) Recycling and energy efficient machines for cost savings.
(2) Financial incentives from government to encourage environmentally friendly methods of production.
(3) Publicity gained from greener method allows more sales, investors and better employees.
(4) Working from home is a great motivation for employees.
(5) Following government regulations properly may give the business a competitive advantage over other businesses.