Unit 2 vocab quiz 1 Flashcards
study of population
how stuff is spread out across an area
maximum number of people an area can support using all available resources and technology.
carrying capacity
land that is suitable for human settlement
assumes even density over the land
arithmetic density
telling how much livable space that’s suitable for places like farming
physiological density
total number of farmers to the amount of arable land
agricultural density
a chart that shows percentages of each age group in total population divided by gender
population pyramids
how long we’re expected to live.
life expectancy
more developed countries - high life expectancy
less developed countries - low life expectancy
when u reach a replacement rate of 2.1. achieved when number of people who die or emigrate = the number of people born or immigrate
zero population growth
population continuing to grow even after total fertility rates decline. (when the total fertility rate (TFR) goes over 2.1)
demographic momentum
total number of people that need to be taken care of out of the number of people working and proving for them (for example your parents providing for you)
dependency ratio
the average number of children a women is expected to give birth to in a lifetime
replacement rate is 2.1
total fertility rate (TFR)
number of live births per year per thousand of people in a population
crude birth rate
the number of deaths per year per thousand people in a population
crude death rate