Unit 10 - Resource Extraction Flashcards
Malthusian Theory
Made by Thomas Malthus
Suggests that population grows exponentially while resurce grows linearly. Hence at the point of crsis (ie where the two lines intersect), we would face Malthusian Catastrophe (wars, famines, diseases, etc). It suggests how there will be problems once population exceeds resources. Pessimistic thoery and its very Inaccurate to the human world
Boserup Theory
Boserup quoted Plato by saying ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ before quoting his model. Population pressure leads to Technology innovations and increased agriculture productivity. Optimistic thoery which highlights human adaptability.
Circular Economy (resource extraction)
A system where materials never become waste and nature is regenrated/ Products are kept in circulation through processes like maintaince, reusing and refurbishing
Agreemenets to protect the environment
Paris Agreement = Brought into effect in 2016 to limit global warming and its effects. Signed by 197 countries
Kyoto procotcal = adopted in 1997 was the first legally binding climate treaty to reduce greenhouse gas emmisions and signed by 192 countries
Gulf War
during the 1970s Iraq was doing really well and industrilising.Late rin 1979, Saddam Heusein became the president of the country and wanted to make Iraw the most dominant country in the region.
To do this, he tried to take over Iran, which was just recovering from a revolution. Hence starting the Iraq-Ian warr of 1980 which ended 8 years later in a stalemate.
The ufnding for this war to Iraq was provided to Kuwait, but due to Iraq not winning it, it was in great debt to Iraq.
To stop this debt, in 1988, Iraq tried ot invade Kuwait. They blamed it on them that they were overporudicn goil and huritng Iraqi economy. On Aug 2nd 1990, Iraq wage war on Kuwait, capturing it. However this ttracted attention fm US, which formed a collation with 30+ countries to free Kuwait anfd regulate the global oil market.
This led to Operation desert storm, which led ot the end of the war in 1991.
Why did Iraq want to take over Kuwait
Taking over kuwait would mean control of over 20% of the worlds oil market which would help alliviate the economic situation in Iraq and beocme a global superpower, dominating the oil market
How was churchil responsible for making oil a valuable resource in the feild of warfare
Churchill, during the ww2 emphasised on the need for a strong navy better than the nazi’s. John fisher, a retired admiral suggested to churchill to use oil as it was more combustible than coal. Chruchill took the risk and paid 2.2 million pounds to a Anglo-persian oil company and this gamble paid, making britain have one of the strongest navy’s in the world. Later coutnries copied this and now almost warfare machinery run on distilisaed version of oil.
How many oil wells were set on fire By Iraq on Kuwait and what conseuqcnes did it have?
600 oil wells, led to wildfires and thousands were burned in the process
Solar Energy from SBSP as an alternate mehtod of extraction of energy
Solar energy from Space Based Solar Panels uses solar energy with satelites equipped with solar panels to transmit the energy fron the sun to earth using Lasers or microwaves. Brings high amounts of uninterupted energy for daily use. However, it requires large amount of money and a good space program. Countrues suhc as Japan with their JAXA et US with NASA are actively researching on this
Manchurian Crisis
Manchuria was a chinese province in north eastern china but majority of its funding came from Japan. Japan saw it as an area to expand into and promote communism. On 18th Sept 1931, Japanese soldiers planted a bomb on the side of the Manchurain railway which they owned. This was known as Mukden incdeicent which officially srated the crisis.
Even without too much damage, japanese soldiers blamed it on chinese rebels as an act of treason. And as a result, Japanese soldiers took over Manchuria as an act of protecting themselves. Slowly they expand and conquered entirety of Manchuria.
China appealed to the League of Nation and dictated Japan as authorotative. However due to insufficient funding and military support, League of Nation couldnt force Japan out of Manchuria. Despite the warning from LoN, Japan continued to explot Manchuria’s resources and this led ot the exit of Japan from league of nations in 1933, setting the stage for Japan’s imperial expansion prior to ww2
Why did Japan capture Manchuria
This was done because Japanese army and government thought that this conflict would help lessen the impact of the Great depression and to get ahead of other coutnries economically. They would also be able to export Manchuri’as oil, coal and steel resources for themsleves to go ahead in military power