Unit 2 - Section C: The challenge of resource management Flashcards
Define food security
When people are able to eat enough nutritious food to stay healthy and active
Define food insecurity
When people can’t get enough food to stay healthy and active
How much food do HICs consume and why?
-A lot
-Due to the fact that they can afford to import a larger variety of food and many people have a high income to buy more food
How much food do LICs consume and why?
-Less food
-Due to the fact less is available and people can’t afford as much
How much food do NEEs consume and why?
-As their wealth increases
What are the factors that are causing global food consumption to increase?
.Rising population
.Economic development
How is a rising population causing global food consumption to increase?
The global population is expected to reach 9 billion by 2040 more people require more food
How is economic development leading to a larger food consumption?
1)If countries get wealthier then the people have a disposable income to spend on food meaning they buy more food than needed
2) Wealthy countries can afford to import food all year round so people no longer eat it when it is seasonally available
3) Industrialization of agriculture means that some countries are able to produce food at lower cost which means food becomes cheaper so people can afford to eat more
What are the two main causes of food insecurity?
-Not enough food being produced
-People being unable to access food supplies
What are the physical factors that affect food production and accessibility?
.Water stress
.Pests and diseases
What are the human factors that affect food production and accessibility?
How does climate affect food production and accessibility?
-Countries that have climates that are unsuitable for farming can’t grow much food
-Extreme weather and droughts also can affect food supply
How does water stress affect food production and accessibility?
Areas with low rainfall or little water for irrigation struggle to grow food
How do pests and diseases affect food production and accessibility?
-Pests reduce yields by consuming crops
-Diseases can cause lots of damage if they spread through crops and livestock
How does poverty affect food production and accessibility?
-People living in poverty often don’t have their own land to grow food
-Also poverty affects people’s ability to farm effectively so they may not have fertilizers or the needed equipment
-Some countries may not be able to import food
How does technology affect food production and accessibility?
-Mechanisation of equipment increases productivity by making farming more efficient
-New technologies can increase yields and help protect plants from disease
How does conflict affect food production and accessibility?
-Fighting may damage agricultural land or make it unsafe
-Access to food becomes difficult to people who are forced to flee their homes
-In addition conflicts make it difficult to import food as trade routes are disrupted and political relationships with supply countries may break down.
What are the negative impacts of food insecurity?
-Under nutrition
-Soil erosion
-Rising prices
-Social unrest
What is famine?
A serious lack of food across a large area. It can lead to starvation and death. Between 2010 and 2012 nearly 260000 people died in Somalia as a result of famine
What is undernutrition?
When people don’t get enough nutrients in their body to stay healthy. This causes problems like stunted growth which affects 40% of children under 5
What is soil erosion?
-Soil erosion is caused when people who are struggling to produce enough food may not use the best agricultural practices.
-They may over-cultivate or overgraze land which reduces plant cover and leaves the soil exposed to wind and rain which causes soil erosion
Why do prices rise when there is food insecurity?
When there isn’t enough food available food prices usually increase because demand exceeds supply
What is social unrest?
Food shortages and rising food prices causes riots and may contribute to civil wars. In Venezuela between 2016 and 2019 food shortages caused protesting, looting of supermarkets and riots
Define the term cash crop
A crop that is grown primarily for sale, export and generating income
What is irrigation?
It involves artificially watering the land. It can be used to make dry areas more productive or to increase number of harvests and the yield of crops
What are the types of irrigation?
-Gravity flow
-Drip systems
What is gravity flow irrigation?
-Digging ditches and channels to transport ground or surface water to fields
What is sprinklers irrigation?
-Spraying water across fields
What is drip systems irrigation?
-Dripping water from small holes in pipes directly onto the soil around the roots of crop plants
What is aeroponics?
-A method of growing plants without soil
-Plants are suspended in the air
-Water containing the necessary nutrients is sprayed onto the roots
-The water drips off and is used again
What are the advantages of irrigation?
-It can create job opportunities
-They can help provide a water supply all year round
-There is a much higher yield and harvest
What are the disadvantages of irrigation?
-It can lead to soil erosion
-It can lead to water logging
-It can cause severe flooding
-If not well maintained then it can lead to water loss
What are the advantages to aeroponics and hydroponics?
-Less water is required than plants grown in soil
-Plants are monitored closely in order to maximise the yield
-Reduced risk of disease and pests which means less need for pesticides
What are the disadvantages of aeroponics and hydroponics?
-It is very expensive therefore they are only used on high value crops
What is hydroponics?
-A method of growing plants without soil
-Where plants are grown in a nutrient solution supported by materials like clay balls, gravel and rockwool
What are the aims of the New Green revolution?
-To increase yield
-Using sustainable methods
What are the 2 strategies of the New Green Revolution?
