Unit 2 : Skin Care Flashcards
Wht is Ultraviolet (UV) radiation
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a high-energy form of EM radiation and is present in sunlight.
What happens when exposed to UV light?
Expsoure to UV light provides sufficicient energy for bonds to be broken within molecules.
UV light causes sunburn and accelerates aging of skin.Sun-block applied to your skin prevents UV light reaching the skin.
What are free radicals?
Free radicals are highly reactive atoms that have one unpaired electron.
How are Free radicals formed?
Free radiclas can be formed when a covalent bonds is broken down by enery supplied by UV light.
What is free radical scavengers?
Free-radical scavengers are molecules that react with free radicals to form stable molecules.
prevents free radical chains from occurring
List three everyday item free radical scavengers are added to