Unit 2: Chapter 8 Flashcards
What are the roles of the human resources department ?
recruitment and selection, wages and salaries, industrial relations, training programmes, health and safety, redundancy and dismissal
What is recruitment?
the process from when identifying the business needs to employ someone up to the point they have applicant arryiving at the business
What is employee selection?
the process of evaluating candidates for a specific job and selecting an individual for employment based on the needs of the organisation
When is recruitment needed?
employee leaves job, new business starting, expanding business
What are the functions of a job description?
applicants know what the job entails, allow job specification to be drawn up, refer to employee is job has been done effectively
What is the recruitment process?
- vacancy arises
- job analysis
- job description
- job specification
- job advertised in appropriate media
- application forms and shortlisting
- interviews and selection
- vacancy filled
What do job descriptions contain?
job title, department, responsible to and for, main purpose of job, main duties, occasional duties, conditions of employment, training and promotion
What are the requirements of a job specification?
level of education and qualifications, amount/type of experience, skills knowledge and aptitude, personality
What is internal recruitment?
when a vacancy is filled by someone who is an existing employee of the business. it is advertised in the company noticeboard/newspaper and it is suitable for employees who want a promotion
What are the advantages of internal recruitment?
quicker and cheaper, personal already known to business, motivating to get promotion
What are the disadvantages to internal recruitment?
no new ideas and experiences, rivalry for promotion, quality of internal candidates are low
What is external recruitment?
when a vacancy is filled by someone who is not an existing employee and will be new to the business, and the vacancy is advertised beyond the business itself
What are some types of external recruitment adverts?
local newspapers, national newspapers, specialist magazines, online recruitment sites, recruitment agencies, government run job centres
How do applicants apply for a job?
in writing by filling out a form, letter or a CV/resume
What is a CV?
curriculum vitae
a document written in a standard format that contains a summary of somebody’s qualifications, experiences and qualities.
What stage is the interview?
selection stage
What should a CV include?
name, address, phone number, email address, nationality, education + qualifications, work experience, positions of responsibility, interests, names/addresses of referees
What must you write in a letter of application?
why the applicant wants the job, why applicant feels they are suitable
What are referees?
when an applicant is shortlisted they are asked to give a name + address of a referee. someone from your past who writes a confidential reference/opinion on your suitability, honesty and reliability as an employee/student. the applicant cannot see what has been written.
What is the role of an interview?
to find the best applicant in the shortest amount of time, the applicants ability to do the job and their personality/character - whether it is an advantage or disadvantage and if they will fit in
What are the types of interviews?
panel interview (more than 2 to one)
What are the selection tests?
skills test, aptitude test , personality test and group situation test
Why might an employer use selection tests?
basic interviews may be unreliable and someone may do well in an interview but lack the abilities to do well at work. selection tests measure their skills and qualities that must be needed on the job
What does shortlisting do?
increase the chance of choosing applicants as well as saving money when recruiting
What factors must you keep in mind when recommending which workers to employ?
work experience, education and qualifications, age and internal/external
What are part-time employees?
employees considered to be between 1-30/35 hours of work a week
How do you reject unsuccessful clients?
when there are applicants who did not get the job you must inform/notify them that they didn’t get it through an email, call etc and thank them for applying
What are full-time employees?
employees that usually work 35 hours or more a week
What are the benefits of part-time workers for the business?
more flexible work hours, easier to ask to only work at busy times, easier to extend operating hours, fits in with children raising, reduces business costs, easier to make redundant in some countries
What are the limitations of part-time employees for the business?
less likely to seek training, takes longer to recruit 2 part-time than 1 full-time, less loyal, less likely to get promoted, difficult to communicate when not at work
What is the importance of training?
introduces a new process/equipment, improve work efficiency, improve skills, decrease supervision needed, decrease accidents
What are the benefits of training?
increase skills, knowledge and employee attitudes
What are the 3 types of training?
induction, on-the-job, off-the-job training
What is workforce planning?
establishing the workforce need by the business for the foreseeable future in terms of number and skills of employees required
What things must we prepare for by workforce planning?
introduction of automation, falling demand of products, factory/shop/office closure, relocating factory abroad, merging businesses
When the number of employees need by workforce planning is decided, how can you reduce the number of employees?
dismissal or redundancy
What is dismissal
when the employment of an employee is ended against their will due to not working in accordance to the employment contract
What is redundancy?
when an employee isn’t needed anymore and so loses their job. not due to unsatisfactory work. they receive redundancy compensation as they become unemployed
How do you know which workers to make redundant?
those who volunteer, those who have worked a short-time at the business, not good enough skills, poor attendance/punctuality/appraisal record, departments who need to lose workers
What is induction training and its pros and cons?
introduction given to a new employee and explaining the businesses activities, customs, procedures and introducing them to new workers
helps new employees settle into the job, legal requirement to give health and safety training, less likely to make mistakes
time consuming, wages paid but no work done, delays start of employee commencing job
What is on-the-job training and its pros and cons?
by watching a more experienced worker doing the job
individual tuition, cheap, training tailored to specific needs
trainer wont be productive, trainee may adopt bad habits, no training qualifications
What is off-the-job training?
being trained away from the workplace, usually by specialist trainers
broad range of skills, cheaper for business as they still work, trainers have up to date skills
high costs, wages paid but less work done, additional qualifications make it easy to lose the job
What are the importance employment issues by legal controls?
employment contracts, unfair dismissal, discrimination, health and safety, legal minimum wage
What is a contract of employment?
a legal agreement between an employer and employee listing the rights and responsibilities of workers
What does a contract of employment include?
name of employer and employee, job title, date when employment begins, hours to be worked, rate of pay + benefits, when payments will be made, holiday entitlement, amount of notice before ending employment
What is the impact of an employment contract on the employer and employee?
both know what is expected of them, provides security, legal dismissal allowed if employee doesn’t meet the conditions of contract, employees can seek legal binding compensation if employer doesn’t meet conditions of contract
What is unfair dismissal?
when an employer ends an employees employment for reasons not on the contract. it is illegal in many countries
Why might an employer unfairly dismiss?
discrimination or the employer wants to reduce without paying redundancy compensation
What is an industrial tribunal?
a type of law court that makes judgements and disagreements between companies and their employees
if unfair dismissal occurs employees can take employer to court for industrial tribunal and get their job back of redundancy compensation
What is the impact of unfair dismissal on employees and employers?
employer must keep accurate records if want to dismiss employee. employees have security of employment, employee can take employer to industrial tribunal, makes employer less likely to treat employees badly again
What are some reasons for discrimination in businesses?
different age, religion, race, disability
illegal in most countries
What is the impact of discrimination on the employer and employee?
employees will be treated fairly, gender equality, cannot advertise for specific people (must be wide range), by following laws recruit based on only merit
What does health and safety do at work?
protect workers from dangerous machinery, provide safety equipment and clothing, maintain reasonable temperatures, provide hygienic conditions, no excessive long shifts and frequent breaks
What is an ethical decision?
a decision taken by a manager/company because of the moral code observed by the firm
What is the impact of health and safety on employees and employers?
cost to employer increases, time needed to train workers, workers feel safer and motivated, reduces accidents and injury compensation
What is legal minimum wage?
the contract of employment should contain the wage rate to be paid, how frequently wages paid and what deductions must be made from wages
What is the impact of legal minimum wage on employees and employers?
prevent strong employers from exploiting employees, encourage employers to train them, encourage more people to seek work, low-paid workers can afford more, increase business costs, employers may not afford redundancy, employees may ask for more