1) GM (genetically modified) crops including varieties with pest and disease resistance. These need fewer resources (pesticides) and so can be grown cheaply and with less environmental damage
2) Traditional and organic farming methods including soil nutrient recycling, crop rotation and using natural predators to control pests. This helps limit the environmental impact of food production
What does GM stand for?
Genetically modified
What does HYV stand for?
High yield variety
What are the reasons for using biotechnology to genetically modify crops?
-To increase the yield
-To have resistance to disease and pests
-To give higher nutritional values
What are the concerns with biotechnology (GM crops) in farming?
-Genetically modified crops may reduce biodiversity because fewer varieties are planted
-Genetically modified plants may interbreed with wild plants and pass on their genes or disrupt ecosystems
What is meant by appropriate technology in food production?
It involves choosing methods of increasing food production that are suited to the local environments and the needs, skills, knowledge and wealth of the people in those areas
How does appropriate technology help in food production for LICs?
(What methods are used)
-Individual wells with easy to maintain mechanical pumps are more suitable than larger diesel powered pumps
-A drip irrigation system constructed from local materials is more appropriate than an imported high tech sprinkler system
-Planting a variety of local species that can cope with the local environmental conditions and have seeds that can be collected and re-planted is more appropriate than planting a single GM variety that would have to be re-purchased each year
What is meant by sustainable food production?
Growing enough food to feed a rising population whilst still making sure the environment isn’t damaged so food can still be grown in future generations
What is permaculture?
A method of farming that aims to produce food in ways that recreate the natural ecosystem in an effort to protect soil, insects and wildlife
What are the two methods of permaculture?
-Mixed cropping
- Plants of different heights and
different types are grown in one area.
This means that available space and
light are used better, there are fewer
pests and diseases
-Natural predators
-Introducing natural predators reduces
the need for pesticides (frogs can be
used to control slugs)
What is organic farming?
-A method of farming that uses natural processes to return nutrients to the soil so that crops can continue to be grown. This is less damaging to the environment
What are the methods used in organic farming?
-Natural fertilisers like cow manure are used
-Artificial herbicides and pesticides are restricted
-Animals aren’t given any extra supplements or vaccinations to protect biodiversity and reduce reliance on unsustainable resources
-They sell produce close to reduce the road and air transport required
Why don’t people buy organic food?
-It is more expensive
-It goes off quicker
-And there isn’t much variety
What is urban farming?
Urban farming initiatives use empty land, rooftops and balconies to grow food and raise animals in towns
Why is urban farming becoming popular?
-It makes food locally available reducing the need to transport it long distances
-This means food is often cheaper improving food security of local residents
-Food is also often fresher and more nutritious
-It adds greenery to sites making them more attractive and healthier places
-Also makes urban areas less dependent on industrial agriculture
How can you make fish farming more suitable?
-Include catch quotas to limit the amount of fish taken and to limit the harmful methods used
-Spread out fish farms to reduce disease
-Monitoring fish breeding practices
Why is intensive fish farming unsuitable?
-It uses chemicals which can harm ecosystems
-Sometimes fishing nets are used which damage marine ecosystems
-Fishing nets can damage fish breeding grounds
Why is intensive meat farming unsuitable?
-Chemicals are used to maximise production
-Large amounts of energy are used for indoor rearing
-High concentrations of animals can damage the soil
-Large volumes of waste needs to be disposed safely without damaging the environment
Why is importing food bad for the environment?
As it adds to food miles and increases the foods carbon footprint adding to global warming
Why is eating seasonally better for the environment?
As you’re eating food that is grown locally reducing the amount of food that is imported
How can food waste be reduced?
Different schemes like ‘Think.Eat.Save’ and ‘Love Food Hate Waste’ encourage individuals, businesses and governments to waste less food by helping them plan their meals better and sharing recipe ideas for using up leftovers
Many supermarkets in the UK also work with charities to distribute food waste to those in need
What are the economic impacts of large scale agricultural development in Almeria?
-Almeria makes around £1 billion a year from cash crops
-It provides many people with job opportunities and the people then spend the money made in local businesses - this is called the multiplier effect
What are the social impacts (negative) of large scale agricultural development in Almeria?
-There have been reports of poor working conditions meaning people won’t be as motivated to work and giving them a worse QOL and SOL
-Many workers become poorly due to a lack of drinking and toilet facilities combined with the hot temperatures (45 degrees c) and the chemicals they’re breathing in from the pesticides
What are the environmental impacts of large scale agricultural development in Almeria?
-If soil becomes unusable then the greenhouses are often abandoned and the plastic sheets often end up in the Mediterranean sea around 30,000 tonnes each year
-The greenhouses reflect the sunlight back to the sun rather than absorb it which increases the climate - this is called the albedo effect
What is being done in Jamalpur to increase food supplies?
