unit 1 + 1.5 - IR and Sociology Flashcards
Who was Karl Marx?
Karl Henrich Marx was a German philosopher and economist who was born on May 5th 1818. He developed the theory of Marxism as well as various other social, economic and political theories. He is considered one of the 3 principal architects alongside Emile Durkheim and Max Weber
Give one example where people adapted to their surroundings to survive
Hong Kong
The land space there is very low but it also has a relatively high population. Hence to accommodate all of the people, instead of expanding their homes horizontally, they built upwards. That is one of the main reasons why Hong Kong has some of the biggest high-rise buildings in the world.
Employed throughout most of the world today
Ownership is based on capital rather than slaves or land
Capitalists (businessmen) use capital to hire workers to turn raw materials into something that can be used or something that can be traded, something that can be sold
Everything is based on profit and gain and about making money
who is known as father of capitalism, and what idea did he write about in his book?
Adam smith is known as the fatehr of capitalism as he is known to be a pioneer in the development of capatalist economic system. He writes about the idea of modern capitalism in his book - The Wealth of Nations
Problems of capitalism
- Inequality
- Economic Instability
- Monopoly power
- Environmental damage
- Immobility (difficult for people to change their situation, eg - a labourer cant be a businessman)
History of Communism
After peak of capitalism, Marx and sociologists found flaws in it such as
-workers being treated unfairly
- huge pay gaps between rich and poor
This caused a revolution led by the proleteriats against the burgoises called the Labour movement in the 18th century
This movement resulted in communism where everyone owns and shares resources and there is no more social segregation
Based on our ancestors ideologies
No inherited wealth
Even distribution
Stateless - Eveyone lives together with no borders
Classless - No discrimination
Wealth is distributed based on needs rather Profit
Private poession is there but not private ownership
Moneyless society - aquisation of wealth is no longer the driving force
Communism simple defination
From each according to his ability to each according to his needs
Communism negatives
Utopian society
Formation of an hierarchy is inevitable
Eg - Lenin implmented his idea of communism in the USSR and while it was good in the started, after some protests, he made it single party state where the government had the say (which difered from marx’s communism)
Marxism theory and in which 2 books did he publish it
Marxism is a Philosophy focused on the battle between the working class and the ownership class where the class struggle would eventually lead to worker’s revolution in favor to oppress the elites and overturn capitalism into communism/socialism
This was published by Karl Marx in his Communist Manifesto and the Das Kapital
What is the Industrial Revolution?
The Industrial Revolution was a period of significant economic, technological, and social changes that began in the late 18th century, marked by the shift from handcraft-based economies to industrial and machine-based production. Started in Great Britain with the invention of steam-powered engines
What was the industrial revolution in short
Basically, we went from making things by hand to making things by machines in a partciular place in mass amounts
Why were factories important in a social point of view
Factories provided more jobs which resulted in economic growth and mass production of goods. Mass production meant more trade and more jobs meant a new working class emerged. This also allowed for more, better quality products to be produced which helped a country’s trade and GDP
What all feilds were impacted by the indutrial revolution
Innovations in transportation
introduction of steam-powered locomotives and a never-ending railway industry.
Innovations in textile
Introduction of power loom (Edward Cartwright) and spinning jenny (James Hargreaves)
Innovations in communication
Inevntion of the telegraph by Sir Francis Ronald
Innovations of the morse code by Samuel Morse
How IR changed our daily lives?
The Industrial Revolution transformed daily life by introducing machinery, urbanization, and new production methods, leading to increased efficiency. Many big modern countries like the USA are a result of industrialisation.
Why was Britain a pioneer in industrialization?
- wet coal mines - mines were flooded which led to the discovery of the steam engine
- elites interested in business
- profits from imperialist countries and slaves from the transatlantic slave trade (trade triangle)
- Capatalist economyic system
- Great environmental Landscape