unit 2 - Biomes Flashcards
Rainforests definations
Dense anddiverse forest biomes with high annual rainfall, humitidty and warm temperature
Largest rainforest
Amazon rainforest
Ranforests cover how much % of the earth, and what is one thing special about them
even with such little percentage, they are home to over half the species of plants and animas in the world
Soil of rainforests
Nutrient poor due to rapid decomposition
Wildlife of rainforests
Extraordinary range of speicies incluing amphibians, reptiles, mamllas and birds
Climate of rainforests
Tropical climate with high rainfall, high humidity and high temperature
Zone of rainforests
Found in tropical regions near the equator
Vegetation of rainforests
Multi layerd forest with an adundance of plants including herbs, ferns, orchids and evergreen trees
Importance of rainforests
Helps reduce climate change and maintain global temperatre and help in carbon isloation
Threats of rainforests
Deforestation, logging and increased human activities
how to preserve rainforests
Preserve endangered speices
adpat local techniques
reduce humanacitivity
Ecosystem restoration
One keystone species of the Rainforest biome
Fig trees, they are a major source of food for herbivores and its non existence can severely impact the food chain
Who are the Caboclo People
An indigenous community in the Amazon rainforest which has a sustainable tree plating practice in which they know exactly when to plant a tree and in a specific pattern to ensure faster growth rate and better harvest.
Non timber forest products
Non wood forest products