Unit 21 Vocab Flashcards
Telescope that NASA and ESA sent into space to study things around the earth in 1990
Hubble Space Telescope
The voluntary linkage of computer networks around the world
The Internet
Putting genes into an organism to give that organism be able to traits
Genetic engineering
The creation of identical copies of DNA
Th attempt was o increase available food sources worldwide
The green revolution
Nations with the industrialization transportation and business facilities for advanced production of manufactured goods
Developed nations
Those in the process of becoming industrialized
Developing nations
Th financial interactions among people businesses and governments that cross international borders
Global economy
Companies that operate in a number of different countries
Multinational corporations
The elimination of trade barriers such as tariffs among nations
Free trade
The war in iraq that the United Nations set off when an international economic embargo failed to change Iraq’s behavior
Gulf war
The main protection against the suns damaging ultraviolet rays
The ozone layer
Meeting current economic needs while ensuring the preservation of the environment and the conservation of resources for future generations
Sustainable development
The pledge to help prevent the spread of nuclear weapons to other nations
Nuclear non proliferation treaty
The use of force or threats to frighten people or governments to change policies