Unit 2 - Vision, Audition and Tactile Feedback Flashcards
describe sensory feedback
- we gain information about many aspects of our movements through our sensory system
- this is particularly relevant in human factors when we experience an “error”
describe tactile discrimination
our tactile senses are important aspect of our sensorimotor feedback, allowing us to detect, differentiate, and respond to stimuli that touch our skin
what test did we do for tactile discrimination in class?
Weber Two-Point Discrimination Test
what did you need for the Weber two-point discrimination test?
1) paperclip - unfold it into a U shape
2) ruler
3) partner/group of 3
What were the instructions for the participant in the 2-point discrimination test?
- eyes closed, palm up on desk
- when “poked,” respond with a verbal “1 point” if you feel only 1 paperclip end, or respond “2 points” if you feel 2 paperclip ends
What were the instructions for the researcher in the 2-point discrimination test?
- randomize the ‘stimuli’ order (DIY)
- (there are equal 1 points and 2 points)
- adjust the U paperclip to the size of your chosen stimuli with the ruler
- lightly “poke” the participant
- check or x the participants verbal response, do not indicate correctness
what was location A for the 2-point discrimination test?
index fingerpad
what was location B for the 2-point discrimination test?
palm of hand
what was location C for the 2-point discrimination test?
how do body areas differ in our tactile discrimination abilities? (average thresholds for discrimination)
fingertip: 2-8 mm
palm: 8-12 mm
shin: 30-40 mm
*lips are also sensitive, 2-4 mm
* back would be a lot lower, similar to shin
define two-point discrimination
the ability to discern that two nearby objects touching the skin are two distinct points, not one
describe two-point discrimination
- reflects how finely innervated an area of skin is
- used for assessing tactile perception
- differed body areas differ in tactile receptor density and somatosensory cortical representation
describe tactile discrimination (pt2)
- when designing spaces with controls/tools/buttons, important to consider our tactile discrimination
- is the information and feedback that we are conveying strong/salient enough to minimize errors?
- adding tactile information can help improve efficiencies