-A charity called Practical action has helped support
farmers in growing rice and wheat called rice-fish culture
-It is where fish are added into the paddy fields
-A dyke is built around the farm to keep the fish trapped into the farm
What are the advantages of rice-fish culture in Jamalpur?
-They provide a natural source of pesticides by eating any pests and provide natural fertilisers with their droppings
-Keeping fish can increase yields by 10% as well as providing extra protein in the farmer’s diet. Fish is an excellent source of protein, bringing giving health benefits to people in the area
-Due to the extra yield farmers have extra rice to sell at a market
What is the importance of having access to food?
-When people don’t have access to safe and nutritious food they can’t eat the right balance of nutrients
-This causes malnourishment which includes undernourishment where people don’t get enough food of any kind
-Malnourishment can limit childrens development and increases likelihood of getting ill
-Globally 1 third of all under 5s die from diseases linked to malnourishment
What is the importance of having access to water?
-People need clean, sfae water for drinking, cooking and washing
-Without proper sanitation water sources get polluted by raw sewage
-Water-borne diseases such as cholera and typhoid kill many people each year
-Water is needed to produce food, clothes and many other resources so it has a big impact on people’s lifestyles
Why is having access to energy so important?
-Countries need energy for industry and transport as well as for use in homes
-Electricity can allow countries to develop industry creating jobs and wealth
-Lifestyles in HICs depend on a large stable supply of energy
-Without electricity people in LICs and NEEs may use other resources like burning wood which leads to deforestation and kerosene stoves which release harmful chemicals
-electricity also powers pumps for well and provides more safe water for communities
What is the consumption of resources like in HICs?
-It is greater as they can afford to buy the resources they need and expect a higher SOL
-They can also afford to import resources
What is the consumption of resources like in NEEs?
-Consumption is increasing rapidly in NEEs such as China
-Industry is developing quickly and population and wealth are also increasing rapidly
What is consumption of resources like in LICs?
-It is lower
-As they can’t afford to exploit available resources or import lacking resources
What are the three types of food?
-High value products
-Seasonal products
-Organic produce
What is a high value product?
-As people’s incomes have increased exotic fruits and vegetables, coffee and spices have become more popular
-These are often grown in LICs and then exported to the UK
What is a seasonal product?
-Seasonal food s only available during the months that it grows
-Fruit and vegetables are imported to meet the demand for seasonal produce all year round for example strawberries from Mexico
What is organic produce?
-People are becoming more concerned about the environmental impacts of food production and how chemicals can affect their health
-As organic food production is strictly regulated demand is growing
-Some organic food is produced in the U.K but lots is imported
Define food miles
The distance the food is transported to the market
Define carbon footprint
The amount of greenhouse gas produced whilst growing, packing and transporting food
What is the problem with growing food?
-Growing, processing and packaging of food produces CO2 and other greenhouse gases
-Up to 10% of the UKs total greenhouse emissions in 2017 came from agriculture
What is the problem with importing/transporting food from long distances?
-Transporting food from where it is grown to where it is sold produces CO2
-More food miles means more CO2 produced
-This adds to the carbon footprint and means more global warming
Why are people buying food more locally?
-As the longer the food miles the more carbon footprint there is meaning there is a higher contribution to global warming
-Therefore people look for local sources of food such as farmers markets as it is much better environmentally
What is an agribusiness?
A large scale industrial farming where all processes from the production of seeds and fertillisers to the processing and packaging of food are controlled by large firms
How are farms in the UK changing?
-Farm sizes have increased and many small farms have been taken over and field sizes have increased so food can be produced cheaper
-The amount of chemicals used has increased for example a larger number of fertillisers and pesticised are applied to crops
-The number of workers in agriculture have decreased due to a greater use of machinery in planting and harvesting
What is a water surplus?
When there is a greater supply than demand
What is a water deficit?
When there is a greater demand than supply
Which parts of the UK have high rainfall?
The north and west of the U.K have high rainfall and these are the areas with a water surplus
Which parts of the UK have high population densities?
The south east and midlands have high population densities so there is a high demand for water and there is a water deficit
How is the demand for water changing in the UK?
-Since 1975 the amount of water used by UK households in the UK has gone up to about 70%
-This is partly because people have more appliances that use water
-The Uk population is predicted to increase by over 6 million people by 2040 meaning there wlll be a higher demand
-Population densities are changing and there are plans to build new homes in the south east where there is already a water deficit
What are the main causes of water pollution?
-Nitrates and phosphates from crop fertillisers are washed into rives and groundwater
-Pollutants from vehicles are washed into water sources through runoff when it rains
-Chemical and oil spills from factories can pollute local water sources and groundwater
What are some strategies to improve water quality?
-Improving drainage systems and imposing regulations on the amount and types of fertillisers and pesticides used