unit 24 vocab Flashcards
100% euro born on the Iberian peninsula, small % of pop., only ones eligible to hold high office in the colonial govt
100% euro born in the new world, could not hold high government office but could rise in the army
simon bolivar
known as the Latin American “George Washington” and from Venezuela. Rocky started until a turning point in 1819 when he and his volunteer army crossed the Andes in a daring move to surprise the Spanish in Colombia and defeat them! he eventually went to Ecuador to combine forces with san martin.
His home country of Argentina gained independence in 1816 but Spanish forces in chile and Peru still posed a threat and he worked to defeat them. Combined forces with bolivar in Ecuador and handed command over to him.
battle of ayacucho
The final battle in which the Spanish were defeated in Latin America. Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador were united into a country called gran Colombia.
gran colombia
a super country like america that didn’t last long and was made after the battle of ayachucho
father miguel hidalgo
a educated clergyman that Rang his church belles in 1810 and delivered a call for rebellion known as Grito de Dolores
In 1820, a liberal group took over in Spain so the creoles declared independence to protect themselves from losing status. In 1821, Agustin de Iturbide successfully declares independence
tousssaint l’ouverture (TL)
enslaved Africans rose in revolt under the leadership of this person leadership. Louverture was a former slave who developed into a bright military leader and diplomat
jean jacques dessalines (JJD)
took up the fight and in 1804 declared Haiti a fully independent colony after LT’s death
dom pedro
fleed to live in brazil for a while until his royal family returned to their homes and he took over brazil, basically asking his father for independence with no casualty
andes mountains
bolivars army crossed the Andes in a daring move to surprise the Spanish in Colombia and defeat them!
grito de dolores
rebellion that hidalgo made by ringing his bell
jose maria morales
next mexican leader that was defeated by Agustin de Iturbide
conquerer that was a civilian that was elected to be a leader
the Revolution in Haiti was located on the western ½ of the island of Hispaniola