Unit 2 real property and law Flashcards
Earth’s surface, subsurface, and air space
Includes things naturally attached, trees/crops that do not need cultivation (fructus naturales) and perennial crops like orchards/vineyards (fructus industriales)
Physical characteristics of land
Immobility, Indestructability, Nonhomogeneity (uniqueness)
Subsurface rights
Mineral rights and natural resources that can be leased or sold separately from surface rights
Air rights
Can be sold separately from surface rights and have limitations to enable air travel
Water rights
Can be help by owners of land adjacent to river/lake/ocean
Real estate includes
Land and all things permanently attached or annexed to land by both nature and humans
Real property includes
-Rights automatically included in ownership of unimproved land/ real estate
Bundle of rights
-Rights of possession
Right to ownership and evidence provided by a written document, called a deed by which title is transferred
Right/Privilage associated in some way. Such as parking space, easement, water rights. Normally conveyed to new owner when property is sold
Water rights
Determined by common law and statute and include RIPARIAN RIGHTS, which belong to land along a flowing body of water, and LITTORAL RIGHTS, which belong to owners of land bordering commercial body of water.
Doctrine of prior appropriation
Provides that water use, aside from limited domestic use, is controlled by the state rather than owner adjacent to the water. To use the water, owner must demonstrate beneficial use of water (like for irrigation)
Economic characteristics of land
-Permanence of investment
-Area preference (situs)
Personal prop includes
-moveable objects
-EMBLEMENTS (fructus industriales, annual planting)
-Items of real property that can become personal property by SERVERANCE
-Items of personal property that becomes real property by ANNEXATION (construction materials)
-Factory built homes
Personal property that has been affixed to the land/buidling so that by law it becomes part of real property
Legal test for fixture
M- method of annexation
A- adaptability for land’s ordinary use
R- relationship of the parties
I- intent in placing item on the land
A- agreement of the parties
Trade Fixture
Attached to structure but used for course of business, can be personal property, if removed by tenant and premises are returned to original condition before lease expires; or real property if left behind. Landlord can acquire by accession
Riparian rights
Owner’s rights in land that boarders on or includes a stream, river, or lake. Includes access to and use of water. Cannot interrupt
Littoral rights
1) Owner’s claim to use water in large navigable lakes/oceans etc adjacent to the property
2) Ownership rights to land boarding bodies of water up to the high water mark
“fructus industiales”
Emblements= produced annually through labor (crops). Personal property
Changing an item of real estate to personal property by detaching it from land
Process of converting personal property to real property. ex: paved stone
Acquiring title to additions/improvements to real property as a result of the annexation. ex: fixtures left behind becomes real property