Unit 2 - Population Flashcards
what is the DTM (demographic transition model)
explains, population change over time + space, defining economic context
Crude birth rate - births/1000 ppl
crude death rate - deaths/1000 ppl
what is stage 1 dtm called
high stationary; hunter gatherer, early agriculture
stage 1 CBR, CDR, and NIR
CBR = >25
CDR = >25
NIR = 0-2% (stationary)
example countries in stage 1 dtm
currently none (except few remote groups like Amazon rainforest tribes and nations in crisis). most of human history was in this stage
reasons for stage 1 CBR
- children = economic assets ($$$)
- high IMR
- social/religious reasons; lack of female empowerment
reasons for stage 1 CDR
- “age pestilence and famine, short, brutal, hungry”
- disease
- no medicine
what is stage 2 dtm called
early expansion; late agriculture, industrializing
stage 2 CBR, CDR, and NIR
CBR - >25 (stays high)
CDR - 8-25 (declines rapidly, first break)
NIR - 1.5-3.5% (rapid inc)
reasons for stage 2 high CBR
- religious/social traditions; lack female empowerment
- little birth control
- ppl don’t realize children = economic burdens
reasons for stage 2 declining CDR
- industrial rev - stable food source, medicine
when did countries after UK go in stage 2
UK (1790) –> W. Europe (mid-1800s) –> US (late 1800s) –> S./E. Europe (early-1900s)
when did LDCs enter stage 2
WWII - western MDCs gave vaccines/medicine (not due to economic dev), decreasae CDR but not CBR, population exploding with no economic development
stage 2 dtm examples
sub Saharan africa
what is stage 3 dtm called
late expansion; industrial/maturing
stage 3 CBR, CDR, and NIR
CBR - 12-25 (falling, second break)
CDR - 5-12 (declines slowly)
NIR - 1-2% (increased but much slower; demographic momentum)
TFR approaches replacement rate (2.1)
reasons for stage 3 low CBR
- Fewer children needed in urban (children = economic burdens)
- tradition wanes (secular influences, city living, beg. of birth control)
- female empowerment late Stage 3).
- anti-natalist policies
reasons for stage 3 lower CDR
medical advances, better sanitation, lifestyle/diet
exmaples of stage 3 dtm
S.E. Asia - NOT Singapore, South Asia (India, and Bangladesh-early stage 3), Central America
what is stage 4 dtm called
Low Stationary; Tertiary/Mature/Post-Industrial
stage 4 dtm CBR, CDR, and NIR
CBR - 8-16
CDR - 5-12
CBR = CDR = Zero Population Growth
NIR - 0-1.0% (stable, low)
reasons for low CBR stage 4
- Gender empowerment
- family planning
- later marriages
- less traditional values (secular, urban influences)
- govt. encourages pop control
reasons for stage 4 low CDR
- Lifestyle changes (diet, exercise)
- good healthcare: improved treatment for chronic diseases
examples of stage 4 dtm
USA, UK, France, Canada, much of Northern & Western Europe (some in Stage 5), Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Argentina, Chile, Panama, China